right now people with a Kanna mule have a huge advantage when it comes to training or hunting for rare drops.
Running a Kanna mule means you need another computer or you have to break the ToS using a virtual machine.
I've seen people getting kanna mules to 225 so they can use them at Arcane River. It's absolutely atrocious that one would have to do that to train/farm at the highest efficiency. Honestly, decent kishin or cs frenzy totem, whichever one will make it possible to farm on my main again - which is far more enjoyable than just being on a mule.
It is possible to farm on your main. KMS'ers do it all the time. They don't have Kanna or Frenzy, just the occasional Rune of Hordes.
As for decent Kishin:
Wouldn't it be "atrocious" that you have to give up a V Matrix slot just to have spawn that is better than normal - but still worse than real Kishin and way worse than Frenzy Totem?
The correct solution is to boost the base spawn rate in all maps, so that Kishin/Frenzy wouldn't be particularly beneficial unless you have multiple attackers in the same map.
Wouldn't it be "atrocious" that you have to give up a V Matrix slot
i don't understand people like you, you don't need to "give up" a metrix slot, nothing in the metrix is permanent you can always switch things up if you f.e. do bosses instead of grind.
The correct solution is to boost the base spawn rate in all maps, so that Kishin/Frenzy wouldn't be particularly beneficial unless you have multiple attackers in the same map.
Has this been implemented yet? I was away for awhile but I remembered that we were getting KMS rates and should have arrived by now. Still feels the same though so I guess not.
Wouldn't it be "atrocious" that you have to give up a V Matrix slot
i don't understand people like you, you don't need to "give up" a metrix slot, nothing in the metrix is permanent you can always switch things up if you f.e. do bosses instead of grind.
This ^^ I always swap Bind node with another skill depending if I grind or not. I am always on drop gears except Dojo, Lotus and Damien. I don't do Lucid since I dont have anyone with who party, Lv232 Hero in Mardia thrakkes with two trio #1 maxed lv and 5th job maxed. Also Lv17 weapon Aura.
I also use two trio #2 of Shout/panic/puncture at Lv19 on each, they will probably be maxed at Beyond along with my new 5th job skill, probably not Blitz Shield. Plus two duo nodes of Rush and Combo Fury at Lv12 and 10 for killing Erdas in ROV 1hit on drop gear.
I am use to farm without kishin and I have no problem, 110%drop + wolf underling familiar. I can get about 100 nodestones in 2.5 hours of 2x event + drop card CS. Plus some symbol, usually get about 10-14 symbols but one time I got 24 symbols which was a crazy amount for my %drop rate o-0
The correct solution is to boost the base spawn rate in all maps, so that Kishin/Frenzy wouldn't be particularly beneficial unless you have multiple attackers in the same map.
Has this been implemented yet? I was away for awhile but I remembered that we were getting KMS rates and should have arrived by now. Still feels the same though so I guess not.
If it was implemented it would've been in the patch notes or players would have noticed. Since neither of the cases have occurred it's safe to say that hasn't happened yet, and it should.
The correct solution is to boost the base spawn rate in all maps, so that Kishin/Frenzy wouldn't be particularly beneficial unless you have multiple attackers in the same map.
Has this been implemented yet? I was away for awhile but I remembered that we were getting KMS rates and should have arrived by now. Still feels the same though so I guess not.
If it was implemented it would've been in the patch notes or players would have noticed. Since neither of the cases have occurred it's safe to say that hasn't happened yet, and it should.
I heard it happens in a very few maps, but its like 2 sec faster. It was not long before their V patch I believe.
my point stands: it's possible to train and farm without Kishin.
I never said it was impossible. I don't use it, myself. I train without it, and use the mesos from that and daily bosses to fund my character instead of meso farming. I could be progressing a lot faster if I did have a Kanna mule setup, but I haven't gotten to it. I just said a mule is necessary to do so at the highest efficiency. For meso farming in Reboot, rates are horrible without Kishin in Ghost Ship or wherever else people go now. In that sense, you "can" farm without it, but it will be incredibly slow. My problem is that it's highly unenjoyable for most people to meso farm on a kanna (and have to progress one on another account as well if they want to have non leeching Kishin at Arcane River), unless they main one, and it's not exactly the most appealing class to main. Putting aside the link skill, it's made more as an obligation in Reboot, where fast progression essentially revolves around Kishin.
The correct solution is to boost the base spawn rate in all maps, so that Kishin/Frenzy wouldn't be particularly beneficial unless you have multiple attackers in the same map.
This would probably be the best way to deal with spawn rates, but I can't see Nexon doing so. There'd be less incentive to get Frenzy Totem (except for people trying to min max) unless they buff that too, and I don't know how that would work out. But for Reboot, there's nothing to lose by adding temporary (or even permanent if they're willing, but I don't see that happening) Frenzy Totems to be purchasable with mesos. There'd be more exploration with how people can farm and it'd feel less of a grind by not having to go on some character you don't care about just to get mesos.
