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2020 DMT Suggestions, Feedback and Request


  • RyugenRyugen
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    Ryugen wrote: »
    Login servers too full can't even login... MS should remove the buffs in the chat, and make day long DMT,

    should also do a 24 hour rollback
  • gathergather
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 20
    edited July 2020
    I have found reboot to be laggy though when playing.
    Double Miracle time has always been laggy. I have never lagged during double miracle time in Bera though. Though the purchase limits well sounds better then past ones as even though they may have a limited number whose to say one player buys up most of the packages and other players miss out. Not to mention cubing to uptier items during this period well I don't always cube during double miracle time and manage to uprank. Cubing is all about luck (Yes I have received some of the luck in the past but not all the time with the buff). Since you could say spent x amount of nx on cubes and get the uprank or buy alot of cubes and don't get the uprank.

    Double Miracle time comes every now and then. Though I would have to last time wake up at 8am for one of the sessions and then come back at 3pm for the other session. One event can't really say this game will fail its like saying all those threads that some players put up maplestory is dying.

    I initially wasn't going to post on the thread after reading it since some things that were mentioned did not make sense such as why would a person want a bebe box as compensation and the other was making double miracle time 24 hours. If it was made 24 hours players would see that blue spam of so and so has received Miracle Time's Miraculous blessing. Congratulations. However even if it was made 24 hours someone will prob go complain o I wasn't able to cube during that time due to the current issues such as o I was only able to 5 or 6 cubes the lag was that bad.

  • pat159pat159
    Reactions: 1,090
    Posts: 38
    edited July 2020
    no rollback... just give us free cubes at this point, because this fail is out of proportion to what is even remotely acceptable
  • SimplySooshiSimplySooshi
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 11
    edited July 2020
    chat buffs are legit so pointless. extra lag. cant even train during dmt anyways
  • ResetReset
    Reactions: 1,585
    Posts: 54
    edited July 2020
    Reboot stopped working right when each DMT session began simply due to a horrendous mix of overpopulation and the fact DMT is 1 hour long each session, so every single one of entire population makes a mad rush to cube, easily ending in disaster server stability-wise. Previous DMTs were never this bad. Portals didn't work, you couldn't change channels, you couldn't leave the map you were on, couldn't cube, dcs and struggling to relog in because the server was completely full, nothing worked anymore.

    It would be much better if DMT was just one 24 hours long session, that way there wouldn't be such a huge rush and server overload. I spent my time farming for DMT only to not be able to use the event, I was able to use a total of 6 cubes over the course of an hour (aka the entire DMT session), because you were basically softlocked from doing anything for the entire hour and up to 20 minutes after DMT ended. That's how intense the lag was.

    I do think Reboot should get compensation of some sort. We couldn't even use the event because of this. I know we're just Reboot and it doesn't seem like it should matter because we didn't spend money to get our cubes, but we spent a lot of time meso farming for DMT. Time out of our busy daily lives that we can't get back.

    Either way I'm upset that I couldn't get the progress on my gear that I'd been saving up for and I was looking forward to DMT for months. I don't have much time in my life to farm that much and make the kind of progress DMT would've brought me. It would've saved me many hours of farming and now I have to do all those hours of farming because of the DMT problem in Reboot.
  • MaullyMaully
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    New player to Maplestory. I recently started playing about 3 months ago, and I invested ALL of my meso (10b) into this event and I was not able to even reap the rewards of cautiously saving up all of my hard earned meso. If this is how this game is run, I am no longer interested in playing and am glad I only recently started playing. This looks absolutely horrible for a gaming company.
  • MaplewarriorxMaplewarriorx
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    Nexon please compensate for this event. A lot of players did not get to cube at all and we see it just that we get
  • MrKeyyMrKeyy
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Drakeos99 wrote: »
    Round 3 is officially fail yet reboot is asking for compensation from all cubes that been used/spent

  • HalbBlutHalbBlut
    Reactions: 845
    Posts: 14
    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2020
    1. For those who say this is "unacceptable" - go pay for quality you entitled swine!
    2. For those demanding compensation - refer to 1.

    Let's all remind ourselves, this is a free to play game and an extra-free to play server. NA Reboot doesn't generate enough revenue to justify more/better servers - if you want the issue resolved? Spend NX! But complaining that the FREE game, on the FREE server, for the FREE event, and the FREE cubes you got....well it is hard to sympathize.
    Hilarious when players say stuff like "hard earned" or "worked for" since they are referring to time spent in a video game, time that they CHOSE to spend collecting a game currency.

    Y'all are speaking to the publisher, not the developer.
  • TheObservantTheObservant
    Reactions: 630
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2020
    HalbBlut wrote: »
    1. For those who say this is "unacceptable" - go pay for quality you entitled swine!

    NA Reboot doesn't generate enough revenue to justify more/better servers - if you want the issue resolved? Spend NX!

    We do though. There are so many mvp players on Reboot who spend a lot of money on cosmetics, myself included. I would actually spend MORE if they changed out the face choice/hair coupon selections more often, or added more options.

    Unlike reg servers, the only way to get a lot of NX quickly in Reboot is to spend money. Unless you merch in reg servers, buy maple points with mesos, then spend those maple points in Reboot but hardly anyone does that.

