Well try to test it out during your own free time. I'm busy as well with work and school starting up again.
Just follow the Alishan quest-line until you clear waves off enemies off the train. You should meet the evil doer on the next cut scene and next time you have control over your class. You could instantly die! (that's the bug anyways)
The door with 12 keys is maybe bugged, but haven't gotten that far in case I can't progress. Looked into Reddit since it has some more insight on this. I want to enjoy small dungeons like this, but with bugs or no way to progress further what's the point?
So... not Alishan...
I now need to do the afterlands quest line?
So did you manage to escape the train or did you instantly die? Yea a whole video would be nice for the 12 key door dungeon.
I was able to clear the entire Alishan quest line within two videos. I will post the 3 videos leading up to where I could FINALLY start the quest line, then the video of the quest line itself. I hope it is informative, if I missed something, just reply to me here.