The correct solution is to boost the base spawn rate in all maps, so that Kishin/Frenzy wouldn't be particularly beneficial unless you have multiple attackers in the same map.
This would probably be the best way to deal with spawn rates, but I can't see Nexon doing so. There'd be less incentive to get Frenzy Totem (except for people trying to min max) unless they buff that too, and I don't know how that would work out. But for Reboot, there's nothing to lose by adding temporary (or even permanent if they're willing, but I don't see that happening) Frenzy Totems to be purchasable with mesos. There'd be more exploration with how people can farm and it'd feel less of a grind by not having to go on some character you don't care about just to get mesos.
i don't see how that would help, unless you nerf frenzy and kishin all this does is literally buff up the maps which im not against but its not gonna help balance the game, as kish and monolith still increase mobs x3 and spawn is 3 sec or 1 sec instead of 5.. even if you made base 3 sec kishin 2 and monolith 1 sec that would only further the gap for kishing even tho it kinda.. balance monolith... i understand now.
It is possible to farm on your main. KMS'ers do it all the time. They don't have Kanna or Frenzy, just the occasional Rune of Hordes.
As for decent Kishin:
Wouldn't it be "atrocious" that you have to give up a V Matrix slot just to have spawn that is better than normal - but still worse than real Kishin and way worse than Frenzy Totem?
The correct solution is to boost the base spawn rate in all maps, so that Kishin/Frenzy wouldn't be particularly beneficial unless you have multiple attackers in the same map.
Has this been implemented yet? I was away for awhile but I remembered that we were getting KMS rates and should have arrived by now. Still feels the same though so I guess not.
This ^^ I always swap Bind node with another skill depending if I grind or not. I am always on drop gears except Dojo, Lotus and Damien. I don't do Lucid since I dont have anyone with who party, Lv232 Hero in Mardia thrakkes with two trio #1 maxed lv and 5th job maxed. Also Lv17 weapon Aura.
I also use two trio #2 of Shout/panic/puncture at Lv19 on each, they will probably be maxed at Beyond along with my new 5th job skill, probably not Blitz Shield. Plus two duo nodes of Rush and Combo Fury at Lv12 and 10 for killing Erdas in ROV 1hit on drop gear.
I am use to farm without kishin and I have no problem, 110%drop + wolf underling familiar. I can get about 100 nodestones in 2.5 hours of 2x event + drop card CS. Plus some symbol, usually get about 10-14 symbols but one time I got 24 symbols which was a crazy amount for my %drop rate o-0
So, I am against getting decent kishin.
If it was implemented it would've been in the patch notes or players would have noticed. Since neither of the cases have occurred it's safe to say that hasn't happened yet, and it should.
I heard it happens in a very few maps, but its like 2 sec faster. It was not long before their V patch I believe.
Wait a minute, didn't KMS remove Rune of Hordes and add Rune of Greed as the replacement in their post-BEYOND update?
Possibly. I don't keep up with them that closely. Either way, my point stands: it's possible to train and farm without Kishin.
I never said it was impossible. I don't use it, myself. I train without it, and use the mesos from that and daily bosses to fund my character instead of meso farming. I could be progressing a lot faster if I did have a Kanna mule setup, but I haven't gotten to it. I just said a mule is necessary to do so at the highest efficiency. For meso farming in Reboot, rates are horrible without Kishin in Ghost Ship or wherever else people go now. In that sense, you "can" farm without it, but it will be incredibly slow. My problem is that it's highly unenjoyable for most people to meso farm on a kanna (and have to progress one on another account as well if they want to have non leeching Kishin at Arcane River), unless they main one, and it's not exactly the most appealing class to main. Putting aside the link skill, it's made more as an obligation in Reboot, where fast progression essentially revolves around Kishin.
This would probably be the best way to deal with spawn rates, but I can't see Nexon doing so. There'd be less incentive to get Frenzy Totem (except for people trying to min max) unless they buff that too, and I don't know how that would work out. But for Reboot, there's nothing to lose by adding temporary (or even permanent if they're willing, but I don't see that happening) Frenzy Totems to be purchasable with mesos. There'd be more exploration with how people can farm and it'd feel less of a grind by not having to go on some character you don't care about just to get mesos.
i don't see how that would help, unless you nerf frenzy and kishin all this does is literally buff up the maps which im not against but its not gonna help balance the game, as kish and monolith still increase mobs x3 and spawn is 3 sec or 1 sec instead of 5.. even if you made base 3 sec kishin 2 and monolith 1 sec that would only further the gap for kishing even tho it kinda.. balance monolith...