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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
though on the upcoming beast tamer changes?
me2 they also only mention 2 skills that is getting a revamp why not mention them all.
because it's an update preview, not patch notes — it's just meant to be a little blurb and not a full detailing of every change
Under "Node setup: Bear (Fort)"
Like I said, I didn't know if that information was out of date at the time I read it. I didn't see anything else saying that it did, so I assumed it didn't. With the reworks beast tamer got over time, I wasn't sure if it never had one or it was changed to include furious strikes. Sort of like how, at one point, Mercedes' node for stunning strikes didn't include final attack but was later changed to include final attack, resulting in one less node slot needed. And I'm not a beast tamer main, so I don't pay much attention to how the class works, I was just looking for node setup guides and that was the first thing to pop up. My main concern was actually finding out if it was true or not as most of my findings only turned up non answers or just speculation. But since the time of posting, I did more digging an found out that it does affect it.
ah, yeah, that was someone who was just making assumptions based on the name without actually testing (to be fair, it isn't clear that it affects it, but it does)
luckily it all works out, haha!
Good to finally have a 190 hyper skill after 6 years of not having one. That's all we know and I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared. Last time someone got revamped it was Jett and somehow they made Jett even worse than she previously was, so I'm really crossing my fingers so that BT doesn't get that treatment. Thats it, we don't know anything else, who knows, maybe this allows BT to be a mainstay in the character creation, like, why she is the only character that gets locked up without any reason. At least Zero makes sense.
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ok rip passive skills from hawk.