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Ranged job can't solo Magus for 5th job advance

Reactions: 1,350
Posts: 130
edited December 2016 in General Chat
I appreciate that Nexon want MS to be a party experience, but not all of us are gregarious.

I have a level 20x Ice Lightning mage, was bored to the point of quitting (and not buying any more NX - hint hint ;-)

5th job seemed like my motivation to continue ....

I can't come close to killing Magus. I have exactly zer0 entries in my buddy list.

My life is not quite so empty that I can sit around for (any more) hours, waiting for a party to show up and refuse to let me join.

Just venting; I guess it's quitting time


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016
    Easy Magnus is enough for the 5th job advancement.

    And I dare say that if you can't beat Easy Magnus, you'll have a horrible time in Vanishing Journey. The mobs there have high HP and do high damage. So you should probably work on improving your gear, before job advancing.
  • Retr0_Retr0_
    Reactions: 2,065
    Posts: 144
    edited December 2016
    That is until you get more arcane than required for the areas, like 40/30. Then they will do 1 dmg and also you'll be doing true dmg to them. But yeah. I'm pretty sure the quest actually say that easy magnus counts.
  • MawgMawg
    Reactions: 1,350
    Posts: 130
    edited December 2016
    No matter how hard I try, I only last a few seconds when soloing the easy version, and I can't find a party.

    I have good equips, all minimum +6%INT or M ATT , totaling + 87%, total INT 5647. INT. Damage 420k. Plus 15% M ATT on my weapon and 30% boss damage from CRA equips - but still only last a few seconds :-(

    It looks like I will never make 5th job
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
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    edited December 2016
    5647 int and you can't solo easy magnus? use this chance to train at bosses, it's more skill now man.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016
    Are you sure you are trying Easy Magnus? a.k.a "Magnus Simulator"? Entered from the tent with Edea in Heliseum Reclamation HQ?

    I don't see why anyone would only last a few seconds in there, unless you're forgetting Magic Guard, or the meteors are glitched and raining furiously.
    Are you suffering from any of the symptoms listed here: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/151/memory-dll-corruption ?
  • MawgMawg
    Reactions: 1,350
    Posts: 130
    edited January 2017
    I cannot believe that I am so dumb. I was trying the real Magus (albeit on easy mode). I tried the simulator (thanks, Akradian) and defeated him in less than 2 minutes. I ought to have known that I was doing something wrong F2
  • YinYangXYinYangX
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    edited January 2017
    Retr0_ said:

    That is until you get more arcane than required for the areas, like 40/30. Then they will do 1 dmg and also you'll be doing true dmg to them. But yeah. I'm pretty sure the quest actually say that easy magnus counts.
    Jw, is this suppose to be intentional or some type of bug? Cause this only applies to the mobs around the Lake of Oblivion and not the Extinction Zone (and in theory the Cave of Repose).

    Also, don't think the quest said anything like "Magnus (any difficulty)", it literally just said "Magnus". Pretty sure cause I ran easy Magnus the day I hit 200 and was freaking out for like 15hrs wondering if easy Mag counted cause norm Mag screwed me.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited January 2017
    @YinYangX I ran some tests with Arcane River monsters dealing 1 damage. You need to have over 100 AF (Arcane Force) of the AF required to take only 1 damage. For example the Cave of Repose requires 80 AF. In theory 180 AF is required for monsters to only deal 1 damage to the player.

    I have 210 AF currently and monsters who deal more than 1 damage than me is the monsters in Skywhale Mountain which is +160 AF, Lachelein, and Hidden 360 AF areas.

    For the Magnus difficulty it didn't mention any, but any mode counts.
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited January 2017
    Ya, just got 80 arcane force and the Extinction mobs now only hit 1, but before when I had 70, they were hitting norm, so I guess it's intentional, though kind of weird, especially with how it interacts with the Elite Bosses in the Arcane River.

    Also, I wasn't asking if it counted/for confirmation on it, I was commenting on how Retr0_ said "But yeah. I'm pretty sure the quest actually say that easy magnus counts," and explaining why it didn't say that easy counted even when it did.