Sell a Coupon to allow players to change the gender of their characters, to prevent any discrepancies with what is currently allowed, upon using a coupon you should be automatically divorced, all gender hairs and faces should be removed from the "salon" section and all gendered NX equips should be automatically unequipped and the hair and face of characters gender being changed should be reset to the default classes set
change styles come around too rarely, and with voice lines now being added to characters some people may enjoy the voices of the other gender over their current. and if someone is already fairly late into progression (such as my 27x kanna) deleting or remaking a character just to change genders is out of the question
Should this coupon make it into the cash shop, it should be fairly expensive (+ people already losing their saved styles) as well as all the restrictions that will be reset be placed as a massive warning on the ticket.