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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Daily reminder that after the quarantine is over..
New class = Good
Can't use kish to help them level = BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD
Just because people like a feature and you don't, that doesn't mean that its toxic, the reason why people are mad about the changes is because the feature is gonna suffer a complete nerf without any benefits for the rest of game (no spawn rates increase or making the wild totem better than kishin and cheaper).
At this point you're just projecting your own toxicity on hating a feature on people that like it.
Tell me, when was the last time you elected to go and grind for a couple hours, or cap coins during events, without kishin, a fury or frenzy totem, or buying service of any of the three? This goes far beyond "people like a feature". This is people having a reliance on a feature that, in its absence, they feel no desire to do anything that they would normally do with it present.
People "like" meth too, doesn't make it good. An overreliance on a single thing absolutely is toxic. Trying to claim that it isn't because "people like it" is ridiculous.
I play a lot without kishin because first of all I'm on reboot so I can't pay anyone to kishin or frenzy, second of all I don't like to use the 2 pc meta because its a lot of work imo, and third of all I don't like asking friends for kishin, why? because I think its a good feature but outside the endgame its just a QoL that I can just ignore it, and on the endgame its a huge difference for meso making but that still doesn't make kishin a "toxic" skill because its a good trait for a job like kanna, every job has a upsides, hero can do a lot of damage, xenon can do full clear map, mihile doesn't die and etc, I'm not seeing you asking to remove skills from these jobs, and I can even say that the hero's damage is more toxic than kishin because it forces a lot of warrior to change the job so they can do endgame content faster, but you don't see me asking to nexon delete hero's skills because its unfair to dark knight and paladin, if the job has something that other jobs don't, that just means that the game has variety, if you don't like it then you probably don't even like the game.
What is the downside of having kishin on maplestory? it makes people steal money for kishin? break families apart because of kishin addiction? have health problems beucase of kishin? If kanna does that to you I'm pretty sure kanna is not your problem. Did you ever played any other MMO outside maplestory? every mmo has a job like kanna, for example, in WoW, if you want to farm resources you want the druid job because he can just skip summoning mount animation, and that makes him the perfect mule, did you ever saw a WoW player asking for the removal of the insta cast druid bird?
another brick in the huge wall
200lvl legion mule, allready seen simular skills and movibility, powerfull at start then ground nerfed with next balance patch yada yada...
how many adele skills are going to cause dc or break first few days lol ?
variety you said lol the support-attacker and teamplay era ended long ago
the day MS2 closed MS1 was haveing familiar drama and almost 48h mainteannce
golux got ninja nerfed and few breaking bugs that are still at golux pending to be fixed...and so many other issues... that allready scared bunch of players away
now all eyes are on summer update to fix that mess or try to mitigate as much as possible to avoid even more players loss
oh well finger cross that we wont see major disaster
you got time nexon use it wisely and test things dont wait to do on the update day lol
good luck nexon america !
Nexon shouldn't be ignoring all the doom that's going around, same thing for any game in the planet. There is a reason why people are all dooming the game, they should look into it.
I'm not defending Nexon, but this game won't die as easily as people claim.
Daily reminder that the game has been both dying and dead, contiguously, for the past eight or nine years. Yet in spite of being both dead and dying for the better part of a decade, the game somehow remains.
I know I'm late to reply, but I think your rhetoric isn't accurate to the scenario that we've been placed in as a community.
The reason that Kishin is toxic isn't because people are simply addicted to min-maxing isn't the point. It's toxic because while KMS has had patches and updates to increase and change the spawn rate in their servers for years, GMS has never had that. Initially, the mentality that people were too lazy to not train without it was the case because the first Kishin was absolutely broken and was too good. Nerfs were inevitable, and that's fine. The problem now is that our spawn rates have been untouched for years, and the only way to increase them to better fit the game's increasing mobility and map-clearing capabilities is through a singular character's skill. To gain even a decent amount of progress without shooting themselves in the foot, people are effectively forced to make a Kanna to get Kishin, and because our Star Force rates are DOUBLE that of KMS, who has better natural spawn rates than us, we've been pigeonholed into a situation where we absolutely can't progress at a reasonable pace WITHOUT it.
Nerfing it and making every class other than Kanna even harder to train does absolutely nothing to address this or balance anything. It only increases the reliance on it more and more, thus prompting even more "nerfs" to fix the situation that only dig the hole deeper and deeper. The problem isn't with people being overly attached with it, it's that nothing's changed to improve the game to make it so either spawn-rate increasers are READILY accessible (15 hours a month is a drop in the bucket for anyone remotely dedicated to the game), or the base rates haven't been changed/Kishin removed to bring us closer to KMS standards.
I mentioned in the main thread that making a V Node for Kishin would basically fix all of these problems in the same way it fixed the overreliance on Bishops and HS clogging up the servers with mules, yet they haven't changed that at all. People were 'lazy' and 'addicted' to HS, too, but after they nerfed it, they made it accessible to everyone, they made EXP increasing items more accessible, and people have never complained about it again. It hasn't been an issue because everyone can reasonably acquire it, unlike Kishin. Totems were just a terrible bandaid for the problem and didn't increase accessibility enough to make a dent in Kishin mules and 2PC in this case.
Good post, I agree if you, the reason why I'm pissed with the nerfs is that is a overall nerf and they are nerfing kishin without giving anything in return, I don't mind a class having more affinity to farm, that's why I'm defending kishin, I think its a good skill and a good job, but the way the game is structured right now makes kanna the only viable way to farm, so if they want to make kishin worse they are making everything worse.
It doesn't HAVE to be worse if they just gave the ability to increase spawn rate to everyone, much like they did with HS. People stopped making Bishop mules after they did that, it would happen with Kanna, too. The only difference is that Kanna would remain viable in Reboot because of how good their map clearing is, and that's fine because she's been the backbone of the entire server since its inception (or rather, before Phantom was ousted as best meso farmer at Blackgate by Kanna).
The difference is that people wouldn't feel FORCED into making a Kanna.
Yeah thats the best alternative but Nexon would never do this, if they wanted to make kanna less mandatory this nerf would never happened, but that's the path that nexon is going, nerfing kishin and totems, so if they don't want to bother making maps with more increased spawn rates or turn kishin into a V skill, the only way we can hope for a good progression is let kanna be unchanged, that's bad? yeah but that's the only thing we can hope for, I guess not anymore.
The nerf is specifically to attempt to dissuade people from making AFK Kishin mules, though. It's not about the spawn rate, it's about the 2PC reliance. If they increase accessibility to spawn rate increasers that aren't totems (because they are far too expensive, far too limited and don't address the problem at all), then the population of Kishin AFK mules would drop drastically and servers would have less of a burden on them thanks to it. They don't even need to change the rate of respawn to fix anything.
The nerf on the 2pc "meta" is great IMO, but that's not the only nerf, they nerfed the spawn rate for kishin AND the totems, so its just a overall nerf on everyone's progressions. It was not made to specifically to dissuade afk kishin, they really wanted to nerf progression in general.
maplestory as game wont die thats for sure no matter what "legaly or ilegaly" will be there
its not overreaction its just the numbers and things that goes around
BRMS,EMS&nexon EU, ThMS,MS2,GMS emptier-dead worlds(seasonal or activity only around "big hyped"updates) ...
its not same feeling when you log and see bunch of players activity vs when you see bunch of kaisers-kannas botting activity
This did not age well.