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We all want a merge


  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    They're not thinking things over, they're just trying to fulfill their need to socialize. They simply think more people in one place = a better experience. They think it'll solve all maple's issues by merging into one server minus reboot.

  • 26002600
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 93
    edited June 2018

    This sums it up.
  • WZrkWZrk
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 41
    edited June 2018
    2600 wrote: »

    5 minutes into the video and all that's there is complaining and bashing Nexon and anecdotal claims about botting and working at Nexon. Does this video actually have any points to bring up about server merges and if so, at what time are they in the video? Because it may sum up your point of view on how Maple is being run/how Nexon is as a company, but it has nothing to do with the thread.
  • 26002600
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 93
    edited June 2018
    WZrk wrote: »
    2600 wrote: »

    5 minutes into the video and all that's there is complaining and bashing Nexon and anecdotal claims about botting and working at Nexon. Does this video actually have any points to bring up about server merges and if so, at what time are they in the video? Because it may sum up your point of view on how Maple is being run/how Nexon is as a company, but it has nothing to do with the thread.

    LMAO Yeah I'm sorry I forget people like you have the attention of about 5 minutes my friend told me long ago about people like you, they want a 2 minute answer or they start losing interest.

    Nexon It's so hard to kill bosses,
    Nexon it takes to long to level
    Nexon there is nothing to do.
    Nexon make world merge

    Moral of the story you, and your followers are ruining the game...
    Next you will be complaining about how over crowded the channels are.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2018
    Rargzs wrote: »
    Wrong of me to say you are advocating for a small server and rather I should say advocating against a full merger. Rather you wish to have a merger for the ones that want it, and for you guys, who want a small community, keep one server for you? If that is indeed your argument, then I say it is a fair one. However, the only issue I would have with that is where and how Nexon would distribute the resources.

    A lot of the resources should be allocated to the merged server. Instead of a multiple server community like GRAZED, there should just be one small server with channels proportional to the small population. It isn't fair to demand a small community server and the resources of a large server community too.

    That is another strawman.
    Who ever said that a low-population world should be allocated the same resources as a high-population one?

    I have seen Nexon run anywhere between one and five channel servers (software) on a single physical server. And since they are using AWS, they also have ready access to server computers of varying power. Similarly, they have in the past reconfigured their network hardware to alleviate congestion at certain junctions.
    All of this is largely invisible to players.
    It's to be expected that they would continue to allocate resources as needed, rather than in a blindly even fashion.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    Like I said, I've played this game almost since its birth and I remember how it was like when every single soul had to fight over the Dead Forest Trees IV map (with coolie zombies) because that was THE spot where you could get from 50 to 70, if you were patient enough and had a support system to help you fight the ks'ers and keep the map even if you had to literally RUN to the bathroom or to get a drink. I DO NOT MISS THOSE DAYS, AT ALL. I do not miss the times when you had to fight to get into a PQ because there were so many people trying to get it (and so many auto-clickers) that it required a very good leader with a good mouse, a good internet connection and some damn good clicking talents to get you in.

    I do miss those days, I've said it before for many of us, the cons of a populated server or more preferable then the benefits of a low populated server. In in the cases of a pq, in a populated server it always atleast remained an option, it would be stupid to even entertaining pq's as a possibility in a world like khaini. And some of these benefits are most trivial things I have ever heard, like smega spam and drama lol, I guess its too hard to survive those things now

    BTW a lot of what you said is irrelevant because although they most certainly are true, they are true in both populated and non populated servers
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    I suppose those who prefer
    AKradian wrote: »
    Rargzs wrote: »
    Lets do Pros and Cons and get these ideas sorted! I've read through the posts and have a general idea.

    No Server Merger
    + Stable Server
    + Same/Better Economy
    + Keep Guild/Alliance Names
    + Rankings
    + Keep All Characters
    + Small Community (No Drama/Smega Spams Etc.)
    - Worse Economy then what could be
    - Not a Social Game and a regular RPG
    - Hard to come by resources
    - Small Community (Not enough people to catch all the botters)

    The list can be added to, but so far this is what I have gathered. Now the rest of this is an opinion piece so don't get upset. BTW, I am for the server merge.

    The server stability can easily be argued. When you merge the servers, you have excess technology from the previous servers that can be allocated to new channels. A lot of that technology isn't even being used to its maximum capacity and in fact, from Nexon's perspective would be a drain on profits. It could help servers that experience instability, by alleviating that "stress."

    Economy can go three ways on the merger. Can become a better economy, worse, or stay the same. People claiming either side doesn't have the data to prove anything. They do not have information on the supply or demand. What can be said however, is you will now have "steadier flow". There will be more players generating goods, and more players consuming those goods. This could stabilize the market and prevent drastic pricing shifts when players mass buy goods (superior item crystals pricing varies greatly even in Bera).

    Guild/Alliance Names no matter what will be an inevitable loss. For the most part, a lot of guild names won't be the same. If they are, they could be merged together as well (of course given a specific time frame to do so), be given a name change, or even be given the option to disband completely and remake. No matter how you look at it, you will be taking an L in this category. IMO, it will be worth taking this L due to the other benefits of the server merge (hear me out and read the rest).

    Rankings are going to be an inevitable L as well. But this depends on how you look at it. If you are a small time player with a high rank in your low popularity server, yeah it may suck, but this gives you the opportunity and challenge of being able to "beat more players". If you already have a high ranking, then you get gloating rights. No matter how I look at this category though, it is just a way for people to flex their epeens and feel good about themselves. It can affect the way the game is played when looking at the MuLung Dojo Rankings (however the gloves aren't really end-game), but if we are talking about the leveling rankings, then it does not affect the way the game is played. IMO, again, it is a little thing and is worth taking the L for the other benefits.

    A lot of players have made a ton of characters over a ton of different servers. How many you will get to keep? I do not know how lenient Nexon wants to be, but if you are able to keep enough to retain your legion level/character cards and your damage range, I do not see how this can be a negative effect.

