If you want to “improve the player base”, then get rid of pantheon (taking boat rides was a pain BUT it forced people to have social interactions and make friends along the way, the boat rides STILL exist HOWEVER pantheon is there so why would anyone use them? Either get rid of the boat rides and ruin maple further or just get rid of one of the big anti social portals such as this) you also ruined pqs, literally commerci pq is the only jam-packed pq around. Makers, make an account or log on your gm and just patrol maple, REALLY patrol it, look all over ludibrium, orbis, el nath, aqaurium, herb town, mu lung, leafre, and just about EVERYWHERE that ISN’T henesys. They’re ALL abandoned. And here’s a huge one I’ll keep on ranting about, BRING BACK PRE BB MAPS!!!! I swear to your god and creator that if you literally get rid of pantheon, only keep tele rocks as ‘cheat travel’ as I like to call it, and bring back the old, extensive, FUN maps to travel in, you WILL without a motherfluffing doubt see a rise in the player base. I SWEAR by it. I’ve been playing almost 12 years, I’m from the start of the beta, and I’ve witnessed EVERY SINGLE decline that maple has gone through. The two BIGGEST patches that ruined maple were the big bang patch and RED patch. Also, you should give adventurers the option of choosing old skill sets. It’s obvious BM and MM suck now, as do just about every other adventurer class. You should give players the option to be like “Hey this is what your skills used to look like and different traits you had, here if you WANT to use them, you have to pay mesos (or even NX, you greedy ) to switch. But no, I’ll get ridiculed by the fanboys, and nexon itself. Fun fact guys, NEXON did NOT create Maplestory, they BOUGHT OUT MAPLESTORY FROM WIZET BECAUSE WIZET WENT BANKRUPT.
You know what? Here’s a brilliant idea Nexon. Instead of ruining maplestory slowly why don’t you do it all in one patch? I got the perfect idea: Just litearlly block or delete or remove every single world continent that isn’t victoria. Only leave victoria island but don’t stop there, get rid of kerning, perion, ellinia, and even sleepywood, who goes to those places anyways? It’s all about henesys. Just leave henesys and it’s outskirt maps, so make the entire game have only about 5 maps in total surrounding and including henesys, and then get rid of the cab in the town, along with all other npcs, BUT, leave Dimensional mirror, ONLY Dimensional mirror. Then have every single possible pq you can do IN that mirror, as well as the event hall, can’t forget that. That way everyone is forced to play the dullest, most boring game in the world. That IS your goal…right? Or is it all about the money you steal from cubes? Just imagine everyone sitting in henesys, cubing away to go do a pq. That literally IS what this game is now, only with many more maps that no one has any use for, because they’d rather spend money on cubes and other stupid to make them pay to win. Just put the game out of it’s miser y Nexon, just end it.
Another really quick fun fact for all the fanboys: Every 2 years, Nexon hosts a realllllllllly small event that’s barely mentioned, which brings back “Old maple maps” in the dimensional mirror, you can actually go to HHG1 and what-not, but they’re not authentic maps, however they’re still the old maps that we were used to seeing. Why do they do that? They KNOW WE WANT IT BACK!!!!!” And they still ruin the game.