    It's absolutely false that people in Reboot don't spend money. People like myself would just prefer to avoid the temptation to spend money on character progression, and would rather spend it on making my characters look nice. Given that there is no shortage of people decked out in NX on Reboot, I'd say many others share that sentiment. When you factor in that Reboot is so densely populated, it's hard to believe the server doesn't make enough money.

    With that being said though, this is still unacceptable even if people on Reboot never spent anything. This is still a playerbase that deserves a working product. But, given that people Reboot do actually spend quite a lot of money, that makes it worse.
  • EXPstarEXPstar
    Reactions: 130
    Posts: 4
    No amount of compensation is going to help me fix my game. I have potentially lost my main char for DMT due to a bug where the potential screen will not leave and I can't even play the game any more on my main. No wonder I kept leaving Maplestory after playing it for a few days. This is my childhood game and it just keeps disappointing me, but I keep coming back just because of nostalgia and it never fails to disappoint. Same server problems for the past 15 years.
  • VeleurVeleur
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    I would like to show up in support that the problems described here were something I experienced as well. These issues are all well-documented through live-streams of this event, as well as the multitude of support tickets and forum posts likely coming Nexon's way the next few days. The players demand action and compensation.
  • BobwasnothereBobwasnothere
    Reactions: 405
    Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    Before getting started, I want to acknowledge to the Nexon team that we understand it’s difficult to manage and control a community as large as we are. Yesterday was especially difficult for many of us. Me in particular being a reboot only player made things even worse as I feel reboot was hit the hardest, as a reboot player you grind for everything you earn and after a week and a half of grinding out the necessary amount of mesos to buy out the shops cubes as well as acquired specific gear I left uncubed for this event. Come cubing time only being able to cube once before I got dc’d hit different. Personally I feel the only true compensation for this matter would be a day long DMT, this is the only compensation I see as being fair to everyone who too grinded and saved up for this event. Nexon I know you guys know what needs to be done and I thank you for taking your time to read this. If anyone has anything else to add feel free.
    - CliqueTV (Reboot Pathfinder)
  • HerptheDerpHerptheDerp
    Reactions: 1,200
    Posts: 65
    edited July 2020
    People need to stop buying NX until they fix the entire company. They need to start firing people and hire people that know what they're doing.

  • VyrtaeVyrtae
    Reactions: 875
    Posts: 13
    edited July 2020
    HalbBlut wrote: »
    1. For those who say this is "unacceptable" - go pay for quality you entitled swine!
    2. For those demanding compensation - refer to 1.

    Let's all remind ourselves, this is a free to play game and an extra-free to play server. NA Reboot doesn't generate enough revenue to justify more/better servers - if you want the issue resolved? Spend NX! But complaining that the FREE game, on the FREE server, for the FREE event, and the FREE cubes you got....well it is hard to sympathize.
    Hilarious when players say stuff like "hard earned" or "worked for" since they are referring to time spent in a video game, time that they CHOSE to spend collecting a game currency.

    Y'all are speaking to the publisher, not the developer.

    I'm sorry but what are you even talking about? So just because it's a free to play game we should just take every bad decision made by nexon for granted? You should realize that without players this game, or any MMORPG for that matter, would be nothing; it'd simply cease to exist. There's plenty of people paying for this game and it changes absolutely nothing. There have been multiple community outcries over the past 3(+?) maple memos and all Nexon did is walk away from them. On top of that your point about publisher/developer is completely irrelevant. In KMS they already get 24h DMT sessions, do you understand what this means? The code is already there, and even if it weren't it'd only be a matter of changing a simple line. GMS' producer deliberately chose to do 1h time frames.
  • BobwasnothereBobwasnothere
    Reactions: 405
    Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    HalbBlut wrote: »
    1. For those who say this is "unacceptable" - go pay for quality you entitled swine!
    2. For those demanding compensation - refer to 1.

    Let's all remind ourselves, this is a free to play game and an extra-free to play server. NA Reboot doesn't generate enough revenue to justify more/better servers - if you want the issue resolved? Spend NX! But complaining that the FREE game, on the FREE server, for the FREE event, and the FREE cubes you got....well it is hard to sympathize.
    Hilarious when players say stuff like "hard earned" or "worked for" since they are referring to time spent in a video game, time that they CHOSE to spend collecting a game currency.

    Y'all are speaking to the publisher, not the developer.

    You obviously haven’t played reboot and or just trying to get attention lmao.
  • NarogNarog
    Reactions: 1,220
    Posts: 23
    edited July 2020
    i wanna know if i use the cubes i got or a wait for the DMT that actually works?
  • aarontaaront
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    My first dmt.. didnt even get halfway through the first pack of cubes.. Honestly would've been a great weekend but now I'm just dissapointed. Wish it would've been handled better. If not compensation, at least acknowledge the issues that almost all reboot players faced.
  • aarontaaront
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    double post.
  • RainbowYiffRainbowYiff
    Reactions: 985
    Posts: 14
    edited July 2020
    Everyone is in agreement about what needs to be done as compensation for this, will nexon listen to the overwhelming consensus of it's players? Anything less would be embarrassing and shameful.