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MapleStory X Re:ZERO Cash Shop Update Changes


  • Member xNailKaiser
    Reactions: 2,450
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    edited May 2017
    They should have kept the Reboot items even if they were Meso purchased.

    Congratulations trolls... You once again cry foul on Reboot and give us the shaft. And @arwoo... thanks, for nothing... Another dead end event with useless items I can ignore.
  • Member July
    Reactions: 2,720
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    edited May 2017
    Philosopher book = Re:ZERO Random Box

    so why Re:ZERO Random Box cost 700 nx more? Its have the same chance (high chance) to get trash like slot bags and lame scrolls&equips..

    the price reduction is very appreciated yea.. but its still way expensive.. don't forget that the prize pool value is lame
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
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    edited May 2017
    July wrote: »
    Philosopher book = Re:ZERO Random Box

    so why Re:ZERO Random Box cost 700 nx more? Its have the same chance (high chance) to get trash like slot bags and lame scrolls&equips..

    Because they're hoping to make a ton of money off Re:ZERO fans who will buy as many of these boxes as it takes to get the android or chair of their dreams.
  • Member, Private Tester Reoshikai
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    edited May 2017
    Seriously? Do you guys even know what you are doing?

    First of all. Non-reboot players not only get different (AND BETTER) rewards than us, but they also have the chance to get the medal and we don't? Sincerely, this is all wrong.
    Second. The ENTIRE event was about this medal, no, it wasn't about the remdroid, it wasn't about the hair/faces/clothes (which I was caring for BEFORE this decision), it wasn't about chairs or whatever do you guys think it was for. WE DON'T WANT -> JUST <- NX ITEMS. Events are here for the one and ONLY purpose of fullfilling the distance that has been open with the huge difference on p2w and non-p2w players. And what do you guys do? Open the gap even more, of course.
    Third, last but not least, it works like that on EVERY. SINGLE. EVENT. As on the SAO/SnK event everyone could get the medal. Why this time it should be different?

    OPEN YOUR EYES, COME ON. The medal should be, at least, avaliable for mesos on reboot, if "removing p2w" (which didn't happen) was the objective, why didn't you just remove the nx option and let us all get the proper rewards?

    Let's review what the worlds are here for.

    Non-reboot worlds are market-based, they have trade systems and the new "meso->maple point" feature, meaning they can have more options on how trades works. They have entirely different ways to get further compared to reboot.

    Reboot world is effort-based, where you should work hard to get things. Reboot forces you to be non-casual, since you have to farm hours and hours to get stronger, not only that, but everytime you create a new character, you must start "from zero", meaning you can't transfer your own equips to anoter character so you can level up linkskills/cards (or even a new main) faster.

    Non-reboot worlds are p2w, reboot isn't. The solution? keep the boxes for mesos only on reboot and give the medal back. You don't have to change the costs anymore.

    I hope you guys listen to us (AND UNDERSTAND, please).
  • Member, Private Tester Unforgivennn
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    edited May 2017
    link37890 wrote: »
    link37890 wrote: »
    They actually had multiple ways to deal with the situation; reducing the random box price; yeah that was a decent change, removing the medal from what seems to be reboot entirely? No; this should not have been the solution. Moving the medal to be available elsewhere or just removing it from the NX random box would've been fine. The issue was that while the meso option was there; it was a large amount for a *chance* of getting what players wanted out of it, and players saw the NX as a much cheaper way to obtain the medal. Locking players out by a literal paywall on both in game and real currencies. Players with large funds could just throw money at RNG gods until they got it, but even those who chose to sticking with meso would still be at a loss if they didn't have the appropriate set-up to actually farm.
    The medal wasn't the issue; it should still be available for reboot; just not in the NX random boxes.

    I don't understand why it concerns you guys... If people want to use nx instead let them, its their money they do whatever they want with it, it hurts that bad to see they got it easier and you jealous??

    Instead of complaining about it being sold in nx, complain about the meso pricing for the box.. Which changed but also lost the good items becuz you guys complain about the good items also obtainable thru money lol..