    Having a small community seems to be the main argument. For me, a small community does not give me the MMORPG experience/immersion. Maplestory is a MMORPG. The current state it is in, would destroy any other MMORPG's future. The fact that Maple is still alive and kicking is a true testament to how good of a game it is/was, and how much people hold it dear. When most of the players originally played, and even when Reboot came out, the community was buzzing and it resembled a true MMORPG, which IMO was probably Nexon's glory days. Now however, being in Broa, I just do not want to play because the market is too dam expensive, I have no one to carry me through bosses, and I can't make friends with anyone because there is no one. What the f*** do I do? Yeah you get to clear out all that drama in a small server and stuff, but are you really incapable of tuning it out or required to be sheltered to avoid it? If you seriously try to be an adult and handle it maturely, I am sure you will be just fine. With a larger community, you can have a player base constantly playing and notice botters more often and report them. There is a thing now where Nexon chain bans bots, so shutting them down could be a lot easier with more people running around to report them. I do not see how a larger community can be a detriment.

    Seriously consider my thoughts. If you want to have a logical conversation then :quote: me, but only if you have actually read what I have wrote. I just don't see too much benefit in a small server other than childish, selfish reasons. Sorry if this offends you, but this is how I seriously feel.

    I would really like for DarkPassenger and AKradian to respond, since they seem like the biggest advocates for a small server. I want to hear your opinions. Lets discuss!

    "Advocates for a small server"?
    I enjoy a small server.
    I like peace and quiet.
    I like low competition for resources (not just maps to train in but also legendary veins, blackgate bosses, pianus, and anything else people tend to farm in all channels at once).
    I like being able to talk with my small but tight-knit alliance and buddy list without being interrupted by smega wars and gach notice spam.

    But I'm not "advocating" for a small server.
    I'm not saying you, or anyone else, should play a small server.
    If you enjoy a high-population server, I fully support your right to play in one.
    I just don't see why the high-population server supporters feel the need to cram everyone into their crowded world, whether they like it or not.

    I actually agree that those who want to play in a dead server should be allowed to play in a dead server, but I have no faith in Nexon to make changes so that everyone is happy. So if there is a decision between who to leave unhappy I would prefer it would be your group that wants dead servers
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    WZrk wrote: »

    They failed at making Maple a social game a long time ago, and they had more than enough time to fix it. Various systems made soloing more lucrative than partying and that problem has not changed.

    They also failed keeping the game social by not providing any ways for players to stay in a populated servers unless they weren't taking a break during certain events
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »

    They failed at making Maple a social game a long time ago, and they had more than enough time to fix it. Various systems made soloing more lucrative than partying and that problem has not changed.

    They also failed keeping the game social by not providing any ways for players to stay in a populated servers unless they weren't taking a break during certain events

    They did provide the means, whether or not you participated, it's your own decision. It isn't Nexon's fault people take breaks from the game, especially one during the event that lets you flock to where the others are moving to.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »

    They failed at making Maple a social game a long time ago, and they had more than enough time to fix it. Various systems made soloing more lucrative than partying and that problem has not changed.

    They also failed keeping the game social by not providing any ways for players to stay in a populated servers unless they weren't taking a break during certain events

    They did provide the means, whether or not you participated, it's your own decision. It isn't Nexon's fault people take breaks from the game, especially one during the event that lets you flock to where the others are moving to.

    too bad it was a time limited event that made my world worse to play in
  • WZrkWZrk
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 41
    edited June 2018
    Edited to put in another response. And for typos.
    2600 wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »
    2600 wrote: »

    5 minutes into the video and all that's there is complaining and bashing Nexon and anecdotal claims about botting and working at Nexon. Does this video actually have any points to bring up about server merges and if so, at what time are they in the video? Because it may sum up your point of view on how Maple is being run/how Nexon is as a company, but it has nothing to do with the thread.

    LMAO Yeah I'm sorry I forget people like you have the attention of about 5 minutes my friend told me long ago about people like you, they want a 2 minute answer or they start losing interest.

    Nexon It's so hard to kill bosses,
    Nexon it takes to long to level
    Nexon there is nothing to do.
    Nexon make world merge

    Moral of the story you, and your followers are ruining the game...
    Next you will be complaining about how over crowded the channels are.

    I don't need an answer in 2 minutes, but I would like a more concise format. If you bring up a video in a thread about what to do with the servers, it isn't wrong to expect a video that mentions that in a timely fashion. And if the argument in said video that supports your side gives me nothing but swearing and empty anecdotes, then you shouldn't blame me for thinking the video is completely irrelevant. I've played this game for years; if I see what looks like a salt filled, unreasonably hot take on a subject, then I'm going to ignore it if it doesn't bring anything to the table.

    With the way you summarized it, it seems as though the creator of that video commented on things everyone already knew and smashed their solutions together to create "merge worlds please". All 3 of those points can be solved without even involving world merges, and 2 of those barely have anything to do with the topic at all (leveling and bosses). And if the moral of the story is that we're ruining the game, please show me what effects our advocacy against complete merges has had.

    Acgnolia wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »

    They failed at making Maple a social game a long time ago, and they had more than enough time to fix it. Various systems made soloing more lucrative than partying and that problem has not changed.

    They also failed keeping the game social by not providing any ways for players to stay in a populated servers unless they weren't taking a break during certain events

    The world leaping event was in fact one way they kept the game social, I will admit. Regardless of whether people were taking a break, that was its purpose. Its success (as seen by Bera) is no doubt one of the reasons why so many people are pushing for another one and for merges, which would be the more impactful solution overall. But most of the people advocating for merging aren't getting around the fact that there's more to the situation than "merge everything and everything will be fine".

