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merging of paid servers


  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited April 2020
    But none of this matters to you, because you don't think of anything but "I wish I didn't miss my chance to move to bera too" or "I wish elysium/aurora wasn't so dead".

    I seem to have been right. Guess I'll take my leave of this thread then and let it ultimately sink down into the depths where every single "merge everything into one server" suggestion has gone.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2020
    despite some saying no and give irrelevant excuses and some being selfish and want to oppose on everything just to argue
    most of the players allready did remake to active worlds without merge/transfer to play casual or semi-quit (till merge to get their full funds back)
    some just try reboot no nx buy while wait for merge/transfer solution
    and the rest just quited

    so its all for nexon to decide
    if nexon ignore for while or dont do merge/transfer they will just quit and nexon will lose even more players
    (dead worlds allready geting more and more dead each day so either those players get hope back or they are gone )

    those that want be alone in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) for whatever reason let it be dont transfer
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited April 2020
    Idk about you but ks-ing, lag, and crowding are relevant concerns for merging 4 servers into one. You're taking the population of Bera and more than doubling it.

    If anything you guys calling for a world merge are the "selfish" ones. You, the vocal minority, want something that almost everyone outside this forum opposes. Go outside the forum and suggest this, then you'll definitely get chastised by everyone else.

    Judging by how 30% of the overall GMS population isn't Bera or Reboot (50% reboot, 20% bera), not everybody remade to active worlds. I doubt the Reboot population is waiting for a world merge either. People like the idea of being able to progress with meso alone.

    If you really want people to quit, shove half the game's population into one server and force them compete for less available maps, adjust to a new market, and deal with any other consequences that come with a server merge. That'll piss people off enough to make them leave the game for sure.

    It is for Nexon to decide though. And if they have even a single IQ point, they know not to listen to a group that doesn't know what the **** Discord is. Your "dead" worlds are dead because everyone moved to a much more convenient platform to communicate. Nobody else wants to be as stuck in the past as you "merge all non-reboot world" idiots. But that doesn't matter, does it? It's "selfish" and "opposing everything just to argue" when people disagree with something that is definitely not good for the game's health.

    GMS's server selection is fine as is. "Dead" servers are actually a good thing too. Some people don't want to play in busy servers.
  • innncginnncg
    Reactions: 555
    Posts: 19
    edited April 2020
    AKradian wrote: »
    Optimize player experience by making everyone suffer lag, crowding, ks'ing, and spam together?
    No, thank you.
    lol. Biggest joke is that Elysium is more laggy than Bera atm even with much less population.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2020
    AaronHusky wrote: »
    shove half the game's population into one server and force them compete for less available maps, adjust to a new market, and deal with any other consequences that come with a server merge. That'll piss people off enough to make them leave the game for sure

    if thats not selfish to only care about maps and market i dont know what it is and lag that its allready there lol
    you ignore the point that they can allready be in any active non-reboot world they want (just not leting them to have their years long of progress) again selfish
    you cant control population like that ,new players wont make acc in dead world
    are you going to call them idiots aswell if they dont move to other world "because you own the active one and economy in it "?

    the one that did not merge/transfer on time moved to reboot for fun or quit
    and the last few players hope still they will get moved out of dead world

    you allready got 20 of each map as a option top 3 maps are allready taken by 60 players ( 1% of the player base)
    players allready "camp" 24h before 2x to take map
    so dont know what you argue about competetion for map in thread about players stuck in dead worlds
    there is other threads for that issue and for those that dont want compete
    Your "dead" worlds are dead because everyone moved to a much more convenient platform to communicate

    what are you talking about ? people left the worlds they are turned to ghost towns has nothing to do with communication tools lol
    there is time of the day where are not enough people and things that get cancelled like for flag/ursus...