    Many people had made comments to change the meso pricing; Most people prayed that it was a typo.
    The reason why there was more outcry over the NX buyable medal was because the ridiculous pricing of the box in meso gave more incentive to
    buy the NX box because it wouldn't take nearly as much work. However, this is exactly Pay 2 Win; the players who are on reboot that are fine
    with the price of the box would've grinded up for hours for a chance to get the medal; while someone with money could just sit theree and through
    money at the boxes until they got the medal. Again; this is Pay 2 Win; what Reboot is not meant to be. The whole point of Reboot is free to play; the other
    servers are considered pay 2 win and that's why many stick to Reboot. The fact that the ability to buy the medal and bypass the work required throws out the
    idea of Reboot immediately; it doesn't matter if it's someone's money; they can spend it on the other servers if they want.
    The medal should've not been available for cash money; Meso boxes only is fine; as you still have to work for that; NX disadvantages players who don't
    have a bunch of money, and again; makes it a P2W item. The solution should've been to remove the NX boxes from Reboot; or move the medal from the boxes
    to another location such as cassandra, a coin shop, or some other in game way to get it; even selling it directly for the 500mil price for one box would be acceptable.
    But removing the medals entirely makes the whole point of the boxes for many players null.

    So just becuz they twisted the main point of reboot for this one special event, it becomes an outrage?? Plus the way you guys should've complained is saying how the 500m is overpriced and not target the nx option and then you guys maybe would've had it at 100m like now but with the good items inside

    Im certain that option is added in becuz of the population in reboot would help to support the need to meet the business deal of bringing this event in the first place

  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
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    edited May 2017
    I just want them to remove the non-Re:Zero stuff from the boxes.
  • Member Kino
    Reactions: 100
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    edited May 2017
    No one is going to force you to buy the re zero boxes. You just took away the effort put by players in Reboot that saved up mesos for the boxes and chance of getting the best medal Re zero. I don't care if it's 500m or 100m the only thing i want is metal, and you just took that away by people complaining. Have you see CMS ? Do they give a **** when player complains they still going to set the price and don't care because there's people that's going to buy it.
  • Member Quilava
    Reactions: 870
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    edited May 2017
    Please remove the non-Re:Zero related items from the boxes. The boxes are advertised as Re:Zero Surprise and nx random boxes, not premium surprise boxes or philosopher books with a tiny chance of Re:Zero items. With how the event is now, most of the people who joined purely for this event will likely quit because of how rng it is. The cross over cosmetics should also be directly purchasable with nx like the SAO coupons instead of through royal coupons. As it is now, the only people who would even participate in this event would people who already drop thousands of dollars into this game. The population has been on decline these past few years, the rng aspect of this event or any other future events would only piss off the player base or scare off potential players.
  • Member Retr0_
    Reactions: 2,065
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    edited May 2017
    I'm pretty happy 'bout this. I'm 101% fine with them removing medals from reboot.

