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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Dutch trading restrictions.
Dear Maplers and Nexon Employee's,
I am personally a Dutch casino worker and i think that nexon mistook a certain law which the netherlands created against online gambling for people.
Technically speaking dutch people are allowed to still trade in the game if we look at the actual law since according to the ToS.
We aren't allowed to sell items for actual money which is why dutch people aren't allowed to trade in maple soon 1 on 1 and with ah. which doesnt make sence since its already against the ToS.
Second of all the Netherlands will implement an system against people with a gambling addiction called Cruks.
which is created to help people to stop gambling if they have an addiction but people will have to put themselves in there to not be allowed to gamble.
3rth reason why this trading restriction is redicilious is according to law we are allowed to trade goods in a virtual game for virtual currency oltherwise all MMO's should be unable to be played in the netherlands.
Since Maplestory is in core an MMO RPG it doesn't have to put up trade restrictions for a any dutch players. At most what nexon could do is disable gachapon and phillo books for Dutch people since those would be seen as loot boxes but loot boxes are allowed aslong as you can't sell the items for actual real life currency so i don't get the tradeban since it doesn't have to apply to maple anyways due to the core rules of the game.
If nexon would really go with there plans for the netherlands than only proper compensations due to lack of possible meso income from selling drops is increase meso drop rate for dutch players and let them be allowed to buy all gears easier and get rid fo starforce booming for em cuz oltherwise it will take an eternity to create a decent gear set on a new account.
I hope personally that nexon learn to read why stuff gets implemented and not try to obey a law which they won't need to obey since in core it doesn't technically apply for em since it isn't an online casino.
An Actual Real Life Casino Employee

and 2 others.
is this making the game impossible to play for me? if so is there a way for me to transfer to reboot or some sort? dont wanna do everyting over again....
I've been playing this game for years and dont wanna lose all my progress...
Please share your thougts!
I am personally a Dutch casino worker and i think that nexon mistook a certain law which the netherlands created against online gambling for people.
Technically speaking dutch people are allowed to still trade in the game if we look at the actual law since according to the ToS.
We aren't allowed to sell items for actual money which is why dutch people aren't allowed to trade in maple soon 1 on 1 and with ah. which doesnt make sence since its already against the ToS.
Second of all the Netherlands will implement an system against people with a gambling addiction called Cruks.
which is created to help people to stop gambling if they have an addiction but people will have to put themselves in there to not be allowed to gamble.
3rth reason why this trading restriction is redicilious is according to law we are allowed to trade goods in a virtual game for virtual currency oltherwise all MMO's should be unable to be played in the netherlands.
Since Maplestory is in core an MMO RPG it doesn't have to put up trade restrictions for a any dutch players. At most what nexon could do is disable gachapon and phillo books for Dutch people since those would be seen as loot boxes but loot boxes are allowed aslong as you can't sell the items for actual real life currency so i don't get the tradeban since it doesn't have to apply to maple anyways due to the core rules of the game.
If nexon would really go with there plans for the netherlands than only proper compensations due to lack of possible meso income from selling drops is increase meso drop rate for dutch players and let them be allowed to buy all gears easier and get rid fo starforce booming for em cuz oltherwise it will take an eternity to create a decent gear set on a new account.
I hope personally that nexon learn to read why stuff gets implemented and not try to obey a law which they won't need to obey since in core it doesn't technically apply for em since it isn't an online casino.
An Actual Real Life Casino Employee
I am personally a Dutch casino worker and i think that nexon mistook a certain law which the netherlands created against online gambling for people.
Technically speaking dutch people are allowed to still trade in the game if we look at the actual law since according to the ToS.
We aren't allowed to sell items for actual money which is why dutch people aren't allowed to trade in maple soon 1 on 1 and with ah. which doesnt make sence since its already against the ToS.
Second of all the Netherlands will implement an system against people with a gambling addiction called Cruks.
which is created to help people to stop gambling if they have an addiction but people will have to put themselves in there to not be allowed to gamble.
3rth reason why this trading restriction is redicilious is according to law we are allowed to trade goods in a virtual game for virtual currency oltherwise all MMO's should be unable to be played in the netherlands.
Since Maplestory is in core an MMO RPG it doesn't have to put up trade restrictions for a any dutch players. At most what nexon could do is disable gachapon and phillo books for Dutch people since those would be seen as loot boxes but loot boxes are allowed aslong as you can't sell the items for actual real life currency so i don't get the tradeban since it doesn't have to apply to maple anyways due to the core rules of the game.
If nexon would really go with there plans for the netherlands than only proper compensations due to lack of possible meso income from selling drops is increase meso drop rate for dutch players and let them be allowed to buy all gears easier and get rid fo starforce booming for em cuz oltherwise it will take an eternity to create a decent gear set on a new account.
I hope personally that nexon learn to read why stuff gets implemented and not try to obey a law which they won't need to obey since in core it doesn't technically apply for em since it isn't an online casino.
An Actual Real Life Casino Employee
All they have to do is BLOCK dutch players from spending NX on things like Philosopher books, Marvel Machine, Surprise style boxes etc.
