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Is it worth playing MS right now?

Member Sonnen
Reactions: 305
Post: 1
in General Chat
I've never played MS before and I'm curious to give it a try. Would anyone say it's worth it? How's the player population??


  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2019
  • Member pepe
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 161
    edited October 2019
  • Member ShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited October 2019
  • Member Rexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited October 2019
    Give it a shot if you meet many of the points
    - The 2-D art style
    - You don't mind grinding for stuff
    - You like the RPG aspect of characters getting stronger
    - You don't feel disappointed, rage, or self-destructing thoughts when other people progress much faster than you by spending real money
    - Time gated content after lv 200 (even if you level fast, you cannot contribute effectively to bosses in that region due to the large amount of dailies quest/content to get a specific resource)
    - Making multiple characters (most named class has their own story line that contribute to the main plot, passive bonus for having many high level characters)
    - You don't feel shy looking for a social guild/alliance to not feel lonely in this game (no one party for exp, only when bossing and events)
    - You like spending real money dressing up your character to be fabulous
    - Not afraid to go bossing even if you have a 0% success rate for practice and thrill
    - A lot of spare time for grinding

    If you decide to play, the server you choose affect your play style.
    Reboot: Meso spent directly equal power (upgrade stuff cost meso instead of real money), no trading allowed, cannot share any equipment between character on the same account (other stuff can be shared), non-boss monster has 10x HP and 3x EXP (monster above lv 200 tend to have 2.2x HP and EXP), Monster drops 5x more mesos, no pay to win content (cannot pay real money to progress faster), characters can learn all profession at once.
    Any server that not Reboot: Trading and auction house is enabled (the market is part of the learning curve), grinding for meso is worthless, many pay to win upgrade system and equipment, equipments can have a 2nd set of potential (called bonus potential), still possible to progress to late game content without spending real money given enough time, can only learn 1 crafting profession per character.

    In terms of population (NA region), Reboot > Bera > Scania > Aurora/Elysium.
    Maple Story will feel empty due to how big it is and how little time people spend in 1 region before lv 200.
    But when someone announce a +50% exp buff, >30 people (in a populated server) will come to the same map to receive the buff (lots of lag without a strong cpu).

    Common mishaps that many mmorpg share that Maple Story also has
    - Unscheduled maintenance
    - Double maintenance
    - The rare elusive triple maintenance
    - The once in a blue moon 24 hours maintenance
    - Botter
    - Auto-ban system catching innocents
  • Member Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 342
    edited October 2019
    Sonnen wrote: »
    I've never played MS before and I'm curious to give it a try. Would anyone say it's worth it? How's the player population??

    Nope. Meso (in-game currency) economy is screwed up to the point where it's practically impossible for someone to play this game without 1) grind your life into this game or 2) spend bunch of $$$.
  • Member HuskyDM
    Reactions: 3,745
    Posts: 378
    edited October 2019
    Sonnen wrote: »
    I've never played MS before and I'm curious to give it a try. Would anyone say it's worth it? How's the player population??

    Give it a try, its not a bad game. I've had fun with the years I've played. Population is not that good though most of the stuff you do is solo these days so it doesn't hurt that much.
  • Member Kapol
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2019
    Unless you want to spend money (and lots of it) even for small stuff - nope.
  • Member WONDERGUY
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited October 2019
    (dont get adicted to gamble or kill your time alone for stat)
    but for some rare events and rare communty challanges yes its ok
    Rexaar wrote: »
    In terms of population (NA region), Reboot > Bera > Scania > Aurora/Elysium.
    Maple Story will feel empty due to how big it is and how little time people spend in 1 region before lv 200.
    But when someone announce a +50% exp buff, >30 people (in a populated server) will come to the same map to receive the buff (lots of lag without a strong cpu).

    Common mishaps that many mmorpg share that Maple Story also has
    - Unscheduled maintenance
    - Double maintenance
    - The rare elusive triple maintenance
    - The once in a blue moon 24 hours maintenance
    - Botter
    - Auto-ban system catching innocents

    yea right glass with watter its not emty the glass its to big
    about common mishaps other games "share" too its nothing like in GMS extremes

    oh well @Sonnen try it and see yourself how it is
    just dont rush to quickly with your wallet give it time and then decide
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
    Posts: 1,688
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2019
    As Wonderguy said, try the game for yourself. Just don't spend any money on the game until you've given it a fair chance.
    I've asked plenty of people to play who drop in 10~50 dollars only to quit a week later.
    Play a few characters up to 120 or so, long enough to unlock legion and a few link skills.
    Once you've done that you make a better decision for yourself.

    I personally think the story alone makes the game worth playing, but only if you care for that kind of thing.
    While you could play a single player game with a top of the line story, those don't last as long as an MMO does.
    I prefer the extremely slow story model for MapleStory as it allows you to develop better attachment to things.

    Make sure to read what Rexaar had to say as well. I would ignore the "nah" and "yeah" posts that didn't give legitimate reasons.
    There are plenty of reasons to play or not to play the game. But it's best if they're actually explained to you.
  • Member darik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited November 2019
    Up till level 230-240 and 30k stat is fun, after that is extremelly boring, so up to you, up to that point progression is fine and decently fast, after that you need to invest a huge amount of time for little reward,progression gets extremelly slow
  • Member OtaCOOLdW
    Reactions: 1,015
    Posts: 13
    edited November 2019
    Somebody has already said it but I still want to say this: you should try the game yourself!
    For me this game is worth playing because of its story/ beautiful BGM/ a wide variety of choices of classes/ beautiful scenery/ unique 2D playstyle. Playing it is like an adventure. There is always something new for you to explore.
    What's so special about this game is that a lot of people hate it as much as they love it. Because as the gameplay proceeds, players will have to spend time on improving their equipments and their characters' stats, which sometimes lead to having a painful memory. I think this is the story for lots of players (including me): they enjoy the game when they first started, they leveled up their characters, they began to have more expectations, they spend their energy and emotion into the game, they try to pay to win, they get no result, they feel hopeless or boring, and they quit. After some period of time, they hear someone talking about this game or accidentally see a YouTube video online, they decide to give this game one more chance and they're back xd.
    What I've changed myself is that I no longer crave for progressions that much anymore. If you are not the kind of craving person, I am sure you will have a great time.