Converting data isn't the hard part. The harder part is making sure the new system CAN use the old data (or else conversion is required) or if that isn't possible, making sure no oversights are taken with the old database and that conversion is 100% successful and no errors are made.
They only get one shot if they go the conversion route. Because any additional changes beyond the initial conversion will affect a LIVE COPY.
Making sure this isn't the case will take time.
It depends on how deeply the code is affected to get the improvements you want. It could be very deep in the code meaning that it will break almost everything.
Unless it was programmed with modularity in mind, any change will most likely break a lot if not all functions.
The reason such a change was easier for LoL is that they keep their "client" (Launcher) separate from the actual game itself. (IE: It's a modular system)
Coding in a work environment and by yourself are two completely separate beasts. That gap you imagine from just a year of a class to professional coding, that's the gap between coding alone and coding on a team, professionally or not.
The larger the project the more those extra team members have to be coordinated to not mess each other up.
It's not an impossible task, no. But again, I don't think you know just how much you're asking Nexon to bite off here.
Publishers are likely to decline these types of things. It takes such a long time and is such a massive undertaking that a publisher usually isn't willing to put up with it.
Even if Nexon wanted to do this, when I say it might take longer than a year, I completely mean that.
During this time when the programming is happening, you're displacing several teams as well. Artists, Musicians, Scenario Writers, Designers... basically anyone who isn't a programmer is most likely going to be displaced (Forced to work on a different team), fired (easier to replace low level drones than keep them around) or forced to go onto leave, if that be unpaid or otherwise.
This means a lot of people are going to look for other jobs and may never return to the company.
Nexon (Nor any company) most likely isn't going to pay them to sit on their asses all day. It's actually more of a risk to attempt something like this and if not handled correctly, can actually kill a game.
I "berate you" because in my eyes, you ARE making light of what needs to be done here.
You sum it up nicely here. This is why I again say, you don't understand the scope of what you ask for.
You are asking for an entirely new engine to be developed. While also still working with all the old content.
This is such a huge undertaking and why the age of the game absolutely DOES matter. MapleStory has a decade and a half of content that would have to work with this new engine.
Not only this, but you have to make sure this new engine supports the old outdated files or has a conversion method for those old files into the new files.
These old files being things that are not easily converted like image files, but rather complex systems like databases (IE: Player data)
Most likely this kind of undertaking would take years and meanwhile Nexon still has to support the current game.
It's not the most feasible thing to do, and to suggest that "It's either this or they don't care at all" is beyond ignorant.
In order to get what you want, you're basically asking that this entire game be thrown out and that Nexon start fresh.
If you really want that, I suggest you go play MapleStory 2 or a different game entirely.
Alternatively, take a stab at learning to at least read code and look into source code for games.
You'll find out just how ignorant you really are.
Aggraphine wrote: »So 600+ bug fixes don't matter because there are still bugs to be fixed? If that's not moving the goalposts I don't know what is.
"They never fix bugs"
"Here are 600+ bugs they've fixed this year alone"
Also, saying they're "not trying" because the game still has bugs is a ludicrous assumption to make. Have you ever had to maintain a legacy system?
I can't have much respect for anyone that is not trying, I'm sure everyone would agree. By "not trying," I mean in their game system as a whole, not those minor bug fixes you've spoken about.
If you wish to compare games, you need to at least compare games with a similar setup. Hence why RO is a good example.
League is an awful example. They're not even the same genre. They don't require the same attention.
League was also created later (Released 2009, Riot opened doors 2006, so probably in development since then)
Programming standards had already changed a lot by this point to create better bases for these games to be supported on.MapleStory was released in 2003, so most likely development goes back to at least 2001 or 2000.
MMORPG was still a very young genre at this point, hence why adaptable codebase and long term support weren't really a priority for these games.
If you want a better comparison, you need to at least find an MMO from around 2003.
Pets would still retain that main function if meso bags didn't exist. There are still plenty of items for them to pick up that players are too lazy to mash a pickup key to go grab.
This is why I don't think you understand the scope of what you're asking for.
If you did, you'd be easily able to tell that they are in fact trying.
Look at all the various changes MapleStory has had in the past few years.
Going from Nova to Current:
New Classes: Illium, Cadena, Ark, Pathfinder, Hoyoung
New Areas: Morass, Esfera, Savage Terminal, Moon Bridge, Labyrinth of Suffering, Limina, Elodin Forest, Ancient Ruins Partem, Cheong-woon Valley
New Systems: Maple Achievement, V Matrix Points, Bonus Flames|25 Stars (New for GMS), Boss Practice Mode, Fairy Bros
New Bosses: Papulatus Revamp, Will, Gloom, Verus Hilla, Captain Darknell, Black Mage
There's a few things I missed in that I know but not the point.
But all these content updates come with bug fixes as well. Going from just this year until current, (This year isn't even over yet) there are over 600 listed fixes on the website. Excluding things like "Windows Update" or "Server backend fixes".
These are just the listed changes. There are most certainly more that either were not listed, forgotten about or simply backend that players don't need to know about.
I think if you still feel that the developers "lack initiative" then you lack respect for just how hard it is to be a developer.