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Things to do on MapleStory
I'm just wondering what to do on MapleStory these days. Honestly I get bored really quick since there isn't really much interaction with people since I'm not that high of a level on my characters. Probably around lvl 120s. So just want to know some suggestions in what to do. Thanks
Complete all dungeons
Focus on your profession(alchemy etc)
Make goals for yourself in game.
As Lucsean had implied, there is much to do in MapleStory. In addition:
- Complete all quests (some you may want to reconsider, like killing Lord Balrog 200 times..)
- Collect certain equipment; like cash shop weapon drops
- Collect familiar, Silent Crusade Codex cards, and build that Monster Collection
I also feel the same, I can't even find people to talk with since everyone are AFK
Yeah, this is really sucks
I seriously end up afking as well since I can't find people to talk with because everyone are literally AFK.