  • TachikawaHiyokoTachikawaHiyoko
    Reactions: 1,290
    Posts: 68
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Like I said, I've played this game almost since its birth and I remember how it was like when every single soul had to fight over the Dead Forest Trees IV map (with coolie zombies) because that was THE spot where you could get from 50 to 70, if you were patient enough and had a support system to help you fight the ks'ers and keep the map even if you had to literally RUN to the bathroom or to get a drink. I DO NOT MISS THOSE DAYS, AT ALL. I do not miss the times when you had to fight to get into a PQ because there were so many people trying to get it (and so many auto-clickers) that it required a very good leader with a good mouse, a good internet connection and some damn good clicking talents to get you in.

    I do miss those days, I've said it before for many of us, the cons of a populated server or more preferable then the benefits of a low populated server. In in the cases of a pq, in a populated server it always atleast remained an option, it would be stupid to even entertaining pq's as a possibility in a world like khaini. And some of these benefits are most trivial things I have ever heard, like smega spam and drama lol, I guess its too hard to survive those things now

    BTW a lot of what you said is irrelevant because although they most certainly are true, they are true in both populated and non populated servers

    Well, a lot of what's been said in this whole thread is irrelevant, so I just felt like giving my opinion, regardless of its "relevance" to some people. :P

    In any case, there are so many preferences as there are colors. *I* prefer a small, quiet, peaceful server, without as many lag, as many idiots spamming smegas or ks'ing and whatnot. It's obvious that are others that prefer an overcrowded server. I just wanted to give my *opinion* so there's a "record" that not "everyone" wants a server merge or to see their small world disappear and become a huge mass of people.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    WZrk wrote: »
    2600 wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »
    2600 wrote: »

    5 minutes into the video and all that's there is complaining and bashing Nexon and anecdotal claims about botting and working at Nexon. Does this video actually have any points to bring up about server merges and if so, at what time are they in the video? Because it may sum up your point of view on how Maple is being run/how Nexon is as a company, but it has nothing to do with the thread.

    LMAO Yeah I'm sorry I forget people like you have the attention of about 5 minutes my friend told me long ago about people like you, they want a 2 minute answer or they start losing interest.

    Nexon It's so hard to kill bosses,
    Nexon it takes to long to level
    Nexon there is nothing to do.
    Nexon make world merge

    Moral of the story you, and your followers are ruining the game...
    Next you will be complaining about how over crowded the channels are.

    I don't need an answer in 2 minutes, but I would like a more concise format. If you bring up a video in a thread about what to do with the servers, it isn't wrong to expect a video that mentions that in a timely fashion. And if the argument in said video that supports your side gives me nothing but swearing and empty anecdotes, then you shouldn't blame me for thinking the video is completely irrelevant. I've played this game for years; if I see what looks like a salt filled, unreasonably hot take on a subject, then I'm going to ignore it if it doesn't bring anything to the table.

    With the way you summarized it, it seems as though the creator of that video commented on things everyone already knew and smashed their solutions together to create "merge worlds please". All 3 of those points can be solved without even involving world merges, and 2 of those barely have anything to do with the topic at all (leveling and bosses). And if the moral of the story is that we're ruining the game, please ahow me what effects our advocacy against complete merges has had.

    Im so confused, I swear the guy your'e answering is against merging worlds, the same position as you.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    So the page doesn't get too long with scrolling, if the quotes are too big, add spoilers to the quote, or if your responses are one liners as well. to add spoilers type ["spoiler"] your text here ["/spoiler"], leave out the quotation marks
  • pepepepe
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 161
    edited June 2018
    it's been 11 pages, where are ya Savage
  • NicholasBNicholasB
    Reactions: 1,195
    Posts: 79
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    DSpellGuy wrote: »
    Alantino wrote: »
    Alright, I give up.

    Merge worlds, don't merge worlds, I don't care anymore.

    I'm just trying to save the game I love and so we'd have a big world with a lot of ppl because we all understand that popular games that make a lot of money usually (all the time actually) are games with as many people as possible, because nobody (the majority of maplers) like to play in a dead server just for "free maps" or just so people won't "spam smega me" and all those minor problems... (I'd not even call it a problem to be honest...).

    Look at the biggest games in the world, League, Fortnite, etc, no one have them has such a thing as "the small place with just a few players".
    Most of people tend to love being around with other people, that's just nature and I have no doubt that the majority of maplers would definitely agree with me.

    But to those who actually want a dead server so bad and fighting for it as if their life depends on it, I want you to know one thing, slowly more and more people are leaving those dead servers because they got nobody to talk with, economy is really really bad, me, as a Scania player, I can no longer find a reason to log on... the only people I can find are just a bunch of bottres who spam 24/7 every single day, well maybe sometiems I do find a person or two, but they're all 24/7 afk.... I'm 100% alone and I'm not the only one, a lot of people are feeling like me and if that's in my world Scania so... I can't even imagine what's going on in GRAZED and all those other dead servers... this is just horrible!

    So I want you to keep in mind that you're killing this game with your own hands because you want a dead server right? okay but what about the majority in your server who wanna go to Bera? what about them? and as I said above, slowly people will feel just like me, just no reason to log on... I'm tired of being alone... so you're killing this game with your own hands I hope you're happy about that.

    I will not come back to this thread anymore as I said above, I give up, just do whatever you want, I'm done. oh, and GL, you'll need it.

    As I pointed out much earlier - the biggest issue is not only population, but the lack of party related things to do. Many people like to just solo bosses, etc. The PQ's aren't worth their rewards so many stopped playing them. Yes it's nice to find people, but even when I do find people for bossing, many leave the group to solo it.

    How do you [any that are shouting for merge] plan on having that issue fixed? How do you plan on having the botters/etc that cause latency for those that don't have a "gamer cpu"? As many also pointed out - there's the issue for the "market" in that the means of getting things are based off those who are the elite and solo. To fix this, Nexon tried limiting bossing to 1 per day for each boss. Why? Because upping the count of players would mean no one would be able to boss but those who have multiple CPU's and accounts.

