JushiroNet wrote: »forumsareannoying wrote: »Just figured out your ignyou play in <>. Anyways, grats on the solo. Have you beat Chaos Pierre yet? When I first started soloing CRA, that was by far the most annoying boss I ever faced due to its mechanics.
Let him stay anonymous in game if he wants.
Hahaha my In-game name is no "big" secret! Due to this I am very neutral and don't dedicate myself to a specific guild.
(Though I'm curious as to how you figured me out!)
I actually haven't tried Pierre yet due to how RNG I've heard he is. I have tried Crimson Queen and Vellum.
Not a big fan of Crimson Queen though. I can beat her, but it's not a victory I'm proud of due to how it feels as though you can be forced into a situation with not much room for counterplay *coughburning+zombifycough*
I'll need a decent amount of Ignore Defense before being able to hit Vellum hard enough to beat though.
Perfect run! The whole fight took around 25 minutes. Absolutely have to keep the clock at 9:59 before he starts trying to collapse time just in case I don't get lucky with meteors on the final 20% mechanic. Perhaps one of my more favorite boss fights due to being mechanic focused and not so much just dodging things.
forumsareannoying wrote: »Yea, we all know these people aren't completely innocent but it's quite sad how the attention shifted away from the hackers, exploiters, and dupers and stuck on the banned 'pros'.
What you don't realize is that quite a few of these "pros" are one and the same.