Problem solved. i hope nexon will reconsider this destroying change for dutch players like me, turning basically every dutch player into a reboot player without reboot perks.
Please just disable Dutch players from buying loot boxes and let us trade.
Surely with some more time on your end Nexon you could come up with better solutions to comply to Dutch law, but leave the game playable for your Dutch loyal playerbase.
I myself have been a loyal 16 year maplestory player and i love this game and the community. I'm a guildleader as well for for those 16 years and i feel a huge commitment and love for this game and its players.
I hope you will take some more time to consider other options then the ones you are about to implement, out of loyalty to the Dutch playerbase.
I feel we deserve better.
With kind regards,
Greetings from Bera,
oIandese lv 274 CM
Spare a minute to help out during these times
Sign our petition to stop Nexon implementing rules that will affect our Dutch player base!! Please share far and wide!!!! #SaveDutchMaplers
Spare a minute to help out during these times
wonder which country is next.
Do not expect too much of a compensation, for us belgians our rules just got implemented and we just have to learn to live with them.
Good luck to you Dutchies to find a way to enjoy the game according to the new rules.
but you guys are able to trade ingame right? with AH and 1 on 1 trade (with mesos)?
The packs of cashshop contain items, where no influence can be exerted on the outcome of these packs. Because items declare a value and they can also be traded, the law is being broken.
Nexon should request a license for all players from the Netherlands to solve this again.
But there are rules to that:
the licensee must be located in the EU or EEA (European Economic Area) and if not, they must open a branch in NL;
A representative must be present in the Netherlands who specializes in gambling addiction and its prevention;
Since Nexon can not comply with the rules , they can not apply for that license .
That is why they have to make those changes otherwise they run the risk of very high fines.
And that is why Nexon probably made those changes .
Earlier i sent you a ticket about the upcoming changes you are about to implement for Dutch players to comply with the new Dutch law that went into effect.
We have been reviewing the exact intent of this law and the idea behind it is to prevent Dutch players under 18 years of age to become a victim of gambling addiction or to commit fraude.
Having said this, instead of implementing these extreme changes, the easiest fix for Nexon to comply with Dutch law, but yet keep the game playable for the Dutch playerbase, is actually really simple.
All Nexon would have to do is make Dutch players show you a legal means of identification to prove they are over 18 years of age. I am 100% convinced no Dutch player would object to providing you with this information, also since most Dutch players have been playing for a long time, i am convinced every Dutch player is well over 18 years of age and as such is not subject to that law.
Surely this is by far the desired way to fix this very uncomfortable and undesirable problem.
By enforcing Dutch players to prove their age with legal means of identification there would be no need to take any further ingame actions and keep the game the enjoyable experience it has been for Dutch players for many years.
Option 2 would be to give Dutch players the same restrictions Belgian players have had since 2019. As they are still able to trade ingame. That would at least keep the game playable and allow players to upgrade and sell items. Without these ingame features you bring any progression players can normally make to a screeching halt.
We urge you to look into these options as both would be easy to implement and keep your Dutch customers the satisfied and dedicated players they have been for many years.
I am placing my trust and faith in Nexon as a company to find a better solution then cripling the whole Dutch playerbase.
With kind regards.
(loyal 16 year MapleStory player)
Sent this to Nexon
The reply was this:
GM Pristtin (MapleStory)
Oct 2, 2021, 4:28 AM PDT
Hello Mapler,
Thank you for following up with us on this,
I understand you have taken the time to research and ponder resolutions that you feel may be more suitable for you as an affected player in the recent Netherlands Probability-Based Cash Item Changes.
We appreciate the time and effort you have put into your feedback and have passed on your comments for the Game Team's awareness.
I would like to suggest again, that you check out the MapleStory forums as a place to also share this feedback. This way, other players can share if they too have encountered similar issues. It’s also a great place to point out areas of improvement, since our game teams actively monitor the Feedback & Suggestions section of the forums. Even if they aren’t able to respond to most posts, they do read them all!
Here are the links for you again, should you need them!
MapleStory Forums here, or go directly to the Feedback and Suggestions subforum.
Thanks once again for sharing your insight. It really is a huge help and is greatly appreciated!
GM Pristtin
Nexon Player Support
Basically right now is the moment to decide how to comply to those laws, but still keep the game playable. We are aware that MapleStory as a game brings in alot of revenue for Nexon as a company.
Once more and more countries start implementing these laws you would slowly be killing off your customer base and therefor the game, which basically means that income will start to dissapear more and more over the years. Unless Nexon as a company is planning to end MapleStory now would be the time to find a legal way around this, as suggested above.
totally agree, the game will be unplayable for us, pretty sure we will be forced to quit due this change, i really hope nexon reconsider their decision and let us trade ingame, making the cash shop items accound-bound is more than enough...
greetings from bera
unitedboyzz lvl 245 dw
Please address -
Either you specifically block those actual gambling items in Cash Shop like Cubes, Style Boxes, Philo Book, Marvel, Gachapon, ect. Or use the a