I don't see you paying a monthly subscription to play the game, it's free to play.
You're the moron crying over a game that's been down for less than 24 hours. You're obviously are a low life with no job, living in your moms basement, stealing her credit card to buy NX.
Of course you don't study in coding or technology you're too dumb for that but since you don't understand I'll break it down for you, just because it's their profession it doesn't mean they're perfect, it doesn't say old release game updates, it's new updates moron, things happen that are out of their control. It's not a life and death situation but in this case, little kids such as yourself have nothing better to do than to sit around and cry and complain as to why the servers are down.
While you're crying, I'm laughing at you, while I'm drinking a nice cold beer watching Westworld.
Enjoy crying, because it's definitely making a difference.
Good day to you boy
Your lack of proper criticism is rather amusing. Inflammatory behavior with an information bias based on nothing.
Your contribution to this thread will more likely lead it to being locked because all you're doing is trying to start a flame war by harassing other forum members while by overextending to the point that's no longer facts, and being hypocritical.
Clearly you aren't making a difference by doing such actions.
Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this. Maplestory targeted children with it's style so there is bound to be some brats out there but good lord. Many of the remaining players (and players bashing maintenance) really need to grow up. You can check, double check, and triple check every variable, and something can still go wrong. Then you have to set about finding the one random thing that just so happens to be not functioning correctly.
People here have no concept of what goes into a troubleshooting process and cry because they can't play the game. If the initial maintenance had gone this long, the frustration would be warranted. But it wasn't. The game came up, something was wrong, and now they have to fix it. Such is life. Just my 2 cents.
Calm down Mr. Sensitive. You have no idea what goes into it either. But from my experience, Nexon is the worst company to have new big patches. Everything goes wrong. Login, lots of bugs, unwanted text. I played many games and whenever there is a big patch, little things go wrong but with MS everything goes wrong. It's their fault. Test the freaking patches.
If you knew how horrible Nexon is, then why are you complaining? Nexon been bad for like 10+ years. MFW 5th job patch comes out and the world will go to hell:
Lmao some of you guys make me laugh so much, it's not the end of the world guys, servers patch is extended, go take a nap, make some food, have a beer, drink some soda, watch some tv, play other games, relax, breathe, it'll be back up in no time.
People like you cause Nexon to think that they are doing well. You need to speak up. We are doing this to improve the game and community for future purposes. We DONOT want Hundreds and thousands of maintenance in the future to be same.
Nexon is doing a good job, People like you need to just stop crying I highly doubt you could do a better job yourself updating the server, complaining isn't going to make them fix it any faster or use some sort of magic badabing badaboom update complete. You swear like the servers are down for weeks at a time. It's been down for less than 24 hours and you guys are losing yourselves. Talk about some issues
I wasn't really going to say this. . .Are you really that dumb? This kind of situation has been happening long enough to be acknowledged as a problem and yet you go "hey guys take it easy it will be done soon." I guess you do not know player's opinion takes big part in a creation of a game. Nexon at this point is not even trying to communicate with the players and go my-way.
Also, Do I work for Nexon to do the tasks? No, it's their profession to do those. It's quite dumb for you to say "I highly doubt you could do a better job yourself updating the server." Of course not, I don't study in coding or technology.
Keep crying, it's funny.
I don't see you paying a monthly subscription to play the game, it's free to play.
You're the moron crying over a game that's been down for less than 24 hours. You're obviously are a low life with no job, living in your moms basement, stealing her credit card to buy NX.
Of course you don't study in coding or technology you're too dumb for that but since you don't understand I'll break it down for you, just because it's their profession it doesn't mean they're perfect, it doesn't say old release game updates, it's new updates moron, things happen that are out of their control. It's not a life and death situation but in this case, little kids such as yourself have nothing better to do than to sit around and cry and complain as to why the servers are down.
While you're crying, I'm laughing at you, while I'm drinking a nice cold beer watching Westworld.
Enjoy crying, because it's definitely making a difference.
Good day to you boy
I think you might have gotten yourself drunk and started projecting onto people. grown "Men" don't act like a pre adolescent teen. Just saying. You should be setting an example but all you're doing is trying to troll and insult people. Good job sir.. you have officially proven you're inept.
All the arguments of 'glitches/testing/etc' would be acceptable is Nexon were a startup company,
The problem is, any and all patches/updates generally lead to fixing one problem and creating 4-XX more issues ... from a company 13 years into their own game and still, causes more problems than repairs.
Over time, you are supposed to get better at your trade, not worse.
It's 13 years for KMS and they do their job well. For GMS, it's been 11 years and they do not do their job well. Remember that KMS is where most of the features come from.
