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How many years has it been?


  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited August 2017
    If you didnt migrate your account when they did the server merge with Europe, you wont have any characters in your account. Someone recently had that issue about coming back to the game, and he saw he had no characters, when a forum user pointed out that he may not have migrated the account, which the guy could no longer do since there was a deadline.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited August 2017
    If you didnt migrate your account when they did the server merge with Europe, you wont have any characters in your account. Someone recently had that issue about coming back to the game, and he saw he had no characters, when a forum user pointed out that he may not have migrated the account, which the guy could no longer do since there was a deadline.

    they never said they were an EU Player
  • Member rroaj
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 5
    edited August 2017
    I've been coming back about every three years since I gave up the grind on my original account. After the beta they had double xp for two weeks, y'see, and my computer had died just in time to miss it. I got back in weeks later, but I felt like I had missed the boat. Got to the 40s, and just kinda stopped to do better at school and other pursuits. Each time I come back, I'm a bit more confused and a lot faster at leveling, to the point that the vast majority of content seems entirely pointless.

    The game just needs more focus on cooperation. Don't even need new content, just raise the scale and rewards on old party content. Boom, you hit nostalgia and relevance in one strike.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited August 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    If you didnt migrate your account when they did the server merge with Europe, you wont have any characters in your account. Someone recently had that issue about coming back to the game, and he saw he had no characters, when a forum user pointed out that he may not have migrated the account, which the guy could no longer do since there was a deadline.

    they never said they were an EU Player

    for sure, then hopefully he/she still has their characters
  • Member Hozama
    Reactions: 345
    Posts: 27
    edited August 2017
    Yeah, I'm Canadian, so I hope I still have my characters.

    I started redownloading the gama elast night, got to 50%, and had to stop the download. I was hoping when I started it back up tonight, it would start back at 50%. NOOOOOOOOPE! Back to square one, with a 10GB download ahead of me. Just like old days :P
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited August 2017
    Hozama wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm Canadian, so I hope I still have my characters.

    I started redownloading the gama elast night, got to 50%, and had to stop the download. I was hoping when I started it back up tonight, it would start back at 50%. NOOOOOOOOPE! Back to square one, with a 10GB download ahead of me. Just like old days :P

    try steam, steam lets you pause and restart unless you actually stopped and not paused it
  • Member Hozama
    Reactions: 345
    Posts: 27
    edited August 2017
    I'm back to 32%, so I may just tough it out tonight.
  • Member, Private Tester Thoner
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 154
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2017
    How many years has it been since I've been back to this site? For that matter, how many years has it been since I first played it. I feel like Professor Farnsworth after his lifetime membership card expired. I'm such an old school Mapler that my account has died and rotten to dirt. I don't even know if it exists anymore. I sure as heck don't remember my password, or even my login anymore.

    Through sheer happenstance, I started to listen to the old maple songs I remember, and it got me all nostalgic and teary eyed for the old days. I wonder what the old MINT members are doing now? I'm sure everyone who remembered me has long since moved on with their lives. Graduated college, gotten married, maybe had some kids. Makes me feel old.

    Don't get me wrong, I do not miss spending months and months just trying to get to lv 30. Hours spend outside KPQ, using auto-click, scouts and every dirty trick in the book in order to be the team that entered. How many dozens of hours did I spend grinding those undead monkies as a cleric? And LPQ, what a nightmare that was. Just as bad as getting into KPQ, but you had those whiners who did nothing but complain if you didn't know the JMS system for the password blocks.

    Looking back on it, I cannot believe the amount of time I spend grinding. Literally hours on 2x time just for a level or two, and that was considered fast. I spent years grinding for hours every night in hopes that I could reach lv 90, and be allowed to join the Zakum raid. Yes, I said raid. Full teams of 30, to beat Zakum. The power creep is amazing. And the lag, OMG! The lag. It was a flip of a coin to whether you wouldn't lag out, no matter how good your comp was. But it was all worth it though for the chance to be put on the Zak helm list.

    *Sigh* I just wanted to reminisce a little bit. The game balance was truly awful back then, and the grind was just unbelievable. But I'll never forget those times with my old friends. They were what made it bearable.

    You sound like two of my longest of time friends. One made lvl 60. The other made some lvl 40's. :)
  • Member Hozama
    Reactions: 345
    Posts: 27
    edited August 2017
    Before I quit, I reached 130 or so as my Bishy. Hours upon hours upon HOURS at Skeligons. Drive a man nuts, you know?