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Get Rid of The In-Game Censor *SHOCKING* Storytime

Reactions: 2,360
Posts: 120
edited April 2020 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I want to start this thread off by telling a story. Now, this story might be shocking so please make sure there are absolutely no children or dogs around when you are reading this. If you have a cat around they can stay as they are strong and independent enough that they can handle the truth of what is about to unfold before your eyes. Lets get on with it shall we?

It was a dark, stormy night. Coronavirus was spreading. Maplers were eager to farm their Juniper Berry Seed Oils to sell to Fawko for 7Mil Mesos each *cough cough still buying tho Berans* Fawko quickly charges $900 on his mother's credit card while she's out buying him cheez-it's and mountain dew from the local grocery store. He knows he has to act quickly because if she catches him in the act he will get ten lashings. He also knows that he needs to obtain the MVP Diamond megaphones to reach all the Maplers and make them his slaves. His heart is racing as he is angerly loading those God Damn GoCash cards 30 minutes at a time because they need to verify his God Damn identity every God Damn time. To slow down the rate at which Mama Fawko gets home from the store, he had to keep calling her and asking for more snacks to bring to his dark, gloomy cave in the basement of her 1950's rustic cottage. Alas, Fawko finally achieved every 14 year old girl's dream. M V P D I A M O N D Status. He feels like a freaking Greek God. Now that the rest of the players know how rich and powerful this cat is, it is time to execute the plan. The ol' give and take. He will use one of those megaphones that he just spent $900 of his mother's money to obtain, offer a little MVP EXP Buff for the community, and use that same megaphone to plant his sinister desires to profit off the slavery of thousands of Maplers. "MVP BUFF @ CH19 ARD @ XX:30 B>juniperseedoil7m" Fawko recites over and over in his head. He almost chants it like a psychopath would before eating their victim's brains. He types it up, starts giggling like a freakin school girl when he is about to press "Ok" because he knows that he will make at least 3 Million mesos per potion he's about to make off these Oils. After much excitement he finally presses "Ok" And...

*TRIGGER WARNING* What you are about to see next might shock you...

His message was censored. Fawko SCREAMS at the top of his lungs. He just wasted $900 to achieve MVP Diamond Status only to be censored by the very hands he is feeding. After crying for 20 minutes, Fawko smacks himself in the face and looks at the megaphone message again. He pauses. He looks at it again. He does quicc maths in his head and comes to the conclusion that he has no idea why he was censored!! "juni*****edsoil" juniper seed oil per se "perse" perse perse perse perse perse. Fawko repeats this word in his head. What the fawk is a perse? Like a fish out of water, Fawko takes to the google.
"by or in itself or themselves; intrinsically."
Fawko has no idea what that means, for he is a college drop out and in general not a very smart person. But one thing Fawko DOES know is that sometimes words don't just mean what they mean. Know what I mean? So he decided to consult the experts...
*Definition courtesy of urbandictionary.com* *all bad words have been censored from this definition to prevent Nexon from deleting this post* I would like to add that there is nothing too wildly offensive about being pretentious, one of the requirements to be an active MapleStory player is that you have that characteristic. So in my book, it should be allowed.

Well, we have consulted google and now the true experts of defining definitions at urbandictionary. Per se is not a bad word, per se. So what is the real issue here? Did Nexon pay some monkeys to write a list of "bad words" to censor in their video games? Is "perse" a Korean word for fawk? Well I don't know about you, but I demand answers! Nexon, we want to know why perse is censored, and what we really want is the fawking censorship of MapleStory abolished. This thread is a cry to help for Nexon to allow me, and the rest of the other Maplers in MapleStory to say the phrase "per se" freely and ALSO allow the words "Juniper Seed Oil" to be said without censorship. There are many, many more off-the-wall phrases or words that are censored in MapleStory that maybe someone can comment because I am too lazy to find the list, but it happens on the regular. I am sure you have thousands of pissed off customers who paid $1.30 USD for an item megaphone to show off their new shiny piece of gear and insult their best friend only to be hit with the ol' Nexon censor in the middle of their megaphone for a random word that isn't at all offensive or inappropriate. Thank you for reading my story and I hope this inspires you all to stand up for what is right.



  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
    Posts: 780
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2020
  • ChoicesChoices
    Reactions: 1,650
    Posts: 54
    edited April 2020
  • SumStatSumStat
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 4
    Choices wrote: »

    read the last paragraph.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited April 2020
    Just eliminate censorship once and for all come on, we are old enough to handle bad words. Ive seen other games chat 200% if not more, more toxic than this game and dont have cwnsorship at all. We arent kids that cant handle insults.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited April 2020
    darik wrote: »
    Just eliminate censorship once and for all come on, we are old enough to handle bad words. Ive seen other games chat 200% if not more, more toxic than this game and dont have cwnsorship at all. We arent kids that cant handle insults.

    Some people, unfortunately, are not mature enough to handle no filter though. You might think you are, but there are people who would jump at the chance to harass people without censoring.

    This dumpster of a filter can be improved, and should be, before it's removed.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited April 2020
    deleted. Why bother to argue tbh.
  • LatemasterLatemaster
    Reactions: 1,780
    Posts: 139
    edited April 2020
    well actually the cencorship filter teaches you more foreign bad words than it would prevent ppl from using.
    Perse means ass in finnish btw.
    i get it that the most common english curse words are cencored but the current system cencors way too many languages so there's quite often weird cencorships in between phrases.
    and some languages aren't really necessary to cencor at all, such as haitian, indians tribal languages, some african languages, japanese, chinese, korean... and well any language that isn't commonly used in gms (less than 500 ppl using isn't really a reason to cencor some language).
  • zmintzmint
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 18
    edited April 2020
    Hahah I liked the story :)