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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Combine the all the regular worlds into 1 world.
Players from steam charts alone, I think Dark Passenger would be correct on the .1% thing,
I would also agree on a few points
*Most importantly that GRAZED is not merged, it's an alliance
*That I server merging isn't necessarily a fix to maple's problem, if people are going to quit regardless if it isn't of a decreasing player base it's going to be of poorly implemented events/balances/fixes/server instability, I who have has played KMS can also say that the optimization/stability seems 1000% better lol
The true merging of servers could cause things such as
*server instability (yes even more than there is rn)
*merging f*ck ups, like what happened when they let everyone server transfer a single character years back
However, I will say that alliances aren't as prominently established toward players as I'd like, and I'd be more for more alliances that are better defined. Most simplistically would be highlighted blocks around groups of allied worlds, but anything to elaborate their grouping at-a-glance.
My sentiments exactly.
I like MYBCKN. I like not lagging, I like not suffering too much smega/gach/pssb spam, I like being able to find a training map (and a good burning one at that) whenever I need one.
And no, I don't want to play solo. I have guild, alliance, and buddies to chat with and PQ with. And the FM and AH are enough for me to sell what I want and buy what I need - though I admit I don't sell or buy anything particularly rare or special.
I like the peace and quiet and, yes, even the community of a small town. Don't force me into the hectic city, please.
Also, I don't think that merging all the servers would bring players back. It screams, "The game is dead! The last few survivors are huddling together on this tiny island, waiting for the inevitable. Stay away if you know what's good for you."
I do think we should have a generous server transfer event (where you can transfer all your characters if you so desire), though, so people who do like crowds can move there. No sense forcing people to stay where they're not happy.
How would the community feel about three to four main worlds instead of one completely united world? This is simply a number I picked which seemed reasonable but feel free to reduce the number of worlds or add onto them if you feel it would be too overcrowded or the reverse.
Keep in mind, it is summer right now, and our worlds ( Scania doesn't count and correct me if your world is full to the brim ) are quite dead still which means when school starts in the fall. We can expect a drastic reduction in our active player population.
Other people would also lose characters, items in storage, and possibly other things (some pets in EMS lost all their skills, for example. I don't know if it was due to the migration or the world merge).
I agree that alliances can be confusing, and I think that something should be done to clean up the world/channel select screen.
Possible solutions for the world selection screen clutter:
1. The server select screen will be more dynamic, and show only those worlds in which you have characters, and Primary worlds (Singleton worlds and the oldest world of each alliance) in which you don't have characters.
This means that new players will only see, and be able to make characters, in the primary world of each alliance, but older players with existing characters will still be able to access them all.
2. The server select screen will include a single button for each alliance. When pressing it, a submenu will appear asking to choose a world in the alliance.
For this to not be too tedious, the "change character" button should be brought back, and take one to the character selection screen (instead of the server/channel selection as happens now). It would also be nice if the game remembered the last world you played in, and allowed pressing "Enter" on the server select to get there without hunting (Direct launch did that).
3. As MegaScience suggested, and probably the simplest solution: put some kind of frame around allied worlds to clarify that they are "the same world" in some sense.
Seems like reboot is the only server maintaining it's numbers. Nexon should start looking at the success of reboot and think how it could be a model for the games' future. Perhaps there could be a big bang 2. And why shouldn't there be? More and more games are de-emphasizing raw p2w (CS:GO, dota 2, league) and it's thus generating numbers. At this rate the game will just be all reboot in a matter of a few years until nexon starts to look at the trends and rework the game fully.
We dont exactly know what theyre seeing in their big picture. On average maplestory does get new players that come from WoW or other games, but they play in reboot. Regardless of the world, Maplestory still gets new players. What Nexon did well was merge the nx system throughout all their games. So, because people spend less on maplestory doesnt mean Nexon loses profits. But as of 2015 Maplestory is amongst the top 10 most profitable.
They could easily rectify boss channels (For instance adding more channels like KMS did)
Free market being filled isn't a negative.... more people= better economy
Hard to find hunting grounds can be rectified by adding of more channels
not enough channels- they can actually expand them like they did in KMS
The only negatives are confusion over characters and legion
In my opinion I would like to see all server merged in 1 world and then they release cross world pq revamp then ,make pqs the best way to level then there would be no issues and the game would be more fun.
I hate how empty grazed is these days I just hate it, that's why I've been playing on Reboot on the side....
1. No characters are deleted. What's the harm in letting someone have 200 characters on one server? Oh no they're going to take advantage of free login gifts. The horror. The only worthwhile free stuff is once per account anyway.
2. The number of channels would need to be at least quadrupled. The game doesn't have to feel like a bustling city to have the player base fully connected.
If either of these can't be achieved then it's not worth doing. It'll only cause more harm.
I dont think it is possible
Maybe server merge would be the way! Not only that i miss the whole PQ ( I know they nerfed the PQ area) and when i need to level i have to go to maps, where is the communication with players to be able to form friendship??