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Worst Patch Preparation Ever?


  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited November 2016
    Sammy_Kun said:

    Guys, it's 1:05 in the morning. We can find better things to do with our time... like sleep. Sleep is nice. We can check the servers in the morning before most of us go to school/work.
    I don't work until 3 tomorrow, I'm good with sleep for now :D
  • AzgaurdAzgaurd
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 10
    edited November 2016
    Tuba said:

    Azgaurd said:

    Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this. Maplestory targeted children with it's style so there is bound to be some brats out there but good lord. Many of the remaining players (and players bashing maintenance) really need to grow up. You can check, double check, and triple check every variable, and something can still go wrong. Then you have to set about finding the one random thing that just so happens to be not functioning correctly.

    People here have no concept of what goes into a troubleshooting process and cry because they can't play the game. If the initial maintenance had gone this long, the frustration would be warranted. But it wasn't. The game came up, something was wrong, and now they have to fix it. Such is life.
    Just my 2 cents.
    Well your "2 cents" needs some reassessment because the maintenances they preform are constantly going overtime and it's not just with a major maintenance like this, the routine sever checks get extended. This is an on going issue and to be honest, I think Nexon has no concept what goes into releasing a major patch like this, because they obviously aren't planning their updates when like I said, a routine server check gets extended. And until people like you stop trying to justify this kind of stuff and defending them, because this is ridiculous for a company to be this sloppy and this will continue to happen, because every time someone tries to bring up issues they get mobbed by 'nexon fangirls' and the issues aren't taken seriously. From what I heard from a former Nexon Employee, you get very limited training on the job and they are severely understaffed and it definitely shows. And I know people hate it when other people compare two companies, but Blizzard has maintenance during the day like Nexon, and from what I heard Blizzard RARELY has to extend their maintenance. Extending the maintenance almost every single time you have one is not something to excuse.

    First, i'm going to point to the fact that i'm not defending nexon, so much as the process of troubleshooting issues, as I stated in my later post. If you don't do it, you just won't get it. Theres no nicer way to say it than that. Plus, the easiest card I didn't want to pull but you seem to be missing it, so I will. It's a free game. Cut. Dry. A free game that owes you and everyone else absolutely nothing. Do we like hearing that? No. But that's the way it is. Every single player could never pay a cent again, and the game would run, until it dies (because that's the nature of these things) but you'd never pay a cent.

    You aren't going to make some stand by coming onto the forums and saying nexon sucks for extending maintenance. They aren't choosing to. This isn't some disconnect between the players wishes and the wishes of nexon. They'd have it up right now if they could. But they are working on it. And you, as a free to play player (whether you've spent 0 dollars or 10,000) can do nothing but wait.

    Your point about the Nexon staff is good and valid. So you (figurative you, I mean everyone) should push to try and get some communication on the matter with Nexon directly, instead of just bashing them. Constructive though, not destructive.

    And the comparison to Blizzard is off-base. First on Blizzard, they frequently have huge issues when releasing new expansions (for wow specifically). And second, a company that has been surviving off of a large Subscription player base, several buy to play player bases, and a couple free-to-play player bases dabbled in there is nowhere near comparable to Nexon. A much better comparison is Warframe. Where, when maintenance and updates hit, even humongous game updates you've been waiting MONTHS AND MONTHS for... pushed 1 and a half days on inarguably it's biggest update at that time.
    The biggest difference was communication. The website, and several developers twitters accounts were constantly giving players words of hope. We're working on it! Over and over again, but it at least showed they cared. That's something Nexon doesn't do. That is what is inexcusable about how Nexon handles things. But maintenances, updates, etc run long, and as a free to play game and player, you should accept that fact. It is not about 'enabling' Nexon in the future, it's about the way it is and no amount of protesting or however else you spin it will change that.
  • ReturnReturn
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2016
    Tuba said:

    Nah, we need to stay here and watch everyone go into mass frenzy over typical Nexon being Nexon. A lot of people here are acting like spoiled kiddies and throwing their toys out the pram. I just like to watch it all unfold.
    Lol it's not like people are bringing up valid concerns with the company or anything. We are totally just being "spoiled kiddies" even though I'm not sure how expressing your disappointment in how the maintenances on the game are almost always being extended for hours, even for minor server checks is being a 'spoiled kiddie' lol but whatever floats your boat my friend! (:

    Some people have no valid concerns, a lot of them are whining and crying over missing 1 day of events or having "only once a week" to play like another person on the a topic. Yet we all know how bad Nexon is, and every time a patch comes out the topics continue to parrot after a decade plus. Has anything changed? Nope. As Luxx and Kazuto said basically...They don't care. Why not try and code the problem yourselves if you think they're so incompetent lmao.

