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[UPDATE NOTES] v177 Strange Stories


  • Member Ivangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited October 2016

    It's not that they want to everything be the same, it's simple: they can't go to 5job with GMS luminous, it wouldn't work, at least not the way it intend to be, i don't know much about AB and Kaisers to talk, but luminous was way too OP, just look at how fast people got to 250 here(yes we also have kanna but still), the first two lv250 here got on a similar time to the first KMS player at 250, even with 6 months apart of the uptate to increase cap, Luminous were only reliable to mobing before, their bossing was bad, and if you died you were hardly punished(more than any class).

    Also there will be just minor changes to 4job skills, no revamp, now the focus are on 5job skills that they are developing for the game.

  • Member NickDark88
    Reactions: 600
    Post: 1
    edited October 2016
    I'm really disgusted with the Luminous Skill Changes, the teleport range is really really short, i can't move through maps parallel platforms, is really annoying. I don't like the new change system, is certainly that I use more equilibrium skills now but I prefer to choose and switch between light and darkness for my own
  • Member, Private Tester HolyGiraffe
    Reactions: 1,460
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2016
    Besides class changes... Where's the chat thingy? there are no "rooms" in it.
    And what happened to the dojo?
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2016

    AKradian said:

    Much better update notes than last time, but still missing details.
    If you or any other players have questions about the update, events, etc. go ahead and ask here. I'll work on getting answers for you all.

    We shouldn't have to ask.....
  • Member MrsCute
    Reactions: 790
    Posts: 33
    edited October 2016
    Are there any updates regarding the name change that we bought a little over a week ago?
    Or is that still pending
  • Member Raw
    Reactions: 515
    Posts: 47
    edited November 2016
    I think they went a little too hard on Arans. Adrenaline Rush did need a nerf, granted. It did not need to go from 400% to 150% though, less than half! There were a few other minor nerfs that I really didn't have a problem with, but I thought that the Adrenaline Rush nerf plus cooldown between at the same time was a little bit overkill. I also heard that they get an additional nerf in kms reducing their atk speed by one, (which can be replaced by an Monster Park potion. I already use one, so it's pretty much all downhill from here? Sweet..
  • Member DeadMalcolm
    Reactions: 1,640
    Posts: 35
    edited November 2016
    Tuba said:

    Where do I make suggestions, because I think it's so dumb that they have been doing maintenance's like these in the middle of the day, when you have the highest volume of players online... Literally who thought doing the maintenance at this time was a good idea?
    this was done 3-4am my time

  • Member Tuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited November 2016

    Tuba said:

    Where do I make suggestions, because I think it's so dumb that they have been doing maintenance's like these in the middle of the day, when you have the highest volume of players online... Literally who thought doing the maintenance at this time was a good idea?
    this was done 3-4am my time

    I guess the they are just going to have to 'die' then. Also the fact you provided about dying in your sleep was incorrect. Apparently it's 11:00am that you are most likely to die thanks to a study done by a smart human at Harvard. btw this was done 8:15am my time.

    ***Forgot this lol:

  • Member Andraemona
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited November 2016


    Discuss.wow those dark totems don't like me at all lol
  • Member WeedArrow
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2016
    Hi, i can't log in. everytime i log in i cant choose any of my character the game just stops running what can i do?
  • Member ShakaAlek
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 50
    edited November 2016
    WeedArrow said:

    Hi, i can't log in. everytime i log in i cant choose any of my character the game just stops running what can i do?
    This happens to me too, except I noted something that may be the issue: after choosing the world, while in the character selection screen, at first card deck, part time job and character creation buttons are greyed out; I noticed that the client crashes, with no error message, only while those buttons are still grey. If I wait for them to load properly I can actually start playing.
  • Member alexfrances
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2016
    hi to all
  • Member xNailKaiser
    Reactions: 2,450
    Posts: 118
    edited November 2016
    Is there a fix coming to the last key in Afterlands people have had trouble activating? Really want to get this questline done with.
  • Member, Private Tester IntenseBurst
    Reactions: 400
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    can't wait to finally finish afterlands eventually