    and again if you want to be in dead world in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) let it be but let other move out and be able to do events and things with other
  • NyongNyong
    Reactions: 360
    Posts: 8
    edited April 2020
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    AaronHusky wrote: »
    shove half the game's population into one server and force them compete for less available maps, adjust to a new market, and deal with any other consequences that come with a server merge. That'll piss people off enough to make them leave the game for sure

    if thats not selfish to only care about maps and market i dont know what it is and lag that its allready there lol
    you ignore the point that they can allready be in any active non-reboot world they want (just not leting them to have their years long of progress) again selfish
    you cant control population like that ,new players wont make acc in dead world
    are you going to call them idiots aswell if they dont move to other world "because you own the active one and economy in it "?

    the one that did not merge/transfer on time moved to reboot for fun or quit
    and the last few players hope still they will get moved out of dead world

    you allready got 20 of each map as a option top 3 maps are allready taken by 60 players ( 1% of the player base)
    players allready "camp" 24h before 2x to take map
    so dont know what you argue about competetion for map in thread about players stuck in dead worlds
    there is other threads for that issue and for those that dont want compete
    Your "dead" worlds are dead because everyone moved to a much more convenient platform to communicate

    what are you talking about ? people left the worlds they are turned to ghost towns has nothing to do with communication tools lol
    there is time of the day where are not enough people and things that get cancelled like for flag/ursus...

    and again if you want to be in dead world in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) let it be but let other move out and be able to do events and things with other

    good argument and critic (Y)
  • Penguinz0Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 342
    edited April 2020
    BBQTime wrote: »
    The amount of upsides that can come up along once all paid servers are merged... I'll finally be able to find some active friends instead of AFK friends who never talks...

    If your friend is always AFK, then just leave and look for other active players. Go to flag race and look for top placing guilds who are probably pretty active. I have very hard time believing people who are saying "I can't find anyone active," because normally it's because they're just socially inept. You can pretty much find a group of people who are active if you actually look for them, even in servers like Elysium and Aurora I imagine. Take OP for instance. I know the guy from Scaina. He made 2 active guilds and then collapsed it with his douchebaggery. Then he moved to another active guild that, surprised to everyone, accepted him and he collapsed that guild too. He's a butt of everyone's joke in Scania smega and pretty much no one wants anything to do with him. And here he is on a forum, complaining about lack of "active players" in the server when it was his $hitty social behavior that turned all the active players away from him lol. We had quite a laugh about this in our guild and alliance discord. The point is that, unless you're crappy person, it honestly can't be that hard to find even a small group of active player in your world who is also looking for other active players.
    BBQTime wrote: »

    I'll finally be able to buy some decent amount of maple points for a fair price instead of paying 100mil mesos for 200 maple points...

    Nope. The population of world will not change the fked up meso economy of this game. Meso economy is fked to the tlts because of hackers/bots and inability of nexon to deal with them. In fact, if all paid servers are merged, then the maple point price will actually go higher than now because a giant @ss number of botters will be concentrated into a single server. Keep in mind that this hundreds of millions of mesos to get a couple hundred maple points will always stay the same no matter what in gms. This ain't a KMS. We have so much $hit, other than hacker and botters, that brings in influx of mesos such as Frenzy totem, Fury totem, Kishin, maple tour and gms content bosses.
    BBQTime wrote: »
    I say merge all paid servers as soon as possible, so we can make all of us (90% of us for sure) happy again...

    So you only have friends who are always afk and never talk, but somehow you know for sure that "merging all paid servers" will make 90% of players happy. Riiiiiiiiight. I can see most people being happy with something like merging of Aurora and Elysium, but most people definitely don't want all servers to be merged. Just look at this thread dude. Putting the great master debator of the forum aside, you still have tons of people, including myself, not supporting this idea.
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2020
    WONDERGUY wrote: »

    if thats not selfish to only care about maps and market i dont know what it is and lag that its allready there lol

    And it's not selfish to only think about how merging non-reboot servers would affect populations? It is selfish to consider how a world merge and the resulting population boost would affect map availability, worsen lag that's "already there" or cause lag, and create the issue of making a single new market for people from 4 different markets? I don't know what to tell you then. If I'm being selfish for arguing how something that only you (and a select few others) want is bad, then something is clearly wrong.

