For future reference: if you get stuck somewhere your best bet is to contact support, if live chat is open go with them to get your issue sorted faster than a ticket.
If you think game updates are redownloading the full 14GB game, then you're falling into a very common misconception. There are two lines on the launcher when an update is going, one called "downloaded", the other "installed".
The "downloaded" line is the size of the game update, generally a few hundred MB or so. The "installed" line is the progress of applying the updated files. I believe @AKradian explained it well elsewhere but I'm unsure of where.
People use swords over axes and maces because of their innate attack speed value. People use one-handed swords over two-handed because shields with full scrolls, 17+ stars and potential(especially on a terminus defender, a level 160 shield) outstrips the scaling of a two-handed sword plus a sub-weapon.
While I would love to see at least part of this implemented, the developers don't read the forums. And if they do, they absolutely do not make their presence known. Another point, gms has no local, stateside developers. There is a gms dev team, but they work out of Korea; same with the other localized versions of the game.