Lmao some of you guys make me laugh so much, it's not the end of the world guys, servers patch is extended, go take a nap, make some food, have a beer, drink some soda, watch some tv, play other games, relax, breathe, it'll be back up in no time.
People like you cause Nexon to think that they are doing well. You need to speak up. We are doing this to improve the game and community for future purposes. We DONOT want Hundreds and thousands of maintenance in the future to be same.
Nexon is doing a good job, People like you need to just stop crying I highly doubt you could do a better job yourself updating the server, complaining isn't going to make them fix it any faster or use some sort of magic badabing badaboom update complete. You swear like the servers are down for weeks at a time. It's been down for less than 24 hours and you guys are losing yourselves. Talk about some issues
I wasn't really going to say this. . .Are you really that dumb? This kind of situation has been happening long enough to be acknowledged as a problem and yet you go "hey guys take it easy it will be done soon." I guess you do not know player's opinion takes big part in a creation of a game. Nexon at this point is not even trying to communicate with the players and go my-way.
Also, Do I work for Nexon to do the tasks? No, it's their profession to do those. It's quite dumb for you to say "I highly doubt you could do a better job yourself updating the server." Of course not, I don't study in coding or technology.
Keep crying, it's funny.
I don't see you paying a monthly subscription to play the game, it's free to play.
You're the moron crying over a game that's been down for less than 24 hours. You're obviously are a low life with no job, living in your moms basement, stealing her credit card to buy NX.
Of course you don't study in coding or technology you're too dumb for that but since you don't understand I'll break it down for you, just because it's their profession it doesn't mean they're perfect, it doesn't say old release game updates, it's new updates moron, things happen that are out of their control. It's not a life and death situation but in this case, little kids such as yourself have nothing better to do than to sit around and cry and complain as to why the servers are down.
While you're crying, I'm laughing at you, while I'm drinking a nice cold beer watching Westworld.
Enjoy crying, because it's definitely making a difference.
Good day to you boy
I wonder why it comes to flaming after talking about problem the Nexon has the whole time. Did you run out of points to deny the facts? Did you get mad for being called dumb on internet? You keep laughing, then you will eventually discover that you're the person you described above.
Don't feel in need to reply to you, so this will be my last reply.
Nah.. People have just lost the ability to articulate their emotions and problems in favor of trying to bash out their frustrations onto other people. Just ignore him. He'll soon get bored and crawl back into his cupboard.
To those of you who think people are overreacting and should just patiently wait:
1. Get a part-time job at a restaurant or something
2. When a customer comes and orders his food, tell him that it will be done in, like, 20 minutes
3. After 20 minutes, go to him and say "Oh I'm sorry sir, but there was a problem with the ingredients and I'm afraid that you'll have to wait for a bit longer - but I cannot and will not tell how much longer it will take"
4. After the food is prepared, take it to him - but then throw it away and say "Oh I'm sorry sir, but there was a problem with the food and I'm afraid that you'll have to wait for another few hours - but I cannot and will not tell how much longer it will take"
5. If he complains, then say "Dude, it's not the end of the world. Obviously you have no idea how difficult and time-consuming cooking can be. Grow up, be patient and do something else while you're waiting"
See what happens.
This is a horrible comparison. You're not paying anyone to play this game. You are free to leave that restaurant and get your money back. The only thing wasted was time, just like we're all doing now waiting for the game to come up.
To those of you who think people are overreacting and should just patiently wait:
1. Get a part-time job at a restaurant or something
2. When a customer comes and orders his food, tell him that it will be done in, like, 20 minutes
3. After 20 minutes, go to him and say "Oh I'm sorry sir, but there was a problem with the ingredients and I'm afraid that you'll have to wait for a bit longer - but I cannot and will not tell how much longer it will take"
4. After the food is prepared, take it to him - but then throw it away and say "Oh I'm sorry sir, but there was a problem with the food and I'm afraid that you'll have to wait for another few hours - but I cannot and will not tell how much longer it will take"
5. If he complains, then say "Dude, it's not the end of the world. Obviously you have no idea how difficult and time-consuming cooking can be. Grow up, be patient and do something else while you're waiting"
See what happens.
This is a horrible comparison. You're not paying anyone to play this game. You are free to leave that restaurant and get your money back. The only thing wasted is time, just like we're all doing now waiting for the game to come up/
I beg to differ. If you've bought any cash shop item you are now paying in this game. The item may be optional, but it made money go into their pocket. No game is fully free to play since it's purpose is to generate some type of revenue. Thus it is comparable to any other business.
