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Vote for MapleStory!


  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited December 2016
    lol "most classic", I guess cuz the massive lag reminds us of the times of dial-up?

    I still remember going over to a rich friend's house and experiencing broadband for the first time when I was a kid. Blew my mind how much faster it was.
  • liljayyyyliljayyyy
    Reactions: 1,310
    Posts: 62
    edited December 2016
    I'm too laggy to vote RN :/
  • PlasticHollyPlasticHolly
    Reactions: 2,140
    Posts: 125
    edited December 2016
    yeah how about instead of asking a completely frustrated player base for help, do something that would inspire it, like fix the issues preventing us from even playing a lot of the time. At this point i'd be far more ready to vote against it.
  • JerenSoonJerenSoon
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 41
    edited December 2016
    One thing that get me laugh: It's MapleStorySEA...

    Well... Venshi say thanks for your 'help'
  • PokkediefPokkedief
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 18
    edited December 2016
    Well if my account after aa month of patiently waiting finally gets transferred, i would vote.. But i dont see why i would vote positive for a game or publisher that doesnt even care about their customers.
  • DalethDaleth
    Reactions: 1,855
    Posts: 106
    edited December 2016
    I am a sheep for you are my shepherd @OneLetter - You decreed a vote to be placed, and so a vote was placed! What are your wishes now good sir?
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited December 2016
    How about fixing the game first and then we might consider to vote.
    Reactions: 860
    Posts: 88
    edited December 2016
    Almost 30k votes and the rest of the games are barely getting any votes at all.

    Something fishy is going on.
  • jasonmbrownjasonmbrown
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 20
    edited December 2016
    Nexon your request for the players to vote for Maplestory, Angers me quite a bit. Given the current state of the game, I will not be voting. The bugs and hackers are pretty Rampant , I assume most of the content is gotten from the Korean devs (If not all), who don't have to deal with the north american side of things to the same extent.(KMS Has ID Registration or at least used to, So Hackers wouldn't be as much of an issue for them, which means tools are under-developed for dealing with the Massive hordes of hackers in GMS).

    I can understand if the Heads at Nexon America think they're doing the best they can, But GMS Seriously Needs to hire a small team (Wouldn't need more then 4-12 Full Timers, To bring the bug List way down) of Coders Specific to GMS. Rather then Just use KMS Devs + Translators.

    I mean Seriously even the QA that's supposedly happening, seems to be missing ALOT of minor bugs. (No Offense to the QA Testers, But did you guys Even bother testing the new V Boxes... Currently They give Occult Cubes (I found out within 20 minutes of the new boxes dropping (Personally and not via other people), Which haven't been used game for almost 2 years?) Or the Santa Boxes after the Coin limit was implemented(If u get 9 coins then any number above +1, It breaks the 10 coin cap (Seriously =< instead of ==)). It is your jobs to make sure everything works correctly before the content is released isn't it, No offense it just angers me that your paid to play test content (My Absolute dream job), and yet within moments of an update the players find craploads of bugs/exploits? Albeit I guess alot of the bugs found are fairly minor, and given the amount of content that comes with each patch its probably a bit difficult to test everything. However that just means Nexon needs to hire more QA Testers, or slow down the release cycles. Alternatively Open up Tespia Specifically for Select few dedicated players. (My suggestion would be Keep 2 Tespia servers, One for in house paid QA that's a full patch cycle ahead of the Semi Public Tespia Server. This way the Semi-Public Tespia users wouldn't need to be under any NDA's (Given the content would normally have gone straight to the normal servers)).

    I assume most players wouldn't mind waiting an extra week between updates for other players to test play content.

    Anyway until there's a bit more transparency about why so many bugs slip past QA, and what the reason is for the long Bug fixes. My vote shall not be cast.
    However I don't Expect anything to come of my message here, But I hope someone will talk/convince the nexon America Heads to hire a couple In house developers, specifically for GMS bug fixing, and expand the QA Team a bit since it sounded sort of small. (Based off information collected from yesterdays Stream, "We Beat lucid with a 4 player party" makes me think there's only 6-8 Play testers total)

    I Strongly encourage Other players Not to vote MapleStory for the Readers choice award, Until Nexon America removes some of the Strict in house policys about communicating with us.

    Sorry for the rant. I Wish you guys Good luck on winning the Reader's Choice Award. Even though personally I don't think its deserved.

