Once again putting more words in my mouth. Hmm maybe because Trump doesn't stand for only white male rednecks? Or is that outside the realm of possibility?
I didn't see a refutation of my accusation that you didn't watch the video so I'll assume I caught you red handed and you lashed out. lol Had you watched and maybe even properly read my comment, you would know that I don't hate Muslims. I'm aware most of them are peaceful and would never harm you or I. The problem is that there is a large minority of them that are problematic and it's people like you that call anyone who dares criticize the holy perfect religion of Islam as islamophobic that are giving terrorists a free pass.
Because women overwhelmingly vote based on feelings and not reason. Liberals are masters are manipulating your feelings so that's why women vote left usually. Women also contribute less in taxes but overwhelmingly benefit from it so it is in their monetary benefit to vote left. Because why work for your own money when you can get the government sugar daddy to pay?
I know for a fact you didn't watch the video. The video is 5 minutes long and you made your post exactly 5 minutes after I posted it. So unless you saw my comment, somehow read my entire paragraph in a split second, watched the video and then commented in a split second, there is no way you watched the video.
All you got is insults. You aren't giving any rebuttals to any of the points I made. Stay unaware and compliant like Hillary wants you.
Funny, prager university just released a video about Islam with the scholar I mentioned earlier. ISIS is not the only Islamic terrorist group so yea. But even among the so called peaceful Muslims the problem is that they turn a blind eye to terrorism within their own community. The so called peaceful majority is irrelevant when there is a very troubling minority that is big enough to cause serious problems. The majority of soviets and Germans were peaceful too but their leaders and their ideology were destructive and that's what matters. Do I hate Muslims? No. I don't even hate the terrorists. Islam just needs a reformation - a real and widespread and generally accepted reformation like Christianity did because right now every Muslim majority country has significant problems unlike Christian majority countries and if they choose to retain their ancient ways of stoning women and having multiple child brides then I don't want anyone, especially their men, to come here with those beliefs. And yes, they do come here via the so called refugee crisis.
You think wikileaks.org is fishy? After 10 years they have yet to be proven wrong on anything they published. I suppose Edward Snowden is a fishy guy too - who knows if he was telling the truth about the NSA. Yea that's why he's living in asylum. That's why Julian Assange is living in asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy. Because they're just crazy conspiracy theorists. Uh no. Alex Jones is a crazy conspiracy theorist. These guys are wanted by the government because they are whistle blowers. They are wanted because they are telling the truth. They can ignore Alex Jones because what he says is unfounded but these guys have the actual raw evidence. Funny, liberals loved wikileaks when they were leaking stuff about Bush but now that they're leaking stuff about Clinton all of a sudden they're fishy and Allied with Russia. And she is absolutely a reptilian.