    I know a lot of people despite being able to solo bosses easily, regularly do them in parties. Also, PQs lacking incentives to do, would lack any incentive to do regardless of being in a populated server or not. But if someone wanted to pq, they most certanily not even bother trying cause they wouldn't even find anyone. In a populated world you could make friends and at least try to convince them, so that at the early least its an option.

    As for the economy, I doubt anyone could be to sure if it will have benefits from merges or not. Right now in Khaini, I cant find the stuff I want or, the items are just to expensive, I can't say certainly if prices would change favorably

    Am I the only one who noticed that people from Nexon (like AKrai...) doesn't want to merge worlds? I think... it's pretty much say everything... (that Nexon DOES NOT want to merge worlds, but of course they'd bring up the "real" reason that they just "want an empty server" so they "can train alone without anyone bother them nor take their map"..... I'm truly sorry but I don't buy that.... -_-
    Rargzs wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »
    Rargzs wrote: »
    Lets do Pros and Cons and get these ideas sorted! I've read through the posts and have a general idea.

    No Server Merger
    + Stable Server
    + Same/Better Economy
    + Keep Guild/Alliance Names
    + Rankings
    + Keep All Characters
    + Small Community (No Drama/Smega Spams Etc.)
    - Worse Economy then what could be
    - Not a Social Game and a regular RPG
    - Hard to come by resources
    - Small Community (Not enough people to catch all the botters)

    The list can be added to, but so far this is what I have gathered. Now the rest of this is an opinion piece so don't get upset. BTW, I am for the server merge.

    The server stability can easily be argued. When you merge the servers, you have excess technology from the previous servers that can be allocated to new channels. A lot of that technology isn't even being used to its maximum capacity and in fact, from Nexon's perspective would be a drain on profits. It could help servers that experience instability, by alleviating that "stress."

    Economy can go three ways on the merger. Can become a better economy, worse, or stay the same. People claiming either side doesn't have the data to prove anything. They do not have information on the supply or demand. What can be said however, is you will now have "steadier flow". There will be more players generating goods, and more players consuming those goods. This could stabilize the market and prevent drastic pricing shifts when players mass buy goods (superior item crystals pricing varies greatly even in Bera).

    Guild/Alliance Names no matter what will be an inevitable loss. For the most part, a lot of guild names won't be the same. If they are, they could be merged together as well (of course given a specific time frame to do so), be given a name change, or even be given the option to disband completely and remake. No matter how you look at it, you will be taking an L in this category. IMO, it will be worth taking this L due to the other benefits of the server merge (hear me out and read the rest).

    Rankings are going to be an inevitable L as well. But this depends on how you look at it. If you are a small time player with a high rank in your low popularity server, yeah it may suck, but this gives you the opportunity and challenge of being able to "beat more players". If you already have a high ranking, then you get gloating rights. No matter how I look at this category though, it is just a way for people to flex their epeens and feel good about themselves. It can affect the way the game is played when looking at the MuLung Dojo Rankings (however the gloves aren't really end-game), but if we are talking about the leveling rankings, then it does not affect the way the game is played. IMO, again, it is a little thing and is worth taking the L for the other benefits.

    A lot of players have made a ton of characters over a ton of different servers. How many you will get to keep? I do not know how lenient Nexon wants to be, but if you are able to keep enough to retain your legion level/character cards and your damage range, I do not see how this can be a negative effect.

    Having a small community seems to be the main argument. For me, a small community does not give me the MMORPG experience/immersion. Maplestory is a MMORPG. The current state it is in, would destroy any other MMORPG's future. The fact that Maple is still alive and kicking is a true testament to how good of a game it is/was, and how much people hold it dear. When most of the players originally played, and even when Reboot came out, the community was buzzing and it resembled a true MMORPG, which IMO was probably Nexon's glory days. Now however, being in Broa, I just do not want to play because the market is too dam expensive, I have no one to carry me through bosses, and I can't make friends with anyone because there is no one. What the f*** do I do? Yeah you get to clear out all that drama in a small server and stuff, but are you really incapable of tuning it out or required to be sheltered to avoid it? If you seriously try to be an adult and handle it maturely, I am sure you will be just fine. With a larger community, you can have a player base constantly playing and notice botters more often and report them. There is a thing now where Nexon chain bans bots, so shutting them down could be a lot easier with more people running around to report them. I do not see how a larger community can be a detriment.

    Seriously consider my thoughts. If you want to have a logical conversation then :quote: me, but only if you have actually read what I have wrote. I just don't see too much benefit in a small server other than childish, selfish reasons. Sorry if this offends you, but this is how I seriously feel.

    I would really like for DarkPassenger and AKradian to respond, since they seem like the biggest advocates for a small server. I want to hear your opinions. Lets discuss!

    I for one don't care for/about rankings, guild names, or drama; I agree that the economy would be a toss up; still fuzzy on stability since I'm still not sold on the servers getting more stable because of a merge, but I don't work with tech so I don't know.

    The main things I find fault with is this "MMORPG" aspect and your personal experiences with the economy. This game being what it is shouldn't force people to interact, and it doesn't (for the most part). People should be able to play however they want, and if they want to be in an unpopulated server and it's a viable option like it is here, then people should be able to choose to do so. And with your experience with the economy...it's just that. Your experience. It affects you and you alone; if you're feeling like the economy isn't a fit for you, then you would be better off in a bigger server. Things are expensive right now in some servers, but that isn't a reason to merge everyone. The reasons against a huge merge are not childish and selfish at all, because they are just as legitimate as the arguments for a large merge.
    Alantino wrote: »

    I decided to make a poll about it but of course it won't be here in the forum since many people who want a dead server made a lot of new accounts so the same person could just vote over and over so....

    Here we go


    Polls can be easily manipulated unless you're able to identify/have control over almost every aspect of the participants of said poll. It's an honest effort but wouldn't work in a thread like this, just as I've seen suggestions for features in other games have meaningless polls.