  • YumieTakagiYumieTakagi
    Reactions: 505
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    edited December 2016
    Ivangold said:

    Well, i don't see why not, and apparentaly maple is top1, imagine if it was with less bugs and all.
    But what does Maple really gain with that?
    If Maple wins I'm pretty sure Nexon will thank the community for the support and give us some extra 2x weekend or something like that lol.
  • MaraBellaMaraBella
    Reactions: 845
    Posts: 14
    edited December 2016

    Ivangold said:

    Well, i don't see why not, and apparentaly maple is top1, imagine if it was with less bugs and all.
    But what does Maple really gain with that?
    If Maple wins I'm pretty sure Nexon will thank the community for the support and give us some extra 2x weekend or something like that lol.
    Even more coupons I can't use :D? Fun!

  • SoreSore
    Reactions: 415
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    edited December 2016
    Why vote for a game that is unplayable and the customer service is crap? They do 24 hr maintenance and nothing gets fixed either. Game is falling apart and it's sad. If they can't handle MS1 right now then I wonder how they will handle MS2 when that game comes out.
  • SoreSore
    Reactions: 415
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    edited December 2016
    Tuba said:


    Can someone verify those 23k votes they have? I do not believe that is accurate. No way. Nexon must have hired hackers/botters to vote for them or gave them immunity to hack if they voted for them. I refuse to believe they are winning by THAT much. NOPE!
    Omg they rigged their votes like Hillary Clinton rigged her election.
    And ps to the over sensitive Nexon employees: I'm Joking if you feel threatened by this comment just delete it like you delete other replies I've made.

    You mean how Russia hacked the election for Trump and how trump is in conhoots with Putin in order to win the election. If you're going to bring in politics in this game then please bring in faults on both sides thank you.

  • LawliePawpLawliePawp
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited December 2016
    Nexon doesn't deserve one single vote. If it were possible, I'd rather vote for EA than Nexon.
  • ZexikaZexika
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 10
    edited December 2016
    lol who the %$"# would vote for this game... full of bugs, lag and a lack of interest of Q&A to get the game fixed
  • adgnadgn
    Reactions: 1,395
    Posts: 45
    edited December 2016
    @OneLetter I would like to vote Nexon for worst customer service. Thanks, pce

    @Tuba Too bad their tech team isn't capable of fixing bugs. They're quite useless.
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited December 2016
    @Sore Sorry if my joke might have made you feel threatened. People who believe everything the corrupt mainstream media says make me laugh. You really believe that fake news theory that Russia hacked the election? Did Russia hack the election for Bill Clinton, George Bush or Obama? Did you ever stop to think that people started doing research and looked into the person they are voting for (like anyone should) and saw the pros and cons for Trump and Hillary and saw all the shady stuff she was involved in with her husband? If you do your research you could have found stuff yourself. Pizzagate alone was enough to make my mind up.
  • Traveler5577Traveler5577
    Reactions: 1,995
    Posts: 173
    edited December 2016
    where do i vote??? ill vote sure :)
  • SoreSore
    Reactions: 415
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    edited December 2016
    Tuba said:

    @Sore Sorry if my joke might have made you feel threatened. People who believe everything the corrupt mainstream media says make me laugh. You really believe that fake news theory that Russia hacked the election? Did Russia hack the election for Bill Clinton, George Bush or Obama? Did you ever stop to think that people started doing research and looked into the person they are voting for (like anyone should) and saw the pros and cons for Trump and Hillary and saw all the shady stuff she was involved in with her husband? If you do your research you could have found stuff yourself. Pizzagate alone was enough to make my mind up.
    I am sorry but if you believe Russia had zero influence on the election and it was just the people who voted Trump in. Then you're delusional and you probably also think that the main reason why Hillary had the biggest popular vote is because of illegals too. There's a reason why Hillary had the biggest popular vote it's because she was the most wanted between the two regardless of what your thoughts want. Just because the screwy electoral college screwed the Democrats over again just like Bush vs Gore in 2000 doesn't mean the people wanted Trump in office. He's an imbecile and does not know anything about running a country except in the ground. Expected another unnecessary war for greed. He wants to expand our nukes for what reason? Yes, to go to war with another country. He isn't going to keep any of his promises he made. That was just all talk so you fools can vote him. He's smart on that I give him that though. He really fooled you all in believing in his lies. Oh and regardless of the whole Russia ordeal. You guys are still voted for a molester and a misogynist for your POTUS. Not to mention he also likes to mock the disabled and create riots with his racist and sexist remarks. That alone should have taken him out of the race.