First of, I had to laugh at how this forum has a rant/rave section. Clearly Nexon needed to add one in.
Secondly, I'm in reboot - and I proudly play solo, i.e. not in guilds. It's how I like to play and I don't see why I should have to be leeched to clear content. I absolutely refuse to do so and it's sad that that's what's needed to do to progress.
It's easier to timegate content than produce it at the speed the playerbase would want it to if the timegate was removed.
You will never, from a development perspective, keep pace with players clearing/completing content.
Hah! Why the hell would we want players to CLEAR the content we have released, isn't that insanity?! And FFS don't tell me it's impossible to do a simple back of the envelope calculation to find out how many average entries it would take to get a specific item drop and stretch it over the same time period. At least there's a CHANCE I can get what I need, that's good enough to wet my tongue.
I would much rather have a 1 in 1000 drop chance from a boss that I could clear at any time (and takes me an 30 minutes to kill) then be forced to spend a month assigning half an hour of my life every day straight.
It's a cheap low-effort way to get players to stay in the game. FURTHERMORE, are we just completely ignoring the fact that now there's a massive player gap with those who have gollux set/ghost ship badge and those who don't? This is funtooking ridiculous and whoever is in charge of game-balancing should be sacked.
I have a bloody excorcist badge and I'm STILL pissed that this exists!