I think that at this point we should not divide issues for Reboot and Non-Reboot, though it's obvious which community has harder time getting stuff. And I have no issues with Reboot being … (more)that place where you pour hours upon hours to achieve something that could be merched in reg worlds, that's whole point of Reboot.
However, let's stop for a second and think about bigger picture here. Content. New. Gorgeous. Content. Content that we won't visit again once we obtain Symbol for that area. And yes, it is related to monsters respawn time and being obligated to use Kishin mule. I have no idea why NexonNA doesn't want to address this issue. I am 100% aware they are not capable of pushing any updates like this on their own, but come on, you can do better than just "forward" our concerns. I don't know what would need to happen for them to realize that they are creating amazing content, really beautiful zones and monsters and then lock them behind terrible spawn rate.
As a person with access to a second machine, I can Kish myself and enjoy content up to Arcana. I could push for Morass, and I'll likely do so, but at the same time, my guild that counts around 80~ players logged weekly and 30~ online in evenings has no viable way to train like others or enjoy content like others only cos they don't have a second PC.
Unfortunately, all above suggestions look like a Reboot dude trying to be entitled and get fast mob respawn and high mob count only cos game is hard. Please, do not treat it this way, this is a real game flaw that should not be happening in modern MMOs, where you either gamble on reg worlds or beg for Kish on chats in Reboot.
Topic name is "Esfera Droplate Issue" - I'd first ask our VFMs and CM to share some thoughts on the availability of the content. If there are any talks to optimize the content for Reboot. On release we will only have Hard Will. Something nobody will kill for months. Then we will get Normal Will which might be as unkillable as Hard version. If we will keep on receiving content tailored for DPS sources we simply do not have, we can just stop it right here and never release any further content for Reboot. It already requires inhuman amount of time to obtain weapon when using Kishin. With new zone it will be probably one droplet per 6h~.
As for suggestions: 1. Agree, to some extent. This would need to be followed by Kanna update which would make Kishin from Kanna insanely stronger with bonus effects (like +EXP/DROP% on mobs hit, i.e. 10%) which Decent Node wouldn't have. 2. This would kill reg servers. We already can access cubes for Meso. Frenzy totem which is most broken thing invented shouldn't be pushed to Reboot. As much as I'd like to have it, cos I'm greedy, let's not push broken p2w content to Reboot in non-p2w form. 2.1. What would be price of such item? I'd value such respawn for at least 2b for a week. Some people don't have enough time to grind such amount of money. Nobody should be forced to Meso farm for hours just to have a glimpse of what this game could be. 2.2 Cost per use would be interesting 3. No. There'd be really no reason for people to gamble in Marvel for Frenzy. This is money lost for Nexon. Tons of it. Won't happen.
My own suggestions: 1. Tell us if you're able to actually introduce any changes to the way game is designed right now. Are you able to realistically modify game mechanics like spawn rate. If no, then I see no reason to provide suggestions that will go down the toilet. If answer would be 'we can bring it up' then I'd remind times when small stuff like Invasions running around the clock, events being in standardized time were not delivered despite promises. (less)