  • StoovsStoovs
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2016
    Reading through this thread I swear you must all be new to Maplestory or something. Was anyone else here during the Evan patch? Or Kaiser patch? They were extended far beyond what this maintenance was. Just hold onto your hats and wait out what Nexon has to do to get the servers and game back up and running functionally. It's not like the games going to be down forever and they always give compensation when they do go over their maintenance time or have to interrupt gameplay to do maintenance (atleast for big patches and updates like the current one). Go to sleep, play something else, or get out of your computer chair and do something to take your mind off of it all. There's no need for a bunch of people to flock to the forum and just bash Nexon. You honestly think they're being motivated seeing this?
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited November 2016
    Return said:

    Tuba said:

    Nah, we need to stay here and watch everyone go into mass frenzy over typical Nexon being Nexon. A lot of people here are acting like spoiled kiddies and throwing their toys out the pram. I just like to watch it all unfold.
    Lol it's not like people are bringing up valid concerns with the company or anything. We are totally just being "spoiled kiddies" even though I'm not sure how expressing your disappointment in how the maintenances on the game are almost always being extended for hours, even for minor server checks is being a 'spoiled kiddie' lol but whatever floats your boat my friend! (:

    Some people have no valid concerns, a lot of them are whining and crying over missing 1 day of events or having "only once a week" to play like another person on the a topic. Yet we all know how bad Nexon is, and every time a patch comes out the topics continue to parrot after a decade plus. Has anything changed? Nope. As Luxx and Kazuto said basically...They don't care. Why not try and code the problem yourselves if you think they're so incompetent lmao.
    How do I code the problem myself? What am I supposed to fly my ass down to Nexon HQ from Texas at 12am lmao.
    My point is they should prepare for the patch, especially since they created such a hype, which is why I made the comparison to Blizzard because I saw someone of the forums say Blizzard RARELY goes overtime on their updates because they plan it out and know what they are doing. And I'm not for one second trying to say "I can code so much better than these hoes rawr xD" No. I don't think I could code it better because I never learned how to code, but I do think people who know how to code and code for a career could code better than some of these people at Nexon, and I don't whine for 1 day out of the week I've actually been sending in tickets and sending them feedback for the past year but obviously my concerns aren't taken seriously as I still haven't been updated on the Haunted Mansion Event compensation that I was told would be given out if the event was not fixed for the players who got bugged. And I have nothing much left to do and I'm about to go to bed anyways so hell yeah I'm going to rant on the forums, why not if I have the time?

    First, i'm going to point to the fact that i'm not defending nexon, so much as the process of troubleshooting issues, as I stated in my later post. If you don't do it, you just won't get it. Theres no nicer way to say it than that. Plus, the easiest card I didn't want to pull but you seem to be missing it, so I will. It's a free game. Cut. Dry. A free game that owes you and everyone else absolutely nothing. Do we like hearing that? No. But that's the way it is. Every single player could never pay a cent again, and the game would run, until it dies (because that's the nature of these things) but you'd never pay a cent.

    You aren't going to make some stand by coming onto the forums and saying nexon sucks for extending maintenance. They aren't choosing to. This isn't some disconnect between the players wishes and the wishes of nexon. They'd have it up right now if they could. But they are working on it. And you, as a free to play player (whether you've spent 0 dollars or 10,000) can do nothing but wait.

    Your point about the Nexon staff is good and valid. So you (figurative you, I mean everyone) should push to try and get some communication on the matter with Nexon directly, instead of just bashing them. Constructive though, not destructive.