    I'm not arguing about maps and market because I'm the only one that cares about them either. I'm arguing about maps and market because it'll affect other people too. There's more to consider in a world merge than just populations.

    you ignore the point that they can already be in any active non-reboot world they want (just not leting them to have their years long of progress) again selfish

    I don't see the relevance of this point though? If you want to merge all non-reboot worlds into one, it'll affect any server they play in. Why would their "years of progress" ever wiped in a server merge, and when was it ever? How is relevant to me being "selfish" anyways?

    I did glance over the transfer point though, but I'll cover it right now: Nobody (except you, the other "server merge" folks didn't even mention transfer) wants a world transfer either. It's how we got into the current population distribution anyways. People joined Bera in a last ditch attempt to create a "populated server" and look what happened. Bots galore, lag that didn't get fixed until a few months ago, and further polarized world populations. How exactly would another world transfer, which got us into our current situation, fix things? A world transfer isn't even what OP was asking for. They want they want all non-reboot worlds merged into one, which is drastically different.
    you cant control population like that ,new players wont make acc in dead world

    Then why can you and the other people who want another world merge control the population? Why do you guys think you get to decide for half the population, most of which opposes your suggestion?

    As rare as it is, new players do sometimes join dead servers. Just because new players tend to go to Bera and Reboot, doesn't mean people aren't joining the other servers too.
    are you going to call them idiots aswell if they dont move to other world "because you own the active one and economy in it "?

    Did I ever say I own a world or an economy? I'm calling them "idiots" because they don't know where to look for the community (which is why I said "a group that does know what the **** Discord (The place most maple communities have migrated) is", and think merging all the regular servers together will magically bring back a sense of community to Maple without considering the effect it'll have on other players.
    the one that did not merge/transfer on time moved to reboot for fun or quit

    Players that did quit or move worlds did so willingly though. Players that have their worlds merged have no choice in the matter. There's a difference between quitting/transferring worlds (something each player has a choice in) and a world merge (something players don't have a choice in). Playing in a dead server isn't the only reason people quit either. They could have quit for other reasons, like a lack of motivation to play, lack of time, unhappiness with the state MS, or their friends no longer playing either. If anyone did (or does) quit because their world was dead, I don't know what to tell them. There are already more populated worlds to play in.
    and the last few players hope still they will get moved out of dead world

    Doubt it. Dead world player here I don't want to be moved out of it. Other people still in dead servers don't want a merge of all reg servers either.
    you allready got 20 of each map as a option top 3 maps are allready taken by 60 players ( 1% of the player base)
    players allready "camp" 24h before 2x to take map

    And merging all regular servers into one is somehow going to alleviate that problem? In a dead server you'd be more likely to find a free "top" training map, but in one comprised of 4 other servers, you're definitely not finding a map. Adding more channels is only a band-aid fix to the problem too. Keep in mind the scope of what's being proposed: You're merging literally half the game population into one server. A lot of channels are would need to be added to make overcrowding/competing for maps a non-issue.

    The training meta doesn't have to be strictly followed either. Alternative training maps exist, and some "meta" training maps are only good with spawn enhancers or burning. In a dead server you're essentially guaranteed to find an alternate to train at. In the server you guys are trying to make happen, which would have a population equal to, if not slightly greater than reboot btw, good luck. Those alternatives are gonna be taken too, and even if you add do more channels, those will be taken pretty quickly. Bera and Reboot are already hard enough to find "meta" training maps in, Reboot especially.

    so dont know what you argue about competetion for map in thread about players stuck in dead worlds
    there is other threads for that issue and for those that dont want compete

    Can I argue about jamming all those players into one world and the map competition that will result from it? That's definitely a relevant issue when talking about a server merge.

    what are you talking about ? people left the worlds they are turned to ghost towns has nothing to do with communication tools lol
    there is time of the day where are not enough people and things that get cancelled like for flag/ursus...

    In hindsight I should have worded this better: Dead worlds feel "dead" because the people that did stay behind are all on Discord now. Chatting on Maple is more inconvenient than voice chatting. There are communities out there, but you're forcing them to come to you whether they have a say in the matter or not.