    And as I said to someone else in this thread, if you want people to take you seriously, then don't make accusations in the middle of a discussion. I don't know about you, but I've seen a lot of people with new accounts advocating for merges as well. There's literally no point of finger pointing in this situation since your reason for suspecting people can be pointed right back at you.

    By definition, a MMORPG (Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game) requires a large community hence massive. Maplestory is a MMORPG and by its standards should provide an environment for a MMORPG player base. People should play however they want to play, but only within the game's design, which maple is designed as a MMORPG and a social one at that.

    I did not mean community size was the main argument for me, it seems to be the main argument the opposition uses. It is my weakest understanding so I addressed it last. There will be negatives to a bigger server, but there will also be positives. Bots will have a harder time. More people in a server means more people the bots have to avoid to not get banned. In addition, it will be easier to quueee for Lotus and even the new boss that is coming out.

    Also, the things I meant as childish are the rankings, not being able to ignore "drama smegas" and who has a bigger E-peen.

    Okay. you want a small community to play with. Sure, you can have it, but Nexon shouldn't provide equal resources to your server compared to the larger server. A lot of the resources should be allocated to the server merger. Instead of a multiple server community like GRAZED, there should just be one small server with channels proportional to the small population. It isn't fair to demand a small server and the resources of a large server community too.

    Wow, you said it, you literally said everything.
    Someone should really make a thread of what you said, it says everything and no one can denied it! what you said is reality, but of course they'd always find a "reason".
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    DSpellGuy wrote: »
    Alantino wrote: »
    Alright, I give up.

    Merge worlds, don't merge worlds, I don't care anymore.

    I'm just trying to save the game I love and so we'd have a big world with a lot of ppl because we all understand that popular games that make a lot of money usually (all the time actually) are games with as many people as possible, because nobody (the majority of maplers) like to play in a dead server just for "free maps" or just so people won't "spam smega me" and all those minor problems... (I'd not even call it a problem to be honest...).

    Look at the biggest games in the world, League, Fortnite, etc, no one have them has such a thing as "the small place with just a few players".
    Most of people tend to love being around with other people, that's just nature and I have no doubt that the majority of maplers would definitely agree with me.

    But to those who actually want a dead server so bad and fighting for it as if their life depends on it, I want you to know one thing, slowly more and more people are leaving those dead servers because they got nobody to talk with, economy is really really bad, me, as a Scania player, I can no longer find a reason to log on... the only people I can find are just a bunch of bottres who spam 24/7 every single day, well maybe sometiems I do find a person or two, but they're all 24/7 afk.... I'm 100% alone and I'm not the only one, a lot of people are feeling like me and if that's in my world Scania so... I can't even imagine what's going on in GRAZED and all those other dead servers... this is just horrible!

    So I want you to keep in mind that you're killing this game with your own hands because you want a dead server right? okay but what about the majority in your server who wanna go to Bera? what about them? and as I said above, slowly people will feel just like me, just no reason to log on... I'm tired of being alone... so you're killing this game with your own hands I hope you're happy about that.

    I will not come back to this thread anymore as I said above, I give up, just do whatever you want, I'm done. oh, and GL, you'll need it.

    As I pointed out much earlier - the biggest issue is not only population, but the lack of party related things to do. Many people like to just solo bosses, etc. The PQ's aren't worth their rewards so many stopped playing them. Yes it's nice to find people, but even when I do find people for bossing, many leave the group to solo it.

    How do you [any that are shouting for merge] plan on having that issue fixed? How do you plan on having the botters/etc that cause latency for those that don't have a "gamer cpu"? As many also pointed out - there's the issue for the "market" in that the means of getting things are based off those who are the elite and solo. To fix this, Nexon tried limiting bossing to 1 per day for each boss. Why? Because upping the count of players would mean no one would be able to boss but those who have multiple CPU's and accounts.

    I know a lot of people despite being able to solo bosses easily, regularly do them in parties. Also, PQs lacking incentives to do, would lack any incentive to do regardless of being in a populated server or not. But if someone wanted to pq, they most certanily not even bother trying cause they wouldn't even find anyone. In a populated world you could make friends and at least try to convince them, so that at the early least its an option.

    As for the economy, I doubt anyone could be to sure if it will have benefits from merges or not. Right now in Khaini, I cant find the stuff I want or, the items are just to expensive, I can't say certainly if prices would change favorably

    Am I the only one who noticed that people from Nexon (like AKrai...) doesn't want to merge worlds? I think... it's pretty much say everything... (that Nexon DOES NOT want to merge worlds, but of course they'd bring up the "real" reason that they just "want an empty server" so they "can train alone without anyone bother them nor take their map"..... I'm truly sorry but I don't buy that.... -_-
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    NicholasB wrote: »
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    DSpellGuy wrote: »
    Alantino wrote: »
    Alright, I give up.

    Merge worlds, don't merge worlds, I don't care anymore.

    I'm just trying to save the game I love and so we'd have a big world with a lot of ppl because we all understand that popular games that make a lot of money usually (all the time actually) are games with as many people as possible, because nobody (the majority of maplers) like to play in a dead server just for "free maps" or just so people won't "spam smega me" and all those minor problems... (I'd not even call it a problem to be honest...).

    Look at the biggest games in the world, League, Fortnite, etc, no one have them has such a thing as "the small place with just a few players".
    Most of people tend to love being around with other people, that's just nature and I have no doubt that the majority of maplers would definitely agree with me.

    But to those who actually want a dead server so bad and fighting for it as if their life depends on it, I want you to know one thing, slowly more and more people are leaving those dead servers because they got nobody to talk with, economy is really really bad, me, as a Scania player, I can no longer find a reason to log on... the only people I can find are just a bunch of bottres who spam 24/7 every single day, well maybe sometiems I do find a person or two, but they're all 24/7 afk.... I'm 100% alone and I'm not the only one, a lot of people are feeling like me and if that's in my world Scania so... I can't even imagine what's going on in GRAZED and all those other dead servers... this is just horrible!

