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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Season 1 [None of a Kind] Alora Quest Still Bugged
My thread was incorrectly merged with a different issue, so I decided to make a new thread. After rescuing 4 Wondroids during this event for Season 1, you progress along a questline through Alora/Sephia/Phoebe until you reach a quest called "[Mechanical Hearts] None of a Kind." When you reach Alora in B4 of [Investigation] mode, she has no quest for you so there is no way to progress. Several people are having this issue for almost a week now, and it has not been fixed as of the maintenance on 2/3.
Bug type: Quest
Brief bug summary: Cannot progress in quest "[Mechanical Hearts] None of a Kind" because NPC (Alora) has no quest or cutscene once she is reached.
More details: [None of a Kind] quest started through Phoebe in the S1/S2 hideout. You are supposed to find Alora in B4 [Investigation] mode of S1/S2. Once she is found at the top-right portal of B4 [Investigation] mode, there is no continuation of the quest.
It is possible that this is only an issue for those who have done the S1/S2 questlines in the past, though I have not found someone to confirm that this quest is not a problem for those who have never done the Wondroid event before.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Rescue 4 or more Wondroids in season 1 (physically complete the 4 jump quests again).
2. Have progress up to None of a Kind quest in S1.
3. Go to B4 in [Investigation] mode and enter the top right portal.
4. Alora has no quest or cutscene; progress is stuck.
Character name: Stargeth
Character level: 240
Character job: Dark Knight
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 1/31 (8:47pm PST) AND 2/3 (9:53am PST)
Try saving 4 different wondroids, then come back to see if she has a quest.
Please don't create duplicate threads on a single topic.
@LuckiestGuy: I've already saved the four wondroids to get a questline to start with. The issue is with the progression of "None of a Kind" quest. She doesn't have a quest no matter how many wondroids you rescue in [Rescue] mode (I've rescued 6 of the 8 through jumpquests during this event alone and she still hasn't given me a quest).
I'm pretty sure he saved all 8 androids...