    Flag race is dead because of the awkward times it comes up. Early in the morning, then smack dab in the afternoon or evening in the US, when people are either at work or school on a weekday (not taking into account the current COVID-19 situation).

    Nobody does Ursus in reg servers anyway. Why bother with it? Reboot players actually have a reason to.
    and again if you want to be in dead world in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) let it be but let other move out and be able to do events and things with other

    World merge merging all servers into one without players having a choice in the matter. World transfers do give players a choice and are a different thing. If you want to merge all the regular servers into one, like OP was suggesting, why leave a "dead world" behind for people to transfer to? Does that not defeat the purpose of merging all non-reboot servers?

    There's more to consider just world populations, and me pointing that out does not make me "selfish". Especially when the majority of the playerbase doesn't want a world merge either. You and the people advocating for a world merge, how ever, are being selfish because you act like you're speaking for the majority, and aren't concerned with the consequences that come with a world merge. You're only concerned with what you want. Again, how am I the selfish one here?
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2020
    remove quote bug/mistake
    Reactions: 3,370
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    edited April 2020
    remove quote bug/mistake
    Reactions: 3,370
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    edited April 2020
    remove quote bug/mistake
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2020
    remove quote bug/mistake
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2020
    AaronHusky wrote: »
    WONDERGUY wrote: »

    if thats not selfish to only care about maps and market i dont know what it is and lag that its allready there lol

    And it's not selfish to only think about how merging non-reboot servers would affect populations? It is selfish to consider how a world merge and the resulting population boost would affect map availability, worsen lag that's "already there" or cause lag, and create the issue of making a single new market for people from 4 different markets? I don't know what to tell you then. If I'm being selfish for arguing how something that only you (and a select few others) want is bad, then something is clearly wrong.

    I'm not arguing about maps and market because I'm the only one that cares about them either. I'm arguing about maps and market because it'll affect other people too. There's more to consider in a world merge than just populations.

    you ignore the point that they can already be in any active non-reboot world they want (just not leting them to have their years long of progress) again selfish

    I don't see the relevance of this point though? If you want to merge all non-reboot worlds into one, it'll affect any server they play in. Why would their "years of progress" ever wiped in a server merge, and when was it ever? How is relevant to me being "selfish" anyways?

    I did glance over the transfer point though, but I'll cover it right now: Nobody (except you, the other "server merge" folks didn't even mention transfer) wants a world transfer either. It's how we got into the current population distribution anyways. People joined Bera in a last ditch attempt to create a "populated server" and look what happened. Bots galore, lag that didn't get fixed until a few months ago, and further polarized world populations. How exactly would another world transfer, which got us into our current situation, fix things? A world transfer isn't even what OP was asking for. They want they want all non-reboot worlds merged into one, which is drastically different.
    you cant control population like that ,new players wont make acc in dead world

    Then why can you and the other people who want another world merge control the population? Why do you guys think you get to decide for half the population, most of which opposes your suggestion?

    As rare as it is, new players do sometimes join dead servers. Just because new players tend to go to Bera and Reboot, doesn't mean people aren't joining the other servers too.
    are you going to call them idiots aswell if they dont move to other world "because you own the active one and economy in it "?

    Did I ever say I own a world or an economy? I'm calling them "idiots" because they don't know where to look for the community (which is why I said "a group that does know what the **** Discord (The place most maple communities have migrated) is", and think merging all the regular servers together will magically bring back a sense of community to Maple without considering the effect it'll have on other players.
    the one that did not merge/transfer on time moved to reboot for fun or quit

    Players that did quit or move worlds did so willingly though. Players that have their worlds merged have no choice in the matter. There's a difference between quitting/transferring worlds (something each player has a choice in) and a world merge (something players don't have a choice in). Playing in a dead server isn't the only reason people quit either. They could have quit for other reasons, like a lack of motivation to play, lack of time, unhappiness with the state MS, or their friends no longer playing either. If anyone did (or does) quit because their world was dead, I don't know what to tell them. There are already more populated worlds to play in.
    and the last few players hope still they will get moved out of dead world