    "First of all. Non-reboot players not only get different (AND BETTER) rewards than us, but they also have the chance to get the medal and we don't?"
    KEEEK XD. Made my day.
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    edited May 2017
    Dear GM, probably some of the GM are new and doesn't get what reboot server was made for. Why it is different from another normal server and why in reboot, players cannot trade to another players and equipment are not tradeable. And also why players cannot buy red cubes or black cubes with NX. It is for those millions of maplestory old players who have quit maplestory simply because in normal server, you can get best equip/item you want as long as you have dollars/NX. This makes players who have just playing for 1 month can be as strong as players who have played for 3 years because he/she has dollars to spend in game, Thus making players who have put their effort and time to play the game for years pissed off and quit the game with fury. Making all their effort and time spent in game into waste. That was why reboot server has gained so many returned players in the first place and become the most crowded server. And that is the only reason why i play maplestory again. Earlier you gave a box which can be bought with NX that give best/very strong medal. Eventhough you also give a chance for players to get the box with mesos, but you also give the option to players who have dollars to get best medal. You give those players with dollars/NX a shortcut to get best medal without putting their effort into grinding/farming for mesos in game. And now after the community giving you inputs, reminding you how reboot suppose to be, now you start to delete the medal content from the box. I really wish that you can fully support the reboot server, instead you made it like a PUNISHMENT for the reboot community who were trying to support the reboot server with their inputs. In the future if you make keep making decision to give PUNISHMENT for the community support on their inputs for your game, you will start losing players again. I will state it CLEARLY here. I don't know how GM sees it, but in my eyes, this decision clearly a PUNISHMENT for the community who fully supoort the reboot server. The reboot players are just trying to keep the reboot community to stay out of PAY to WIN server. If the event going like this, it surely make a bad impression and image to reboot players on RE:ZERO. And guess what, reboot servers are the most crowded at the moment and have the most players. Reboot server are the majority and you have just punish us with your decision. For me personally, i just wish RE:ZERO does not exist at all if this event goes like this. Just delete the whole content. I don't want Re:Zero in maplestory. What a dissapointment. I hope your decision will not just end here and GM can somehow give the medal to reboot server, eventhough we have to pay 500 millions of mesos for it. At least that is a fair treatments for every reboot players. If you want the best medal, save up your mesos and farm it. Spend your time and effort in game. That is the best medal, so you have to earn it in game, not just using your dollars. Some of my message contain some dissapointment, so if it offend GM, i will say my sorry. But it is what i think and what i really feel. End.
  • Member WildFreek
    Reactions: 1,445
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    edited May 2017
    Wow Reboot players are salty nexon actually listened to them? To remove the medal out if reboot is single-handedly the best option. It keeps 'pay for convenience' (rebooters say pay 2 win) out of reboot. This will now be an event that's about the anime, and that's what it's supposed to be. Don't complain if nexon listens to you.
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
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    edited May 2017
    And why don't they give the medals for free to reboot players? If they give the medals free for reboot server, I believe all other server players will be salty and complaint why reboot can get free for the medals while they have to pay....won't they? I believe noone in reboot will complaint and salty if they give it for free in reboot. In truth, I just hope they can give the medals for certain amount of mesos to reboot players. I am not asking to give it for free, but still have to pay mesos. Thus to get mesos in reboot server is not as easy as in normal server because we cannot trade for it. We have to farm for it and put effort and time. I just wish the same treatment between Reboot and other server. But no convinient using dollars in reboot to get especially best medals. If you want convinient using dollars/NX, play on normal server. In reboot, if you want to get things (equips and such), you have to put effort and time for it. NX will only helps you little in terms of game play. NX will mostly get you cosmetics and fashion in reboot. Isn't that what reboot suppose to be?
  • Member Zambookii
    Reactions: 815
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    edited May 2017
    I feel like more than half of the community for sure feels like this medal is the main point of the crossover. Removing these 2 was not a smart choice..
  • Member Seal
    Reactions: 1,310
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    edited May 2017
    Kino wrote: »
    No one is going to force you to buy the re zero boxes. You just took away the effort put by players in Reboot that saved up mesos for the boxes and chance of getting the best medal Re zero. I don't care if it's 500m or 100m the only thing i want is metal, and you just took that away by people complaining. Have you see CMS ? Do they give a **** when player complains they still going to set the price and don't care because there's people that's going to buy it.

    Pretty sure this was the plan, creating dissent among the players. Next time, don't complain or we'll be punished even if that means allowing Nexon trying to shoehorn P2W into Reboot. If this is going to be a reoccurring instance with Nexon where the community has to voice their dissatisfaction to prevent this from happening, I'm folding now.

    The original 500,000,000, which wasn't a typo, meso price can only confirm our speculations. It would take waaay more time grinding for that much mesos than work a minimum wage job to buy NX instead. Nexon could have met us halfway with a third alternative. A Reboot Re:Zero Box available for mesos with a chance for the medals, and a cosmetic only Re:Zero box for NX. I would have happily spent NX on a cosmetic only Re:Zero Random Box, but not with how Nexon handled this, which in my opinion, was a blatant way of indirectly punishing the players for voicing their concerns.

    If you play Reboot, I'm honestly confused why some Rebooters feel this way. You do know the only reason why Reboot is popular is because it isn't P2W? Yea, maybe if they let this event slide it wouldn't be "game breaking" and a big deal, or at least now, but it will serve as an excuse to continue having these type of events. Reboot would essential become a P2W server, but at an unrecognizable slow pace. Is it so hard to understand that players, even if they are 100% FTP, are an asset in itself? Maybe when players start to leave after realizing this and Reboot becomes another essential dead server where you can't make new friends, socialize, and especially find parties to reach end game content on Reboot, I wonder where you guys will think Nexon went wrong.
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
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    edited May 2017
    and no, i am not free players in reboot. I pay in reboot for cosmetics and pets+skills. I don't mind paying in game. I just don't want pay to win. That was why i love the old maplestory before they changed it to pay to win game. And i agree with seal's opinion. Also, I can always move to another game. Maplestory shouldn't think that because they were, a long time ago, one of the best mmorpg, players won't leave and play another game. If i feel that maplestory going back to pay to win, i will just google to find another game and play it.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    Dont you guys expect that nexon will first cater to those that bring in the revenue (all other servers) aside from reboot, since they wont be able to buy the boxes with mesos, while rebooters will have the choice to either farm or use mesos and/or nx to get boxes.

