Well good to see that nexon doesnt care about us as a playerbase and are just implementing all of it.
the incompetance in that company is so great i cant even begin to decribe it.
al … (more)options they give us is to kick us to reboot and give a large bebe as compensation for all your yrs of hard work and dedication.
starting from stratch while i have 8.3k legion and a lvl 280 main in reg server no ty.
if you would actually take your time to mirror my acount to reboot with the gear i have id actually think it over but yea who are we kidding here.
i remember something about being more transperant and being there for your comunity. well were are you now nexon. (less)
Nexon showing his true colours now,
they care about one thing and one thing only MONEY.
aperantly the imcompentence there is so great that they cant even come up with a fitting or good … (more)alternative.
we dont even get a propper answer about what there thought proces is behind this.
you guys could have come together and listnen to our side even get in touch with us if you wanted to but you took the easy way out.
only thing there saying ow you can go to reboot and play there....
what do you give us to compensate 16yrs of playing nexon? a large bebe box?
im not gonna redo 8.3k legion and a main char back to lvl 280 thats just dumb.
that also means i need to let go of presious memories friends and family i got to know in the server im playing in atm.
what are you gonna do if more countries are gonna go the same way?
this way your bassicaly killing your own game so GG nexon.
i cant even begin to describe how disapointed i am in nexon as a company and how they treat there players at this point.
it really feels like being stabbed in the back cant decribe it any other way. (less)
Most of us Dutch/Belgium players were aware of new laws being implemented but the way it is enforced now feels like being punched in the gut and could be implemented in a total different … (more)way as stated in other posts above.
I hope you guys at nexon hq will have another look into this matter to come up with a better solution as in this form we won’t be able to play the game as intended and as the game we all know and love.
I feel like a loyal playerbase like this definitely deserves more then this. Specially we’re most of them are playing for 10+yrs and stood by your side for all of those yrs including me.
Most of us Dutch/Belgium players were aware of new laws being implemented but the way it is enforced now feels like being punched in the gut and could be implemented in a total different … (more)way as stated in other posts above.
I hope you guys at nexon hq will have another look into this matter to come up with a better solution as in this form we won’t be able to play the game as intended and as the game we all know and love.
I feel like a loyal playerbase like this definitely deserves more then this. Specially we’re most of them are playing for 10+yrs and stood by your side for all of those yrs including me.