    Doubt it. Dead world player here I don't want to be moved out of it. Other people still in dead servers don't want a merge of all reg servers either.
    you allready got 20 of each map as a option top 3 maps are allready taken by 60 players ( 1% of the player base)
    players allready "camp" 24h before 2x to take map

    And merging all regular servers into one is somehow going to alleviate that problem? In a dead server you'd be more likely to find a free "top" training map, but in one comprised of 4 other servers, you're definitely not finding a map. Adding more channels is only a band-aid fix to the problem too. Keep in mind the scope of what's being proposed: You're merging literally half the game population into one server. A lot of channels are would need to be added to make overcrowding/competing for maps a non-issue.

    The training meta doesn't have to be strictly followed either. Alternative training maps exist, and some "meta" training maps are only good with spawn enhancers or burning. In a dead server you're essentially guaranteed to find an alternate to train at. In the server you guys are trying to make happen, which would have a population equal to, if not slightly greater than reboot btw, good luck. Those alternatives are gonna be taken too, and even if you add do more channels, those will be taken pretty quickly. Bera and Reboot are already hard enough to find "meta" training maps in, Reboot especially.

    so dont know what you argue about competetion for map in thread about players stuck in dead worlds
    there is other threads for that issue and for those that dont want compete

    Can I argue about jamming all those players into one world and the map competition that will result from it? That's definitely a relevant issue when talking about a server merge.

    what are you talking about ? people left the worlds they are turned to ghost towns has nothing to do with communication tools lol
    there is time of the day where are not enough people and things that get cancelled like for flag/ursus...

    In hindsight I should have worded this better: Dead worlds feel "dead" because the people that did stay behind are all on Discord now. Chatting on Maple is more inconvenient than voice chatting. There are communities out there, but you're forcing them to come to you whether they have a say in the matter or not.

    Flag race is dead because of the awkward times it comes up. Early in the morning, then smack dab in the afternoon or evening in the US, when people are either at work or school on a weekday (not taking into account the current COVID-19 situation).

    Nobody does Ursus in reg servers anyway. Why bother with it? Reboot players actually have a reason to.
    and again if you want to be in dead world in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) let it be but let other move out and be able to do events and things with other

    World merge merging all servers into one without players having a choice in the matter. World transfers do give players a choice and are a different thing. If you want to merge all the regular servers into one, like OP was suggesting, why leave a "dead world" behind for people to transfer to? Does that not defeat the purpose of merging all non-reboot servers?

    There's more to consider just world populations, and me pointing that out does not make me "selfish". Especially when the majority of the playerbase doesn't want a world merge either. You and the people advocating for a world merge, how ever, are being selfish because you act like you're speaking for the majority, and aren't concerned with the consequences that come with a world merge. You're only concerned with what you want. Again, how am I the selfish one here?

    1.new players wont come to dead world and left over players in dead worlds got hard time doing things alone or not being able to do

    2. the point you ignored and most important players in dead worlds can allready "merge" make new acc/char in active world (the issue is they start fresh and cant get their years worth of progress out of the dead world without merge/transfer their progress )
    so you are fine with new players makeing acc/char in active world and players that remake but once they ask for their progress move "merge" you are against

    3.overcrowding/competing for maps is other story for other threads( there is issue with party play nerf,hacker takeing most of the other maps... also its nothing wrong to compete for a map for best exp or meso rate) also like you said
    The training meta doesn't have to be strictly followed either. Alternative training maps exist, and some "meta" training maps are only good with spawn enhancers or burning

    4.comunication tools has nothing to do with dead worlds or lack of players to do boss and things other then solo ( flag its just 1 example and works fine in active worlds)

    5. i said its ok if you want to be in dead world in a MMORPG but let other that dont to move out (because you and few other throw excuse like "what if someone wants to be in dead worlds" , fair enough let them stay )

    anyway its up to nexon
  • FoodFood
    Reactions: 1,060
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    edited April 2020
    AKradian wrote: »
    Optimize player experience by making everyone suffer lag, crowding, ks'ing, and spam together?
    No, thank you.

