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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Reconsider the In-game name Cooldown
Thanks guys!
THANK GOD! Guess I gotta live up to a promise I made myself. -goes and buys 10k nx-
Thank you to the dev team for taking care of this as soon as possible. Is there a guarantee that this IGN cooldown will not return to GMS?
Hopefully it won't return, but if it does, we'll be sure to raise it as an issue and have it swiftly addressed.
Thanks, to you and the team for working on this.
Hope this update fiasco hasn't ruined your weekend. Monday is going to be a hell of a day.
I don't expect good news, but it will be something.
Thank goodness! My name for Illium is going to be safe too. Yass, we did it Maplers and the Maple Team. :')
Went ahead and made a Cadena with an EU character instead of the original one but I was able to reclaim the two IGNs that I deleted so I guess I'll use them for something else in the future or name change if I have nothing better to spend coins on.
Glad I can look forward to using my saved names on Illium again.
That's great, but why are you posting that in this thread?
That aside, it was a really good move on Nexon to remove the name cooldown. I'm really glad that they reverted the change.
That's probably the case. I don't think the rankings update all that frequently.
also, wouldnt there need to be a unscheduled maintenance to revert the cooldown on the name thing?
not every fix needs a maintenance budd, and botting doesnt just apply in game like training or hackers obtaining mesos lol.
there are actual bots that spam igns multiple times until it is caught.
It doesn’t answer how these bots know your ign that you want or had saved?
Unless it’s from a popular trend from cartoons movies or other topics that generate a fan base that want to use igns from that, there’s a very low probability the igns are taken.
And if not every fix needs a maintenance but this ign cool down seems to still be affecting them, wouldn’t it be safe to assume that it would be better if they did have one? Budd
1. its not only about having your ign sniped with this feature but the fact many people who have pointed out: people make igns beforehand when a new class is released in kms and we hear about it. No one wants to sit on their computer for hours to think of an ign, before getting to play the class, sure they can make up any random letters or numbers but honestly who wants that, and i've already given examples of people who use systematic igns such as itzHeroXD (being a Hero class), itzXenonXD (being a Xenon class) or even Terrior01, next would be Terrior02, and there are a lot of haters in the world, some jackass could easily make Terrior03, 04 and so on, and with this type of thinking, why would you not want to save Terrior03, 04, 05 and so on for the future classes? Its not only about having unique igns that was the problem here.
2. and with this cool down, who's to say people wont just keep hoardering igns until you're left with something as dumb as YoYoJiggles. the people who sell for real cash, they're not just gonna be like "oh, we cant sell this anymore, might as well just delete and let it go" thats not how people think, people woould end up keeping the ign even more, making it a rare find where no one can have it.
3. the ign cool down is gone budd, even arwoo announced it so idk where you're even going on with that point, so stop trying to act all smart ass lmao.
anyways the cool down is gone, thank goodness its gone and now we can all make our cadena and future illium. Happy Mapling everyone! Giving up is when you become loser, so never give up! (future issues)