    So I want you to keep in mind that you're killing this game with your own hands because you want a dead server right? okay but what about the majority in your server who wanna go to Bera? what about them? and as I said above, slowly people will feel just like me, just no reason to log on... I'm tired of being alone... so you're killing this game with your own hands I hope you're happy about that.

    I will not come back to this thread anymore as I said above, I give up, just do whatever you want, I'm done. oh, and GL, you'll need it.

    As I pointed out much earlier - the biggest issue is not only population, but the lack of party related things to do. Many people like to just solo bosses, etc. The PQ's aren't worth their rewards so many stopped playing them. Yes it's nice to find people, but even when I do find people for bossing, many leave the group to solo it.

    How do you [any that are shouting for merge] plan on having that issue fixed? How do you plan on having the botters/etc that cause latency for those that don't have a "gamer cpu"? As many also pointed out - there's the issue for the "market" in that the means of getting things are based off those who are the elite and solo. To fix this, Nexon tried limiting bossing to 1 per day for each boss. Why? Because upping the count of players would mean no one would be able to boss but those who have multiple CPU's and accounts.

    I know a lot of people despite being able to solo bosses easily, regularly do them in parties. Also, PQs lacking incentives to do, would lack any incentive to do regardless of being in a populated server or not. But if someone wanted to pq, they most certanily not even bother trying cause they wouldn't even find anyone. In a populated world you could make friends and at least try to convince them, so that at the early least its an option.

    As for the economy, I doubt anyone could be to sure if it will have benefits from merges or not. Right now in Khaini, I cant find the stuff I want or, the items are just to expensive, I can't say certainly if prices would change favorably

    Am I the only one who noticed that people from Nexon (like AKrai...) doesn't want to merge worlds? I think... it's pretty much say everything... (that Nexon DOES NOT want to merge worlds, but of course they'd bring up the "real" reason that they just "want an empty server" so they "can train alone without anyone bother them nor take their map"..... I'm truly sorry but I don't buy that.... -_-
    Rargzs wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »
    Rargzs wrote: »
    Lets do Pros and Cons and get these ideas sorted! I've read through the posts and have a general idea.

    No Server Merger
    + Stable Server
    + Same/Better Economy
    + Keep Guild/Alliance Names
    + Rankings
    + Keep All Characters
    + Small Community (No Drama/Smega Spams Etc.)
    - Worse Economy then what could be
    - Not a Social Game and a regular RPG
    - Hard to come by resources
    - Small Community (Not enough people to catch all the botters)

    The list can be added to, but so far this is what I have gathered. Now the rest of this is an opinion piece so don't get upset. BTW, I am for the server merge.

    The server stability can easily be argued. When you merge the servers, you have excess technology from the previous servers that can be allocated to new channels. A lot of that technology isn't even being used to its maximum capacity and in fact, from Nexon's perspective would be a drain on profits. It could help servers that experience instability, by alleviating that "stress."

    Economy can go three ways on the merger. Can become a better economy, worse, or stay the same. People claiming either side doesn't have the data to prove anything. They do not have information on the supply or demand. What can be said however, is you will now have "steadier flow". There will be more players generating goods, and more players consuming those goods. This could stabilize the market and prevent drastic pricing shifts when players mass buy goods (superior item crystals pricing varies greatly even in Bera).

    Guild/Alliance Names no matter what will be an inevitable loss. For the most part, a lot of guild names won't be the same. If they are, they could be merged together as well (of course given a specific time frame to do so), be given a name change, or even be given the option to disband completely and remake. No matter how you look at it, you will be taking an L in this category. IMO, it will be worth taking this L due to the other benefits of the server merge (hear me out and read the rest).

    Rankings are going to be an inevitable L as well. But this depends on how you look at it. If you are a small time player with a high rank in your low popularity server, yeah it may suck, but this gives you the opportunity and challenge of being able to "beat more players". If you already have a high ranking, then you get gloating rights. No matter how I look at this category though, it is just a way for people to flex their epeens and feel good about themselves. It can affect the way the game is played when looking at the MuLung Dojo Rankings (however the gloves aren't really end-game), but if we are talking about the leveling rankings, then it does not affect the way the game is played. IMO, again, it is a little thing and is worth taking the L for the other benefits.

    A lot of players have made a ton of characters over a ton of different servers. How many you will get to keep? I do not know how lenient Nexon wants to be, but if you are able to keep enough to retain your legion level/character cards and your damage range, I do not see how this can be a negative effect.

    Having a small community seems to be the main argument. For me, a small community does not give me the MMORPG experience/immersion. Maplestory is a MMORPG. The current state it is in, would destroy any other MMORPG's future. The fact that Maple is still alive and kicking is a true testament to how good of a game it is/was, and how much people hold it dear. When most of the players originally played, and even when Reboot came out, the community was buzzing and it resembled a true MMORPG, which IMO was probably Nexon's glory days. Now however, being in Broa, I just do not want to play because the market is too dam expensive, I have no one to carry me through bosses, and I can't make friends with anyone because there is no one. What the f*** do I do? Yeah you get to clear out all that drama in a small server and stuff, but are you really incapable of tuning it out or required to be sheltered to avoid it? If you seriously try to be an adult and handle it maturely, I am sure you will be just fine. With a larger community, you can have a player base constantly playing and notice botters more often and report them. There is a thing now where Nexon chain bans bots, so shutting them down could be a lot easier with more people running around to report them. I do not see how a larger community can be a detriment.

    Seriously consider my thoughts. If you want to have a logical conversation then :quote: me, but only if you have actually read what I have wrote. I just don't see too much benefit in a small server other than childish, selfish reasons. Sorry if this offends you, but this is how I seriously feel.

    I would really like for DarkPassenger and AKradian to respond, since they seem like the biggest advocates for a small server. I want to hear your opinions. Lets discuss!