    This. Says. All.
    Tbh, I would rather have another World Leap event than a big server merge.
  • NicholasBNicholasB
    Reactions: 1,195
    Posts: 79
    edited April 2020
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    But none of this matters to you, because you don't think of anything but "I wish I didn't miss my chance to move to bera too" or "I wish elysium/aurora wasn't so dead".

    I seem to have been right. Guess I'll take my leave of this thread then and let it ultimately sink down into the depths where every single "merge everything into one server" suggestion has gone.

    MapleStory is a free-to-play, 2D, side-scrolling massively multiplayer online role-playing game.
    Food wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    Optimize player experience by making everyone suffer lag, crowding, ks'ing, and spam together?
    No, thank you.

    This. Says. All.
    Tbh, I would rather have another World Leap event than a big server merge.

    Biggest joke is that Elysium is more laggy than Bera atm even with much less population.

    Also MapleStory is a free-to-play, 2D, side-scrolling massively multiplayer online role-playing game.
  • Kaiser4EverKaiser4Ever
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 55
    edited April 2020
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    But none of this matters to you, because you don't think of anything but "I wish I didn't miss my chance to move to bera too" or "I wish elysium/aurora wasn't so dead".

    I seem to have been right. Guess I'll take my leave of this thread then and let it ultimately sink down into the depths where every single "merge everything into one server" suggestion has gone.

    The basis of your position is incorrect, cause MapleStory is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, to be frank that already end this discussion, lol.
    Therefore our best option is to merge all paid servers, hopefully nexon will do it this summer.
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited April 2020
    this is a massively multiplayer multiplayer online role playing game so we should force every non-reboot player into one server whether they want it or not, despite people listing off multiple reasons why it'd be a terrible idea. its a massively multiplayer online role playing game.

    taco bell is a restaurant. therefore i should get five star service.

    Also about Elysium lagging, answer this: If Elysium, the lowest populated GMS server is lagging, what makes you all so sure that your proposed mega server won't lag either? Bera lagged for months after the world transfer event and they didn't fix it until a few months ago..
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited April 2020
    The basis of your position is incorrect, cause MapleStory is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, to be frank that already end this discussion, lol.
    Therefore our best option is to merge all paid servers, hopefully nexon will do it this summer.

    "The basis of your position is incorrect, cause x game is an fps shooter, therefore our best option is for everyone to wear hats made of cheese."

    Both of these arguments have the same weight, and make about as much sense, too.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2020
    yea sure after all that bad reasons seem right

    that way we are fixing over-crowding in MMORPG (if that makes sense) and lag as you can see low populated server lags more then active one (ts not because nexon relocatees more server power to them)

    ohh and dont forgot
    WhAt AbOuT pLaYeRs ThAt WaNt To Be In AlOnE iN dEaD WoRlD eVeN tHo ItS mMoRpG

  • SuperSaiyan3SuperSaiyan3
    Reactions: 985
    Posts: 60
    edited April 2020
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    yea sure after all that bad reasons seem right

    that way we are fixing over-crowding in MMORPG (if that makes sense) and lag as you can see low populated server lags more then active one (ts not because nexon relocatees more server power to them)

    ohh and dont forgot
    WhAt AbOuT pLaYeRs ThAt WaNt To Be In AlOnE iN dEaD WoRlD eVeN tHo ItS mMoRpG

    Haha, that's so true! how come there are some (very few people) out there who wants to be alone in a dead world even though it's MMORPG?
    That doesn't make any sense! but what's even more crazier is that this minority trying to force the majority NOT to merge all the paid servers.

    Nexon please merge all paid servers!
    The basis of your position is incorrect, cause MapleStory is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, to be frank that already end this discussion, lol.
    Therefore our best option is to merge all paid servers, hopefully nexon will do it this summer.

    "The basis of your position is incorrect, cause x game is an fps shooter, therefore our best option is for everyone to wear hats made of cheese."

    Both of these arguments have the same weight, and make about as much sense, too.

    You do realize that this game is a massively multiplayer online game, what does it mean? let me explain it to you, it means that we must have as many people as possible, in other words, merge all paid servers.