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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
New Gollux still sucks, but I'm done whining
Taking a break to see how nexon handles this. If they don't fix this, I think they're going to lose a lot of their potential player base.
Familiar revamp is another thing i was looking forward to....another failure.
You forgot that drops aren't instanced.
It was never instanced. Carries pre patch were able to make up for non instanced loot, but now...smh
The gollux revamp would easily be fixed if they would make it into a party type situation or make it so the drops or at least the coins were instanced based. The idea of solo-ing bosses just never sat right.
With the right reward, there shouldn't be a problem of dead PQs...people just don't do them anymore because there are more incentives to solo play, let's change that with gollux PQ.
That familiar system sure is looking good to make up for the gollux changes. Oh wait
Atleast the store is now restocking which is good thing, maby half of the coins would be nice. The hp upgrade wasn't really that bad since it was about 10x. You don't need gollux eqps to clear it, just decent absos+boss set+sweetwaters+cra should be enough.
Put in a system where you can trade clean, untouched gollux item for 1/10th of its value as gollux coin
The HP gauge is upside-down and the AOE it casts is wayyy too over powered
Rewards are now a joke buy whomever still owns superior items may now cash in BIG TIME.
I speculate that part of the idea is to give more value to some of the other bosses in the game that offer rings, earrings, belts, and pendants. New and midgame players will now look to use items such as the belt from Pink Bean or Czak, the Mechanator or Dominator Pendants from Arkarium, or the Sengoku set. None of these items are bad, most just weren’t worth the effort of getting, starring, and flaming when compared to the ease and power of the Superior Gollux set. While many players are understandably upset that the Superior set is now mostly out of easy reach, it isn’t like there aren’t other avenues for progression.
The familiar system should more than make up for the lost set effects, assuming that Nexon doesn’t nerf it into the Earth’s core in the coming days. Should that come, feel free to riot.
My Gollux pendants are both at 19*.
My Gollux belt is at 20*.
My Reinforced ring is at 19* because I tempted my luck lol.
BUT as for my Superior ring, it's sitting at 17* because I was too afraid to blow it.
Now, with the new Gollux system, I can finally bring my rings to 20*+.
I don't care it takes time to get the object. At least IT'S POSSIBLE TO GET THEM NOW (all of them).
The new Gollux System reduces a little bit of the gape between End game Reboot and End game regular servers. The new Gollux System allows us to grow stronger.
Also, now Gollux heart is affected by drop gears!
Really guys, we ask so much to get another chance to get rings in Reboot. Nexon has heard us. Be thankful.
All the whining isn't about your progression, it's the new player's progression. With the Change to Gollux, half of it is god awful for new player progression from what it previously was.
While the update helped people that already had things, it destroyed new player's ability to gain them too. That's where the problem is.
Of course an already decked out player will enjoy an update that ciments his position at the top of the food chain and makes it almost impossible for new players to catch up.
Try making a new character and collecting 2800 coins from Hardlux and you'll have a better understanding of the situation.
That's like doing a Chaos Root Abyss boss every single day for half a year not accounting for entry bug, failed attempts and days off.
Those also drop end game equipement from a single clear and are weekly bosses.
That also means upgrading solid or Reinforced set is now a part of progression (that pre-patch characters could skip entirely)
Why would Reboot players switch mains now? Why would new players even bother?
I think I'm just going to quit it for good, everything is so extremely pay2win or if you wanna reboot with a clean start since everything is in the regular servers, the time gating to get to do the newer bosses is just beyond ridiculous, and there's no way someone working full time can do it. Sorry to say, but this update probably made a lot of those considering to get back to the game turn away, and I don't think you can really afford it...
Oh yeah, and fix those hitboxes, they are just stupid right now.