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[Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016


  • DrudenDruden
    Reactions: 810
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    Freexer said:

    I understand how things can screw up. Yes they should have bigger test servers and what not.
    What I dont understand is why not give a definitive answer on when they will be back online?
    You're not a coder, you wouldn't understand. As someone stated, code breaks, or code works then suddenly breaks and conflicts. They are trying, just play another game.
  • nothingspecialnothingspecial
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    this maintenance being so long, i wonder if dragon rider party quest has been fixed.
  • BisckterBisckter
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    People need to lighten up lol atleast they're fixing it and not leaving people in the ditch over the issues
  • GamesdayGamesday
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 46
    edited December 2016
    ange1DoII said:

    Mek said:

    ange1DoII said:

    people behind the scenes to be able to do this for us to play not only that the nexon team are fixing many bugs which showed up after maintance finished. Smh some people don't appreciate how hard these teams work. They might not of had any sleep yet :( people should be praising not bad mouthing them.
    Come on guys, its a game. i may get bad comments about this, but guys, think of it as this way, appreciate that they are trying to fix the bugs NOW rather then taking the server down unexpectedly....yes its been hours and hours and hours, but instead of bad mouthing nexon, appreciate instead, for what THEY are doing. They may of not had sleep, or proper food etc, but least they're trying? maybe shift work to figure everything out. come on guys, its a game, appreciate what they are doing for us. I mean how would you like it if, you had to sit at a computer to fix bugs, fix things for people who are BAD MOUTHING wanting to go on the game? How would you feel? Hurt? upset? want to give up?

    P.S: throw stuff at me, idc, but i say, is fair.
    P.S.S: think of all the leveling you could be doing ONCE the game is up, think of it that way, enjoy the game once its up!

    What if they are sleeping right now and we are just waiting for them to wake up?
    :) sorry to say but deal with it. that's my answer. we all have been waiting for job 5 for 10 years, another 1-2 days or so shouldn't hurt us at all. Sorry if you hate my comment. btw, if people complain, they may extend more time for maintenance, less time to complain, they will finish faster. (So i heard)
    If Nexon had told me that in the case they screwed a patch and delayed my gameplayed along with my rented timed items I wouldn't of bought them in the first place, you have bad business thought, with that said at least Nexon is compensating us. Also saying waiting 1-2 more days wouldn't hurt "us" is kind of selfish, please speak for yourself, what if there's a mapler out there with a few months to live you never know so please don't include "us" in your conversations always speak for yourself lol.

  • GamesdayGamesday
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 46
    edited December 2016

    Coding something from scratch and using duct tape and super glue to fuse a decade old game with decade old data together with completely new code for everything are very different things and no amount of experience or testing can prepare you for the metric ton of bugs that comes with doing that.
    Especially when you can only test it locally.
    Probably not very cost effective for them to set up a PTR, either.
    All you can do in this situation is hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
    In that case it makes more sense to release it end of December or beginning of January..........why blow hot air up peoples skirts and then punch them in the face with 24 hour maintenances...

  • HolHol
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 33
    edited December 2016
    I say bring back Tespia! Get the players to test the patches before they are brought out to the main game.
  • DrudenDruden
    Reactions: 810
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    Gamesday said:

    ange1DoII said:

    Mek said:

    ange1DoII said:

    people behind the scenes to be able to do this for us to play not only that the nexon team are fixing many bugs which showed up after maintance finished. Smh some people don't appreciate how hard these teams work. They might not of had any sleep yet :( people should be praising not bad mouthing them.
    Come on guys, its a game. i may get bad comments about this, but guys, think of it as this way, appreciate that they are trying to fix the bugs NOW rather then taking the server down unexpectedly....yes its been hours and hours and hours, but instead of bad mouthing nexon, appreciate instead, for what THEY are doing. They may of not had sleep, or proper food etc, but least they're trying? maybe shift work to figure everything out. come on guys, its a game, appreciate what they are doing for us. I mean how would you like it if, you had to sit at a computer to fix bugs, fix things for people who are BAD MOUTHING wanting to go on the game? How would you feel? Hurt? upset? want to give up?

    P.S: throw stuff at me, idc, but i say, is fair.
    P.S.S: think of all the leveling you could be doing ONCE the game is up, think of it that way, enjoy the game once its up!

    What if they are sleeping right now and we are just waiting for them to wake up?
    :) sorry to say but deal with it. that's my answer. we all have been waiting for job 5 for 10 years, another 1-2 days or so shouldn't hurt us at all. Sorry if you hate my comment. btw, if people complain, they may extend more time for maintenance, less time to complain, they will finish faster. (So i heard)
    If Nexon had told me that in the case they screwed a patch and delayed my gameplayed along with my rented timed items I wouldn't of bought them in the first place, you have bad business thought, with that said at least Nexon is compensating us. Also saying waiting 1-2 more days wouldn't hurt "us" is kind of selfish, please speak for yourself, what if there's a mapler out there with a few months to live you never know so please don't include "us" in your conversations always speak for yourself lol.