All the arguments of 'glitches/testing/etc' would be acceptable is Nexon were a startup company,
The problem is, any and all patches/updates generally lead to fixing one problem and creating 4-XX more issues ... from a company 13 years into their own game and still, causes more problems than repairs.
Over time, you are supposed to get better at your trade, not worse.
It's 13 years for KMS and they do their job well. For GMS, it's been 11 years and they do not do their job well. Remember that KMS is where most of the features come from.
Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this. Maplestory targeted children with it's style so there is bound to be some brats out there but good lord. Many of the remaining players (and players bashing maintenance) really need to grow up. You can check, double check, and triple check every variable, and something can still go wrong. Then you have to set about finding the one random thing that just so happens to be not functioning correctly.
People here have no concept of what goes into a troubleshooting process and cry because they can't play the game. If the initial maintenance had gone this long, the frustration would be warranted. But it wasn't. The game came up, something was wrong, and now they have to fix it. Such is life. Just my 2 cents.
Well your "2 cents" needs some reassessment because the maintenances they preform are constantly going overtime and it's not just with a major maintenance like this, the routine sever checks get extended. This is an on going issue and to be honest, I think Nexon has no concept what goes into releasing a major patch like this, because they obviously aren't planning their updates when like I said, a routine server check gets extended. And until people like you stop trying to justify this kind of stuff and defending them, because this is ridiculous for a company to be this sloppy and this will continue to happen, because every time someone tries to bring up issues they get mobbed by 'nexon fangirls' and the issues aren't taken seriously. From what I heard from a former Nexon Employee, you get very limited training on the job and they are severely understaffed and it definitely shows. And I know people hate it when other people compare two companies, but Blizzard has maintenance during the day like Nexon, and from what I heard Blizzard RARELY has to extend their maintenance. Extending the maintenance almost every single time you have one is not something to excuse.
I beg to differ. If you've bought any cash shop item you are now paying in this game. The item may be optional, but it made money go into their pocket. No game is fully free to play since it's purpose is to generate some type of revenue. Thus it is comparable to any other business.
No, because as I said, you can get your money back to the former. Also, given that attitude the employee gave, the costumer would just report this to the manager. You may get an apology and a free meal or something of the like. Comparing a free game, yes, it is free to a lot of people like myself because I've yet to spend a dime on it to a restaurant where you can easily get a refund, and afaik, you cannot on Nexon and you've agreed to that terms is not a good comparison. People can cry, hoot and holler here but after having this fits they will dip right into the Cash Shop as usual so Nexon still wins lol.
EDIT: I half agree with the "No game is free" because F2P games do rely on micro-transactions to keep afloat. I'm just saying not all of us spent on here.
I beg to differ. If you've bought any cash shop item you are now paying in this game. The item may be optional, but it made money go into their pocket. No game is fully free to play since it's purpose is to generate some type of revenue. Thus it is comparable to any other business.
No, because as I said, you can get your money back to the former. Also, given that attitude the employee gave, the costumer would just report this to the manager. You may get an apology and a free meal or something of the like. Comparing a free game, yes, it is free to a lot of people like myself because I've yet to spend a dime on it to a restaurant where you can easily get a refund, and afaik, you cannot on Nexon and you've agreed to that terms is not a good comparison.
You seem to be running on a lot of assumptions. Such as what if it's the manager that told you to do it? They would be met exactly as we are with Nexon, maybe an apology here and there but mostly that's it. Maybe 2x for an hour or two when it's really bad which would be like a free soda if even. Then at certain expensive restaurants you can't get a refund. They'll exchange your meal for something else you'd like but since the cost of the ingredients are so pricey for higher end meals they will not refund it.
If that happened, it's most likely the customer would review the place in a negative, or simply never return to it. People often review resturants before dining so others won't face the same experience... What happens on Maple Story? People get upset, because the games down for xx hours, then use every penny on Cash Shop. Then the cycle continues. I mean if Nexon is so bad to you people, why keep spending your money on it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Reboot to fix their loot rates as it's been killed since March. Personally, I'm not too upset about it, but I admit to being excited to play today and the maint is quite long. Oh well, we can all play Pokemon or FFXV while we wait lol.
Guys, it's 1:05 in the morning. We can find better things to do with our time... like sleep. Sleep is nice. We can check the servers in the morning before most of us go to school/work.
Guys, it's 1:05 in the morning. We can find better things to do with our time... like sleep. Sleep is nice. We can check the servers in the morning before most of us go to school/work.
Nah, we need to stay here and watch everyone go into mass frenzy over typical Nexon being Nexon. A lot of people here are acting like spoiled kiddies and throwing their toys out the pram. I just like to watch it all unfold.