    I for one don't care for/about rankings, guild names, or drama; I agree that the economy would be a toss up; still fuzzy on stability since I'm still not sold on the servers getting more stable because of a merge, but I don't work with tech so I don't know.

    The main things I find fault with is this "MMORPG" aspect and your personal experiences with the economy. This game being what it is shouldn't force people to interact, and it doesn't (for the most part). People should be able to play however they want, and if they want to be in an unpopulated server and it's a viable option like it is here, then people should be able to choose to do so. And with your experience with the economy...it's just that. Your experience. It affects you and you alone; if you're feeling like the economy isn't a fit for you, then you would be better off in a bigger server. Things are expensive right now in some servers, but that isn't a reason to merge everyone. The reasons against a huge merge are not childish and selfish at all, because they are just as legitimate as the arguments for a large merge.
    Alantino wrote: »

    I decided to make a poll about it but of course it won't be here in the forum since many people who want a dead server made a lot of new accounts so the same person could just vote over and over so....

    Here we go


    Polls can be easily manipulated unless you're able to identify/have control over almost every aspect of the participants of said poll. It's an honest effort but wouldn't work in a thread like this, just as I've seen suggestions for features in other games have meaningless polls.

    And as I said to someone else in this thread, if you want people to take you seriously, then don't make accusations in the middle of a discussion. I don't know about you, but I've seen a lot of people with new accounts advocating for merges as well. There's literally no point of finger pointing in this situation since your reason for suspecting people can be pointed right back at you.

    By definition, a MMORPG (Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game) requires a large community hence massive. Maplestory is a MMORPG and by its standards should provide an environment for a MMORPG player base. People should play however they want to play, but only within the game's design, which maple is designed as a MMORPG and a social one at that.

    I did not mean community size was the main argument for me, it seems to be the main argument the opposition uses. It is my weakest understanding so I addressed it last. There will be negatives to a bigger server, but there will also be positives. Bots will have a harder time. More people in a server means more people the bots have to avoid to not get banned. In addition, it will be easier to quueee for Lotus and even the new boss that is coming out.

    Also, the things I meant as childish are the rankings, not being able to ignore "drama smegas" and who has a bigger E-peen.

    Okay. you want a small community to play with. Sure, you can have it, but Nexon shouldn't provide equal resources to your server compared to the larger server. A lot of the resources should be allocated to the server merger. Instead of a multiple server community like GRAZED, there should just be one small server with channels proportional to the small population. It isn't fair to demand a small server and the resources of a large server community too.

    Wow, you said it, you literally said everything.
    Someone should really make a thread of what you said, it says everything and no one can denied it! what you said is reality, but of course they'd always find a "reason".
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    DSpellGuy wrote: »
    Alantino wrote: »
    Alright, I give up.

    Merge worlds, don't merge worlds, I don't care anymore.

    I'm just trying to save the game I love and so we'd have a big world with a lot of ppl because we all understand that popular games that make a lot of money usually (all the time actually) are games with as many people as possible, because nobody (the majority of maplers) like to play in a dead server just for "free maps" or just so people won't "spam smega me" and all those minor problems... (I'd not even call it a problem to be honest...).

    Look at the biggest games in the world, League, Fortnite, etc, no one have them has such a thing as "the small place with just a few players".
    Most of people tend to love being around with other people, that's just nature and I have no doubt that the majority of maplers would definitely agree with me.

    But to those who actually want a dead server so bad and fighting for it as if their life depends on it, I want you to know one thing, slowly more and more people are leaving those dead servers because they got nobody to talk with, economy is really really bad, me, as a Scania player, I can no longer find a reason to log on... the only people I can find are just a bunch of bottres who spam 24/7 every single day, well maybe sometiems I do find a person or two, but they're all 24/7 afk.... I'm 100% alone and I'm not the only one, a lot of people are feeling like me and if that's in my world Scania so... I can't even imagine what's going on in GRAZED and all those other dead servers... this is just horrible!

    So I want you to keep in mind that you're killing this game with your own hands because you want a dead server right? okay but what about the majority in your server who wanna go to Bera? what about them? and as I said above, slowly people will feel just like me, just no reason to log on... I'm tired of being alone... so you're killing this game with your own hands I hope you're happy about that.

    I will not come back to this thread anymore as I said above, I give up, just do whatever you want, I'm done. oh, and GL, you'll need it.

    As I pointed out much earlier - the biggest issue is not only population, but the lack of party related things to do. Many people like to just solo bosses, etc. The PQ's aren't worth their rewards so many stopped playing them. Yes it's nice to find people, but even when I do find people for bossing, many leave the group to solo it.

    How do you [any that are shouting for merge] plan on having that issue fixed? How do you plan on having the botters/etc that cause latency for those that don't have a "gamer cpu"? As many also pointed out - there's the issue for the "market" in that the means of getting things are based off those who are the elite and solo. To fix this, Nexon tried limiting bossing to 1 per day for each boss. Why? Because upping the count of players would mean no one would be able to boss but those who have multiple CPU's and accounts.

    I know a lot of people despite being able to solo bosses easily, regularly do them in parties. Also, PQs lacking incentives to do, would lack any incentive to do regardless of being in a populated server or not. But if someone wanted to pq, they most certanily not even bother trying cause they wouldn't even find anyone. In a populated world you could make friends and at least try to convince them, so that at the early least its an option.

    As for the economy, I doubt anyone could be to sure if it will have benefits from merges or not. Right now in Khaini, I cant find the stuff I want or, the items are just to expensive, I can't say certainly if prices would change favorably

    Am I the only one who noticed that people from Nexon (like AKrai...) doesn't want to merge worlds? I think... it's pretty much say everything... (that Nexon DOES NOT want to merge worlds, but of course they'd bring up the "real" reason that they just "want an empty server" so they "can train alone without anyone bother them nor take their map"..... I'm truly sorry but I don't buy that.... -_-

    couldnt use a spoiler? quoting the comments that are already long enough. and no, not everyone that is against a merge is from nexon, AKradian isn't even from Nexon, moderators are not nexon employees. Theyre volunteers. No one from Nexon has said anything about not wanting one, as Arwoo is the only Nexon Employee that has commented here.