    And the comparison to Blizzard is off-base. First on Blizzard, they frequently have huge issues when releasing new expansions (for wow specifically). And second, a company that has been surviving off of a large Subscription player base, several buy to play player bases, and a couple free-to-play player bases dabbled in there is nowhere near comparable to Nexon. A much better comparison is Warframe. Where, when maintenance and updates hit, even humongous game updates you've been waiting MONTHS AND MONTHS for... pushed 1 and a half days on inarguably it's biggest update at that time.
    The biggest difference was communication. The website, and several developers twitters accounts were constantly giving players words of hope. We're working on it! Over and over again, but it at least showed they cared. That's something Nexon doesn't do. That is what is inexcusable about how Nexon handles things. But maintenances, updates, etc run long, and as a free to play game and player, you should accept that fact. It is not about 'enabling' Nexon in the future, it's about the way it is and no amount of protesting or however else you spin it will change that.

    A free game that still makes a ton more than a bunch of other paid games.
    I agree we should push more and people do try to push, but again they probably won't take any of the concerns people have seriously because they see other players say stuff on the forums like, "oh that's just typical nexon, just wait it out they are doing great". They are getting mixed signals from people, so at this point they probably don't feel like the over time is even an issue anymore. And to the Blizzard statement it was just something I saw another player post about on the forums in another post on here today so yeah not my words. And yeah Nexon has gotten extremely bad with communication and they fact they can't give us a ETA is sad. I actually feel like if enough players did voice their concerns something would change, but obviously that won't happen. I'm going to bed now I'm tired af night lol!
  • Gio1373Gio1373
    Reactions: 1,405
    Posts: 41
    edited November 2016

    On a side note Wow is around number 4 or 5 in terms of quarterly revenue for MMOs while Maple is around 7 so it's not far off of a stretch considering Nexon doesn't charge a monthly subscription yet can keep up that close to one that does.
  • xBlackBeardxBlackBeard
    Reactions: 305
    Posts: 13
    edited December 2016
    They can take all the time they want imo.
  • KnightzhellKnightzhell
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 22
    edited December 2016

    I don't know why any of you are shocked,

    boys and gals... a major game update, with Nexon running the show. I'll see you tomorrow around 9pm.

    You also can't compare the current state of this game with allot of other MMO.

    Destiny goes down for 10 minutes for them to just redirect links to the live servers with the new content. Maple runs fully live, so they need to take down the whole thing to apply patches and updates and then restart them all over again before doing a testing of the environment.

    The internal tespia probably gets fresh code vs. old code for game updates resulting in what we see here.

    They are working on it, and it is obvious they're weren't/aren't sure what caused some bugs.
    Afterlands of all things is still bugged and they've yet to fix it after 3 weeks. It's mostly bugs and glitches that cause these delays, atm I believe something with critical damage being shown not being correct for certain classes.

    I don't mind though, I lived through the god awful big bang update and I'll live through this.

  • genji123genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited December 2016
    Jinseidon said:

    And the comparison to Blizzard is off-base. First on Blizzard, they frequently have huge issues when releasing new expansions (for wow specifically).
    Of course it's not a fair comparison. Nexon America is far more competent than Blizzard. I mean most of the Nexon published games are dying in the West, they don't even create content since their role is to just copy paste codes from other localized clients like KMS, CMS, JMS. WoW is only just the most popular MMO, while Maplestory is an amazing 2D scroller P2W MMORPG. Look at these high quality sprites goddamn, WoW's 3d models just don't even come close.

    Truly 2017 will be the year there will be less hackers, they've only plagued this game and drastically inflated the economy for only over a decade. If Mapleru GMs keep up the good work, this game will be great again. Shout out to Royales.
  • BokuWaTeruBokuWaTeru
    Reactions: 405
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2016
    We should cheer for our maintenance team especially when they fail. Stuff happens
  • JonyMaplerJonyMapler
    Reactions: 620
    Posts: 32
    edited December 2016
    Like someone said long ago... they need to have another little server (for 3 or 2 players only) to try out all the updates, all the changes, etc etc etc... just to prevent this crap... im missed my job for 2 days for "feeling bad" and now i just have to see the web page talking and talking about "two more hours of maintenance" "we still on maintenance" we are under maintenance"... come on