I've qued my friend these past 3 days around 60-70 times on the Shammos pq alone. I understand that this event is meant to be difficult, but I don't understand why we can't get a 100% spawn or a 100% chance to register into our collection with the other factor being completely low RNG like Crawfishh mentioned. Personally, I've gotten the Hoblin monster collected within 7-9 tries with Dragon Rider pq being my last obstacle. I personally wouldn't mind the RNG of these pqs if we could enter all of them solo and without limits but a lot of them require parties like Romeo and Juliet being the most cancerous out of all of them with four players necessary.
Trust me, I like the fact that 99.9% of my world will never have this chair, but I don't like seeing my friend suffer like this.
TLDR; Qued friend for 6 straight hours for Shammos ( Hoblin ) party quest with 0 collects. Feels bad man. Feels bread.