This nerf won't make Kanna on par with other mages at all. It'll just make her be the most useless mage. Competing with other mages? More like erasing her from competing in the first place.… (more)
This nerf is even worse for Reboot Kanna mains. They can't even fight monsters even within 30 levels of their own, unless you have tons of range and this nerf basically halves all of her damage output. This isn't fair for those who main Kanna on Reboot and non-Reboot as a whole, but it's even worse for Reboot because of the massive HP of all the mobs. My kanna is level 204 and on Reboot, he does 1m lines at 570k buffed, before the buff, it was 600k lines at 250k buffed. If Haku is nerfed, then.. well, you can see what will happen. I will be stuck with worse damage than before the buff even.
It's things like this that make me dislike investing in non-KMS classes. They get nerfed way too bad and can't compete against every other class because they're afraid of making a class that can be relevant. Remember Jett's buffs? I still don't see Jett being relevant now, do you? All Nexon America did was buff his FMA then take it away and nerf and slightly buff a couple things. At least buff a class right if you're making changes at all. It was like they did absolutely nothing for Jett.
Jett, Beast Tamer, and Kanna all share the exact alike problems, they're slow or rely on low % damage attacks with little amount of damage lines. There's the issue right there. Nexon America can go ahead and nerf Haku, but they should at least boost her primary skills damage to make up for that. Something like this would change her outlook. On the left is current damage + attacks and on the left is what would be better if Haku gets nerfed.
Everything else Kanna has are fine the way they are. These are just Kanna's most important skills. If these get buffed, she will have a better time competing with the other mages. An example, Luminous' Reflections is 400% damage with 4 attacks. Compared to Kanna's Shikigami Haunting at 255% with 2 attacks. Most mage's primary mobbing skills are 300% and above with 4-6 damage lines on them. (less)
My opinion is likely different than most, but I see this change as needed for the last several years. Not many can really afford drop gear anyway. For those who do have drop gear, I … (more)understand it's unfair that they're now losing out on rates they once had with farming nodestones. I understand farming symbols could be better than it will be after the nerf, and that sucks. And I understand droplets will be so much harder to obtain. But this is an endgame weapon we're talking about here. Given that, I feel it's only best that it's this hard to get. Look at Kritias. You have to invest so much dedication to get tyrant gloves. It takes many months to get enough. Yet it's understandable why it's so hard to obtain.
Many forget we're getting changes to nodestones. Where we will only receive skills we can equip. You won't have as many nodes you can't use to upgrade existing nodes so much less nodestones will be needed to level up as the chance for you to get nodes you can upgrade with will be much higher. No more pulling mana overload when I could be getting weapon aura, as a warrior. Higher chance to pull tris I can upgrade my current tris with? Yes please.
Now, I'm not saying this change is nothing but lollipops and rainbows. It isn't. I'm just looking at the good parts rather than focusing on the bad. We must adapt to changes like these, even if they are unfair. Not everything stays as great forever. Especially since people were farming 50-100 nodestones per day. Nexon did not change this to upset everybody and make people quit. They did this to make drop gear better even though it results in less rates. (Who wants over 200% worth of equips in drop gear? And good luck rolling 2 line drop if you manage to.)
Just remember, we will always have it better than KMS. They don't have other drop buffs outside of drop gear like we do (lucky winter, big spider, etc) and they don't have the blessing that is kishin. So our drop rates will still be better than seen on KMS. (less)
The only thing I don't like about it so far is that Jetts come and steal my maps with the FMA... Once they start spamming it on me, I'm basically forced to leave.