What did it say when you tried to open it? I know it gives out a lot of items so you might be low on space.
I created a new char for burning, and never got the level 30 box. I got the same as the OP, the maple pearl set and such, but never the actual Level 30 equipment box or the other gear. Character name is MatthewAge9 on Reboot, I just started playing after a year and this was the first char I created since then, so idk why this isn't working
The Pearl set comes from the V tracker event, which is separate from the Burning event. The burning event is underneath the V-coin icon, titled "[V] 1+2 Level-up Challenge!" I forwarded the issue about the missing boxes, although I don't know what's causing it (I got my boxes just fine).
I'm having the same issue also on my demon slayer in Scania named Zueno it's not 100 yet but it's burned but won't give me any of the boxes I could only the pearl one from tracker.
What did it say when you tried to open it? I know it gives out a lot of items so you might be low on space.
im having the same problem i cannot RECEIVE the frozen gear or anything from the "[V]1+2 Level Up Challenge!" it goes through the dialogue but i dont get anything. . IGN :CeIestiaIwar (both L's are capital i's) server: Reboot job: Dawnwarrior level: 34
Yet another having the same problem. Burning char on Khaini - boxes just fine. Burning char on Broa - nothing at all to accept, anywhere. I went back through all the notes and what not and nothing states anything about it being once per maple id or something like that so, who knows. Just wish someone would acknowledge that there is a problem! IGN- DaPengelf (that is an L) Server- Broa Job- Wild Hunter Level- 49
Same here, made character on Sunday, it is burning, I am getting the extra levels from the lvl up part of the event... but I did not receive any of the boxes. Looked through the quests, there is nowhere to accept any quest. I would really like to receive these sets! IGN - Xvena Job - Demon Avenger Server - Scania Lvl - 112
Log onto another account and nothing. I don't think its a bug but rather that Nexon probably didn't think how many players were coming back, so they only made so many, so maybe that's why it's not showing up because they ran out?
All I want is to start a fresh account, without spending any nx which i did again recently but not as bad as past few months, $75 only. But now that I have a budget plan, note I've always paid of my bills and credit card ETC, what my problem was wasting money I could had save for other things, such as computer upgrades, new xbox one games, but isntead i wasted it on gambling during Black Friday and stupid rng box ETC and most of it went into p-book event.
The last $75 went into marvel machine and I baically got crap, however I did get tyrant gloves which i mange to give good pots and sold for 25b. Which i am saving on my old main account incase i deced to xfer it over to a new account or go back to old account.
I made a mercdeas but kinda regreting it, kinda borning but i only did it so i could burn and get from 150-210 for 30%, but meh at this point not getting frozen set, ETC i wanna just quit this game.
Seriously nexon, what is so hard about this bug, im starting to think they just don't care and probably won't be a fix ever and no extention.
I wonder if I could get refunded for past 3 months lols, even if paypal made this possible, i would never go back to nexon anyways, one they would obciously ban my accounts or worse perm ip ban.
But I won't do it, cus i still love this game and i really want to take advantage of these events, but not getting items we were promised, such as frozen set.
This alone makes me wanna take a long break and sadly not being able to take advantage of the current in game events ,,,,
I just want to make the character I want and get the items from event.
But sadly I can't decied between 5 characters.
Anyways getting way off-topic here my apologies.
Come on nexon, get your heads straight before you lose the huge amount of players that you just got.
I'm sure others with these current problems are growing tired of no notice, besides the generic gm ticket response, blah blah sorry to head blah blah i've gone a head and let other team know, blah blah they aware of it and looking for a fix blah blah ..................... I smell BS.
Anyways im still currently leveling my burning mercdeas but i think im going quit by Friday if nothing is fix or no notice ETC.
If that happens, then I plan on taking a few months break, might come back might not, as I'm starting to get back into other games.
Just want you all to know that we're aware of this and are looking into it.
Yaaay! Finally! If the event runs out and the problems isn't fixed. will we be able get them in the next event ? because i noticed i couldnt burn a character ive already made soooo....
Yeah it's nice that your looking into it, like it hasn't been said a dozen of times. The problem here is no ETA of a possiblty when the issue will be fixed. As myself and others here are worried by time there's a fix, the event will be over or close to over and no extension.
All I want is to start a new account again and start the character i want to play, as I'm not quit happy with my Mercedes as it's kinda boring so far, I do plan to take it at lest to 100.
i still can't decide between 5 characters I want to start on a new account again, yes I know i can stick with my current accounts, but i dislike deleting characters, knowing i delete one ETC, something I will get over at some point, as I did before in other games.
I know I can reach my goals, however these things take time.
I would like to able to get the promised items and enjoy playing my character, even if I take it a slow paste via questing and this time 0 NX, not even for pets, 2x quest exp, however might do some training.
P.S - Off-topic question sorry but just want to get a few quick opinions.
Which of the listed classes below, would be worth burning provided we get the items b4 it ends.
Aran Dark Knight Dawn Warrior Phantom BaM
or should I stick with mercdeas and just get it to 150-210 for the 20% and make zero and get to 200 for 10%, then i can start making other characters.
Same here. I did get the Pearl gear on my Demon Avenger, but then chose to delete him to get the burning affect on my Hayato. I have my Snail, but I've received no other gear.
Well I forgot I had created an Evan on a new account when burning event first started, lucky it has all the items ETC. However reason why i didn't level some more or stop was I took other peoples opinions, such as Evan is hard, aka combos, or Evan nerf ETC. I took one look at their combos so far and was meh screw this.
