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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
What is everyone's Monster Collection at?
RNG isn't on my side. My friend and I hunted the same mobs and she always had an easier time than I did despite being the same class. Even for the KoC knights. She got Eckhart in one shot while I hunted him for two straight hours.
300 in MC is nothing compared to that guy's 491 but considering my luck, I consider it a pretty big achievement. I'm not gonna aim for more in order to not risk my sanity. :P
@Everyone I was farming monsters on my Kanna, it's so much faster to do it as Kanna. I got mine from 160 to 165 so far just from getting them, from 82 to 305 monsters, think it has been barely a month i started farm them, but I didn't play on Kanna everyday either. It has 200k range when buffed, so I can kill some mid lv monsters real fast, mainly Lv80-130 ones. I also did bosses on Hero and occasionnally got some from Dojo. I didn't add Mu Gong yet T.T Me as a stupid guy died at Mu Gong this morning lol. Or else I could beat it as usual, i needed 3 more hits or so lol.
The four 24hrs boxes I got are Cygnus, Magnus, Ephenia and Xerxes PQ. I could get PB line, but I didn't add normal PB yet T.T Gladly I got CPB real quick with 16 bodies and got Lyka from Dojo. Statues are easy to get too. Once you complete one specific line into Collection tab, you claim that box. When it's done, if you want get that box again, go into Exploration tab and select that line. Depending which type of box you want get, you must wait a certain time after you click on Explore. When you are done waiting, click on Claim and select same box again for another exploration or another type of box. Yo no longer need farming monsters again. You start with 2 lines, then you get 3rd line of exploration once you hit 150 monsters, then a 4th one if you collect 300. Having 600+ will be almost impossible due to elite monsters T.T
Just saying too, I still have a few low level monsters I didnt get when farming on Kanna. I didnt do Rien except 1 mob because i killed one on my way on Hero, thinking I could get the boss one, but nope... And I didn't do Mushking castle either, except the mini boss on Hero, I have done most dungeon quests on Hero. So certain monsters which i had to log on Hero to collect these. You could also make Kaiser and AB for these Monks in Pantheon, you eed to make both. Then if you have a space to make a Shade, do it and farm monsters there while you are still in Shade village at low lv. If no space in world and you are in a world alliance, make it in the other world, it's same collection for the whole world alliance. As example if your main world is Mardia and no more character slot, then make Shade into Kradia or other.
Get most bosses possible, they can be added a lot faster. If you are low level, between Lv65 and 100 do Balrog PQ, you can do it as solo and I recommend to hit hands until they get sealed. Then Lv75-120 for Chryse PQ, can be done solo as well. If you really want get Nett PQ done, do it with 4 people, thats the requirement. Hard mode is Lv90-109. I heard we can do kitchen PQ, but I never tried it. As for Magnus, if you are unable to kill Normal, at least do Easy. If you get carry to Normal Magnus, be sure to hit him before it dies, then the mini bosses in storyline quests, Treglow, Victor and Velderoth are easy to kill. Well, i 1hit them on Hero lol then you must have a bit hard time for Red Staff, took me 30 min to get it on my main. You can also do Silent crusade for certain bosses. But you can enter into Mystic Gate only 20 times per day, I was lucky to get them very fast. There are a LOT of mini bosses in Leafre too like Master Birk, Manon, Griffey and Leviethan. Then Aquaroad for Seruf, Pianus and if you have some patience, let Pianus summoning these spikes monsters. There are more to defeat and there are some bosses I dont get yet.
Also don't forget to do RA on multiple character if you can't afford getting Substantial Exploration Boxes, it gives Decent box. The highest lv monsters I farmed were in Dead Mine and these yetis. I farmed a total of an hour and half getting Flyeye, the very long vertical map T.T It's a lot easier as Kanna because you can use teleport instead of climbing and you have many good AoE skills. My Kanna is Lv 165, so I use Lv150 hyper skill, it's a on/off and very usefull skill. I also did Gobi in Aqua and finally got to get Gobi House. A buddy who mains a Shade luckily got Gobi House by accidentally kill it with Spirit Fox, the form of final attack, by killing a Shark on his way for Pianus, after CC a few times, he was too lucky lol.
That's so op, but can u get stuff like inventory expansion more than once then? or rewards from those lines are diferents than the ones u get to see on MC window?
Another question regarding MC, so for bosses, in order to get them add, do u have to
So another question regarding MC, when it comes to bosses, in order to get them on MC, do u have to :
a) give the last hit
b) Kill it on ur own as doing 51%+ dmg to it (highest dmg done)
c) just give a hit to it with out having party from the one killing it
d) having party from the one who kills it and hitting it
e) having party from the one who kills it and leechin from it
f) go to the bathroom and just hope it adds magicaly while u poopin
g) other option not mentioned
a) give the last hit
b) Kill it on ur own as doing 51%+ dmg to it (highest dmg done)
c) just give a hit to it with out having party from the one killing it
d) having party from the one who kills it and hitting it
e) having party from the one who kills it and leechin from it
f) go to the bathroom and just hope it adds magicaly while u poopin
g) other option not mentioned
i think its probably d)
because i have a high level unfunded kanna mule that i use to bind for my friend and it registered shinsoo which my kanna cant even do a quarter of its hp in 10 min
also I am trying to complete the chryse set and i cant seem to get those mobs to register. I am killing doing the pq using level 97 kinesis
I noticed there is a big difference between trying to register level 103 monsters vs level98 monsters so I wonder if there is also a gap from level 79 monster to level 81 monsters.
so long story short. Is it faster if i just level a new character to level 75 and do the chryse pq vs doing it every day on my level 97 kinesis
Off topic: Has anybody gotten anything registered in the Rex line at all? We did Rex 5x today (and got insulted by Shammos all throughout) and no mobs registered.
And just about 5 minutes later I finally got Jr Balrog, completing another line.
the level of monsters are for sure going to effect the capture rate
Do drop rate % affects the chance of adding a monster or boss to the MC ?
I finally got PB after doing it daily since MC was released though. I got Jr. Balrog from dojo yesterday too, did you get yours from there too or just SW? Oh I forgot about that! Oh well, I'll just do it everyday. Only 5x a day anyways, it's gonna pay off eventually. :P