Nah, we need to stay here and watch everyone go into mass frenzy over typical Nexon being Nexon. A lot of people here are acting like spoiled kiddies and throwing their toys out the pram. I just like to watch it all unfold.
Lol it's not like people are bringing up valid concerns with the company or anything. We are totally just being "spoiled kiddies" even though I'm not sure how expressing your disappointment in how the maintenances on the game are almost always being extended for hours, even for minor server checks is being a 'spoiled kiddie' lol but whatever floats your boat my friend! (:
It's always fun coming back to this game during big patches, and seeing how the community hasn't changed one bit these past 10+ years, lmfao. 1) Nexon is understaffed. Iirc from something a long time back, it was like, something around 10 people or less in each game's team. 2) Pretty sure most of Nexon NA aren't professional coders, they most likely get everything from KR, and do some easy method of patching. 2.5) I'm also pretty sure that Nexon NA contacts Nexon KR for major issues that come up, which is why sometimes maintenance are so long. They needa go back and forth to figure out what the problem is. (don't take my word for it though, lmfao.) 3) The MS Nexon NA team are only human. I'd like to see every single one of you go into coding and try to make a huge mmo game and keep it properly running without ANY issues at all. It's not easy. I know, because I tried. Screw coding. 4) HUNDREDS of these threads have popped up the past 10+ years. You think that Nexon NA doesn't know how annoyed the player base is with them? lmfao. HA. Good one, guys. The players that have been here from the start know what I'm talking about. Complain all you want, but it just falls on deaf ears. Just let the feeling of disappointment consume you and you won't have to get angry every time this happens. 5) I get that you guys want to vent out anger, but seriously. Go do something else now. Don't even keep the maintenance page open. Close that tab, close all of the MapleStory tabs, and go do something for an hour or two. Keep yourself busy with something else and come back when you're bored of your current activity. Rinse and repeat until maint is over. inb4maintisfinished5minutesafteryoureadthis
Your contribution to this thread will more likely lead it to being locked because all you're doing is trying to start a flame war by harassing other forum members while by overextending to the point that's no longer facts, and being hypocritical.
Clearly you aren't making a difference by doing such actions.
MFW 5th job patch comes out and the world will go to hell:
You are free to leave that restaurant and get your money back.
The only thing wasted was time, just like we're all doing now waiting for the game to come up.
P.S. This will be my last post on forums for a while.
would just report this to the manager. You may get an apology and a free meal or something of the like.
Comparing a free game, yes, it is free to a lot of people like myself because I've yet to spend a dime on it
to a restaurant where you can easily get a refund, and afaik, you cannot on Nexon and you've agreed to that terms is not a good comparison.
People can cry, hoot and holler here but after having this fits they will dip right into the Cash Shop as usual so Nexon still wins lol.
EDIT: I half agree with the "No game is free" because F2P games do rely on micro-transactions to keep afloat.
I'm just saying not all of us spent on here.
People often review resturants before dining so others won't face the same experience...
What happens on Maple Story?
People get upset, because the games down for xx hours, then use every penny on Cash Shop.
Then the cycle continues.
I mean if Nexon is so bad to you people, why keep spending your money on it.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Reboot to fix their loot rates as it's been killed since March.
Personally, I'm not too upset about it, but I admit to being excited to play today
and the maint is quite long.
1) Nexon is understaffed. Iirc from something a long time back, it was like, something around 10 people or less in each game's team.
2) Pretty sure most of Nexon NA aren't professional coders, they most likely get everything from KR, and do some easy method of patching.
2.5) I'm also pretty sure that Nexon NA contacts Nexon KR for major issues that come up, which is why sometimes maintenance are so long. They needa go back and forth to figure out what the problem is. (don't take my word for it though, lmfao.)
3) The MS Nexon NA team are only human. I'd like to see every single one of you go into coding and try to make a huge mmo game and keep it properly running without ANY issues at all. It's not easy. I know, because I tried. Screw coding.
4) HUNDREDS of these threads have popped up the past 10+ years. You think that Nexon NA doesn't know how annoyed the player base is with them? lmfao. HA. Good one, guys. The players that have been here from the start know what I'm talking about. Complain all you want, but it just falls on deaf ears. Just let the feeling of disappointment consume you and you won't have to get angry every time this happens.
5) I get that you guys want to vent out anger, but seriously. Go do something else now. Don't even keep the maintenance page open. Close that tab, close all of the MapleStory tabs, and go do something for an hour or two. Keep yourself busy with something else and come back when you're bored of your current activity. Rinse and repeat until maint is over. inb4maintisfinished5minutesafteryoureadthis
6) (งಠل͜ಠ)ง come at me, bro.