However I'm going to give it another shot, I would delete him but i dislike deleting and I'm afrid if I did then I be in same bout as everyone else and my other accounts.
Also I havne't bought any nx on the account my even is on, so hopefully I can pull it off, while still playing on my other account with Mercedes.
I think the bug has to do with accounts created before server update maybe? I might make another character on different server, just to see if it gets items or not.
If it does, then I might possibly say screw it and delete Evan and make one of the characters I know I will play, but again hate deleting characters.
Anyways, I hope nexon gets this fixed, as I still like to get the items on my Merceades and newer account if I wind up not liking Evan.
Same i just created a character for the first time in Reboot server, looked into every quest tab, and cant find anything connected with the frozen gear, i hope it gets fixed asap
Player name: Zemetsu Class: Bishop Level: 121 at the moment Server Reboot
Same here as well. Didn't get any of the boxes aside from the usual snail one. IGN: Tsunderriere Job: Cannoneer (open advanced from Buccaneer into Corsair and then again, if that matters) Level: 130 Reboot Server
IGN: BlueLimbo
Job: Luminous
Level: 157
World: Reboot
IGN :CeIestiaIwar (both L's are capital i's)
server: Reboot
job: Dawnwarrior
level: 34
IGN- DaPengelf (that is an L)
Server- Broa
Job- Wild Hunter
Level- 49
IGN - Xvena
Job - Demon Avenger
Server - Scania
Lvl - 112
Dual Blade - Pensaly
lv 106
Not Receive this box for a frozen set
All I want is to start a fresh account, without spending any nx which i did again recently but not as bad as past few months, $75 only. But now that I have a budget plan, note I've always paid of my bills and credit card ETC, what my problem was wasting money I could had save for other things, such as computer upgrades, new xbox one games, but isntead i wasted it on gambling during Black Friday and stupid rng box ETC and most of it went into p-book event.
The last $75 went into marvel machine and I baically got crap, however I did get tyrant gloves which i mange to give good pots and sold for 25b. Which i am saving on my old main account incase i deced to xfer it over to a new account or go back to old account.
I made a mercdeas but kinda regreting it, kinda borning but i only did it so i could burn and get from 150-210 for 30%, but meh at this point not getting frozen set, ETC i wanna just quit this game.
Seriously nexon, what is so hard about this bug, im starting to think they just don't care and probably won't be a fix ever and no extention.
I wonder if I could get refunded for past 3 months lols, even if paypal made this possible, i would never go back to nexon anyways, one they would obciously ban my accounts or worse perm ip ban.
But I won't do it, cus i still love this game and i really want to take advantage of these events, but not getting items we were promised, such as frozen set.
This alone makes me wanna take a long break and sadly not being able to take advantage of the current in game events
I just want to make the character I want and get the items from event.
But sadly I can't decied between 5 characters.
Anyways getting way off-topic here my apologies.
Come on nexon, get your heads straight before you lose the huge amount of players that you just got.
I'm sure others with these current problems are growing tired of no notice, besides the generic gm ticket response, blah blah sorry to head blah blah i've gone a head and let other team know, blah blah they aware of it and looking for a fix blah blah ..................... I smell BS.
Anyways im still currently leveling my burning mercdeas but i think im going quit by Friday if nothing is fix or no notice ETC.
If that happens, then I plan on taking a few months break, might come back might not, as I'm starting to get back into other games.
Oh there I go again off-topic ..... sorry folks.
All I want is to start a new account again and start the character i want to play, as I'm not quit happy with my Mercedes as it's kinda boring so far, I do plan to take it at lest to 100.
i still can't decide between 5 characters I want to start on a new account again, yes I know i can stick with my current accounts, but i dislike deleting characters, knowing i delete one ETC, something I will get over at some point, as I did before in other games.
I know I can reach my goals, however these things take time.
I would like to able to get the promised items and enjoy playing my character, even if I take it a slow paste via questing and this time 0 NX, not even for pets, 2x quest exp, however might do some training.
P.S - Off-topic question sorry but just want to get a few quick opinions.
Which of the listed classes below, would be worth burning provided we get the items b4 it ends.
Dark Knight
Dawn Warrior
or should I stick with mercdeas and just get it to 150-210 for the 20% and make zero and get to 200 for 10%, then i can start making other characters.
Character: PrideLord
IGN: Toyagato
Server: Reboot
Dragon Avenger
Name: Loug
Class: Night Lord
LvL: 127
Server: Bera
However I'm going to give it another shot, I would delete him but i dislike deleting and I'm afrid if I did then I be in same bout as everyone else and my other accounts.
Also I havne't bought any nx on the account my even is on, so hopefully I can pull it off, while still playing on my other account with Mercedes.
I think the bug has to do with accounts created before server update maybe? I might make another character on different server, just to see if it gets items or not.
If it does, then I might possibly say screw it and delete Evan and make one of the characters I know I will play, but again hate deleting characters.
Anyways, I hope nexon gets this fixed, as I still like to get the items on my Merceades and newer account if I wind up not liking Evan.
So far they seem fun.
Player name: Zemetsu
Class: Bishop
Level: 121 at the moment
Server Reboot
IGN: Tsunderriere
Job: Cannoneer (open advanced from Buccaneer into Corsair and then again, if that matters)
Level: 130
Reboot Server