    @Gamesday compensation is 2 days extension on CS stuff, btw.

  • XenomataXenomata
    Reactions: 2,595
    Posts: 287
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Guys, do you not have anything better to do?

    I've been busy getting together my breeding materials in Pokemon Sun and Moon, so I've not even gave a thought to getting on Maple until after it went down.
  • GamesdayGamesday
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 46
    edited December 2016
    yeah I know :D
  • MouseSocksMouseSocks
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016
    Hol said:

    I say bring back Tespia! Get the players to test the patches before they are brought out to the main game.
    That wouldn't matter, there's no real way to see how the game will work when applied to the main segment of the game with everyone trying to connect at once.
  • muhhamuhha
    Reactions: 960
    Posts: 24
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    well screw the Maintenance at least I enjoyed GM Fail Twitch...
  • CarlCarl
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 15
    edited December 2016

    Hol said:

    I say bring back Tespia! Get the players to test the patches before they are brought out to the main game.
    That wouldn't matter, there's no real way to see how the game will work when applied to the main segment of the game with everyone trying to connect at once.
    you need to understand the difference between game bugs and server capacity :D
  • HolHol
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 33
    edited December 2016

    Hol said:

    I say bring back Tespia! Get the players to test the patches before they are brought out to the main game.
    That wouldn't matter, there's no real way to see how the game will work when applied to the main segment of the game with everyone trying to connect at once.

    Whilst that might be true, it would and did used to help with fixing a few smaller bugs before the content was brought over to the main server.

    Edit: @powqw113 All I'm talking about are the game bugs, I have no idea what people were posting about before I posted.
  • SnowieeSnowiee
    Reactions: 1,670
    Posts: 43
    edited December 2016
    But on the bright side, the maintenance is anticipated to finish just in time for people to go to school so I might actually be able to get into the server this time.
  • KisjKisj
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2016
    30 min left... i hope
  • CarlCarl
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 15
    edited December 2016
    Hol said:


    Hol said:

    I say bring back Tespia! Get the players to test the patches before they are brought out to the main game.
    That wouldn't matter, there's no real way to see how the game will work when applied to the main segment of the game with everyone trying to connect at once.

    Whilst that might be true, it could still help with spotting a few smaller bugs before the content it brought over to the main server.

    Edit: @powqw113 All I'm talking about are the game bugs, I have no idea what people were posting about before I posted.
    XD sorry man I was talking to @MouseSocks
  • ZalodoreZalodore
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 9
    edited December 2016
    26 minutes more guys we can do it !!!
  • ringayeenringayeen
    Reactions: 1,580
    Posts: 55
    edited December 2016
    Gamesday said:

    ange1DoII said:

    Mek said:

    ange1DoII said:

    people behind the scenes to be able to do this for us to play not only that the nexon team are fixing many bugs which showed up after maintance finished. Smh some people don't appreciate how hard these teams work. They might not of had any sleep yet :( people should be praising not bad mouthing them.
    Come on guys, its a game. i may get bad comments about this, but guys, think of it as this way, appreciate that they are trying to fix the bugs NOW rather then taking the server down unexpectedly....yes its been hours and hours and hours, but instead of bad mouthing nexon, appreciate instead, for what THEY are doing. They may of not had sleep, or proper food etc, but least they're trying? maybe shift work to figure everything out. come on guys, its a game, appreciate what they are doing for us. I mean how would you like it if, you had to sit at a computer to fix bugs, fix things for people who are BAD MOUTHING wanting to go on the game? How would you feel? Hurt? upset? want to give up?

    P.S: throw stuff at me, idc, but i say, is fair.
    P.S.S: think of all the leveling you could be doing ONCE the game is up, think of it that way, enjoy the game once its up!

    What if they are sleeping right now and we are just waiting for them to wake up?
    :) sorry to say but deal with it. that's my answer. we all have been waiting for job 5 for 10 years, another 1-2 days or so shouldn't hurt us at all. Sorry if you hate my comment. btw, if people complain, they may extend more time for maintenance, less time to complain, they will finish faster. (So i heard)
    If Nexon had told me that in the case they screwed a patch and delayed my gameplayed along with my rented timed items I wouldn't of bought them in the first place, you have bad business thought, with that said at least Nexon is compensating us. Also saying waiting 1-2 more days wouldn't hurt "us" is kind of selfish, please speak for yourself, what if there's a mapler out there with a few months to live you never know so please don't include "us" in your conversations always speak for yourself lol.

    if they have a month to live, then i think 1-2 days is covered by that
    jfc im craccking up and printing this on my wall
  • CactrotCactrot
    Reactions: 565
    Posts: 12
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Hol said:

    I say bring back Tespia! Get the players to test the patches before they are brought out to the main game.
    The problem with that is people wouldn't report bugs so they could abuse them later, or so I've been told.
  • zaroxzarox
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    thinking alone here.
    V hours more or V days more of update and maintenance may be necessary.
    we are waiting xD