  • RargzsRargzs
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 4
    edited June 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    Rargzs wrote: »
    Wrong of me to say you are advocating for a small server and rather I should say advocating against a full merger. Rather you wish to have a merger for the ones that want it, and for you guys, who want a small community, keep one server for you? If that is indeed your argument, then I say it is a fair one. However, the only issue I would have with that is where and how Nexon would distribute the resources.

    A lot of the resources should be allocated to the merged server. Instead of a multiple server community like GRAZED, there should just be one small server with channels proportional to the small population. It isn't fair to demand a small community server and the resources of a large server community too.

    That is another strawman.
    Who ever said that a low-population world should be allocated the same resources as a high-population one?

    I have seen Nexon run anywhere between one and five channel servers (software) on a single physical server. And since they are using AWS, they also have ready access to server computers of varying power. Similarly, they have in the past reconfigured their network hardware to alleviate congestion at certain junctions.
    All of this is largely invisible to players.
    It's to be expected that they would continue to allocate resources as needed, rather than in a blindly even fashion.

    Ok. But it isn't a strawman. I did not claim you intended for the resources to stay the same. I only brought about my concern on the resources being distributed fairly and expanded on the topic. Trying to have a civil conversation, but you seem to be getting offended and claiming strawman over and over again (This statement would be a strawman if any).
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    Rargzs wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    Rargzs wrote: »
    Wrong of me to say you are advocating for a small server and rather I should say advocating against a full merger. Rather you wish to have a merger for the ones that want it, and for you guys, who want a small community, keep one server for you? If that is indeed your argument, then I say it is a fair one. However, the only issue I would have with that is where and how Nexon would distribute the resources.

    A lot of the resources should be allocated to the merged server. Instead of a multiple server community like GRAZED, there should just be one small server with channels proportional to the small population. It isn't fair to demand a small community server and the resources of a large server community too.

    That is another strawman.
    Who ever said that a low-population world should be allocated the same resources as a high-population one?

    I have seen Nexon run anywhere between one and five channel servers (software) on a single physical server. And since they are using AWS, they also have ready access to server computers of varying power. Similarly, they have in the past reconfigured their network hardware to alleviate congestion at certain junctions.
    All of this is largely invisible to players.
    It's to be expected that they would continue to allocate resources as needed, rather than in a blindly even fashion.

    Ok. But it isn't a strawman. I did not claim you intended for the resources to stay the same. I only brought about my concern on the resources being distributed fairly and expanded on the topic. Trying to have a civil conversation, but you seem to be getting offended and claiming strawman over and over again (This statement would be a strawman if any).

    Dont think AKradian is offended by your claim, it actually seems as if you didnt know the resources in terms of servers, weren't in fact even, as AKradian explained in detail, as you claimed with your statement. Since if you knew resources weren't allocated evenly, you wouldn't have brought it up. " trying to have a civil conversation... but you seem to get offended." Sounds like a smokescreen.

  • DSpellGuyDSpellGuy
    Reactions: 1,195
    Posts: 84
    edited June 2018
    NicholasB wrote: »
    Am I the only one who noticed that people from Nexon (like AKrai...) doesn't want to merge worlds? I think... it's pretty much say everything... (that Nexon DOES NOT want to merge worlds, but of course they'd bring up the "real" reason that they just "want an empty server" so they "can train alone without anyone bother them nor take their map"..... I'm truly sorry but I don't buy that.... -_-


    By definition, a MMORPG (Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game) requires a large community hence massive. Maplestory is a MMORPG and by its standards should provide an environment for a MMORPG player base. People should play however they want to play, but only within the game's design, which maple is designed as a MMORPG and a social one at that.

    I did not mean community size was the main argument for me, it seems to be the main argument the opposition uses. It is my weakest understanding so I addressed it last. There will be negatives to a bigger server, but there will also be positives. Bots will have a harder time. More people in a server means more people the bots have to avoid to not get banned. In addition, it will be easier to quueee for Lotus and even the new boss that is coming out.

    Also, the things I meant as childish are the rankings, not being able to ignore "drama smegas" and who has a bigger E-peen.

    Okay. you want a small community to play with. Sure, you can have it, but Nexon shouldn't provide equal resources to your server compared to the larger server. A lot of the resources should be allocated to the server merger. Instead of a multiple server community like GRAZED, there should just be one small server with channels proportional to the small population. It isn't fair to demand a small server and the resources of a large server community too.

    Do you mean specifically Nexon employees or anyone that reps them like forum moderators?

    As for the comment of an MMORPG - keep in mind that your arguement of Maplestory being "a social one at that" requires two things (1) people and (2) something that brings them together socially - whether this is questing bossing etc. Bossing has become mainly a solo like thing, unless you have a decent guild going on or buds to party up with. I'm speaking this from playing on Scania before Reboot and the populace falling on Scania and also when I started shortly before the Chaos patch. As for PQ's AGAIN - THERE"S NO INCENTIVE TO DO THEM. This is the reason many stopped doing them - the only one that some do is R/J and even then, THEY DO NOT FINISH IT, they just use it for grinding, that's it.

    I'm all up for social aspects that I wish hadn't died off due to the populace falling down. But if there's nothing to draw people in, then the game will still be quiet. I do not miss the constant lack of decent maps [this is Nexon's fault, the mobs heavily vary on exp gain for mobs of the same levels, etc] and not being able to hit up the "good ones" due to all the channels being full. It's already bad enough that I've found some popular grind maps, like Pirates, getting hit up with Botters. It'd only be worse due to a single non reboot world.

    I'd wager, like others already stated, that if those who want a one world gaming experience would be crying for fixes to problems they had turned a blind eye to like the botters, latency and that no one is still playing those PQ's.
This discussion has been closed.