    It's logical to believe that if they did this to appeal to the other servers. I would say that what they did was end the commotion that was brought up with reboot being introduced p2w, they gutted that theory by removing the medals from the cash shop. Now the boxes wont have any stat raising items, and having to pay nx for them wont be considered p2w.

    in a thread that's 10 pages long called "please keep p2w out of reboot" a handful of users basically said, if the medals are in the boxes and the boxes will cost nx, they should just remove the medals from reboot. and thats what they did.

    to top it off, they even mentioned that the changes that are made, are or were subject to and by nexon and the owner's of the intellectual property.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    Roni777 wrote: »
    and no, i am not free players in reboot. I pay in reboot for cosmetics and pets+skills. I don't mind paying in game. I just don't want pay to win. That was why i love the old maplestory before they changed it to pay to win game. And i agree with seal's opinion. Also, I can always move to another game. Maplestory shouldn't think that because they were, a long time ago, one of the best mmorpg, players won't leave and play another game. If i feel that maplestory going back to pay to win, i will just google to find another game and play it.

    even if rebooters quit, nexon wont lose much, it's like quitting as a volunteer employee. Quitting from a 99% free server wont make a difference to the cash flow, even if people in the thousands quit. If anything like that were to happen, the people quitting will ultimately stabilize the server.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    The subreddit is actually rejoicing that " we did it bois" "nexon took out the medals from the boxes"
  • Member TsukiBaka
    Reactions: 1,910
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    edited May 2017
    WildFreek wrote: »
    Wow Reboot players are salty nexon actually listened to them? To remove the medal out if reboot is single-handedly the best option. It keeps 'pay for convenience' (rebooters say pay 2 win) out of reboot. This will now be an event that's about the anime, and that's what it's supposed to be. Don't complain if nexon listens to you.

    Majority of the salty Reboot players are people who don't understand the value of Reboot and are simply whining they don't get an event medal that would help them feel strong. A majority has voiced that removing the medals is simply one option. Keeping the medals in the Meso Box Option and removing the NX Box option was our #1 suggestion. Unfortunately, Nexon will always go for the "What will make us more money" option. It makes sense from a business standpoint. Many of us, including myself, are indeed upset that we can't get the medals. HOWEVER, removing the medals removes the most important concern that we had.

    Majority of the complaints NOW are simply because Nexon did not choose the best option for the players in Reboot mentioned above. In which I think this is understandable. Personally, I'm not gonna complain because the most important concern has been removed, so I'll go "Oh well, can't get medal, let's move on".

    I disagree with everyone wanting to have the Medals for free. If they were to allow medals back to Reboot, I'd rather have them make us work for it through quests, coin shop, or something like they did with the SAO and AoT event.

    Lastly, the last complaint that remains is simply the Re:Zero boxes having many non-Re:Zero items. The chances of getting worthless items from the boxes are high. Which is why this box became practically worthless to the players in Reboot. Although still funny, as people will STILL purchase it. It's no different when people complain about buying (11) Surprise boxes and not get anything they want. RNG is RNG, but at least the Surprise Boxes always had a "Well, it's not what I want, but at least it didn't feel like a complete total waste". As for the Re:Zero boxes.. you want a soul enchanter? You're gonna get one.
  • Member HeinekenHero
    Reactions: 2,060
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    edited May 2017
    TsukiBaka wrote: »
    Lastly, the last complaint that remains is simply the Re:Zero boxes having many non-Re:Zero items. The chances of getting worthless items from the boxes are high. Which is why this box became practically worthless to the players in Reboot. Although still funny, as people will STILL purchase it. It's no different when people complain about buying (11) Surprise boxes and not get anything they want. RNG is RNG, but at least the Surprise Boxes always had a "Well, it's not what I want, but at least it didn't feel like a complete total waste". As for the Re:Zero boxes.. you want a soul enchanter? You're gonna get one.

    I might give it 1 (11) box try for the emelia outfit, but yes it's ridiculous that i could spend $34 and not get exclusive content from an exclusive content event.