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False bans back again?


  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    We were wondering if that was what they "found" they haven't said anything or gave us any proof yet. And seriously...are they that stupid to think we would waste a $15,000 computer programming program just to waste our time hacking thier game? How dumb can they get...really? It doesn't even work in anything but what his work programs dictate.
    I'm not even sure what it is he does other than coding stuff. My husband is very gifted and talented with computers and I don't ask questions lol. He's happy with it and we are blessed he can still provide for us when so many people are out of work now. Its all I could ask for.
    As for this whole being banned thing...he wondered if it was that and sent them proof it doesn't work with anything but work programs by taking screenshots. They didn't accept that. I have no idea what they think happened but whatever it is, the fact so many others are having the same false ban for nothing speaks volumes.
    I have no reason to hack. I have literally nothing to hide. I'm proud of my accomplishments in game to the point I would not ever knowingly put my account in jeopardy. Apparently even that isn't enough for them. My husband logged a ticket escalating it to a Senior GM. So hopefully sometime later in the morning we will hear back from them and I am still hoping for good news. I'm so sick of this shady crap, just unban it already!
  • Member floating99
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 11
    edited June 2020
    We were wondering if that was what they "found" they haven't said anything or gave us any proof yet. And seriously...are they that stupid to think we would waste a $15,000 computer programming program just to waste our time hacking thier game? How dumb can they get...really? It doesn't even work in anything but what his work programs dictate.
    I'm not even sure what it is he does other than coding stuff. My husband is very gifted and talented with computers and I don't ask questions lol. He's happy with it and we are blessed he can still provide for us when so many people are out of work now. Its all I could ask for.
    As for this whole being banned thing...he wondered if it was that and sent them proof it doesn't work with anything but work programs by taking screenshots. They didn't accept that. I have no idea what they think happened but whatever it is, the fact so many others are having the same false ban for nothing speaks volumes.
    I have no reason to hack. I have literally nothing to hide. I'm proud of my accomplishments in game to the point I would not ever knowingly put my account in jeopardy. Apparently even that isn't enough for them. My husband logged a ticket escalating it to a Senior GM. So hopefully sometime later in the morning we will hear back from them and I am still hoping for good news. I'm so sick of this shady crap, just unban it already!

    It's really frustrating that they are sending the same response in tickets over and over again. This is happening to everyone in this forum like, after the update, so I believe some of this cheat detection is malfunctioning. Or at least detecting code editor as hacks.

    and frankly, I'm willing to let them exam what I have and what I was doing, I have mentioned that in the ticket,
    But,they are not even looking my tickets. Just look whatever the system tells them, and copy/paste the same respond over and over again.
    Hopefully, one of their GMs knows what actually happened.
  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    Even after the last one they still refuse to unban it. And now I am "taking advantage of thier support system" and will block me from making tickets and live chat.
    Great customer service you have! I feel so much better being a part of everything and supporting this company over the years. Thanks ever so much for that it's just the best customer service I have ever had!
    *Rolls eyes* yeah right.
    I'm already feeling like if this is how we are treated after trying to appeal and be honest with them about everything I don't even want to be a part of thier stupidity.
    If I was a hacker I wouldn't even want the darn account back? Obviously! Ugh...sorry frustrated to the extreme...its like talking to a freaking brick wall!
    Also they claim that they can't tell me the details of what caused it cause it would reveal things about thier security system. Like I freaking care about thier dang security system. It's messed up obviously! I just want my account back! What a dumb excuse. They make more lies and excuses than trump does, and trust me he's lied for 3 years! No wonder why our country is such a mess!
    I don't know, I'm still torn. They won't listen...there is no real support...I know the right thing to do is just make a clean break and never look back because it's only a matter of time before this bs happens again and we face the same stupid nonsense. But I like being in the game, I love our guild and being around the people in it. It's a really hard decision. If I start over how long until this happens again?
    I just wish someone over there would listen to us! Where are all the forum moderators? Can't someone do something, or is it just the joy of a child stealing thier parents credit card that they love most cause it seems like all they are after is money. I hate to admit that, but this seems to be the only real explaination. Since I don't spend barely anything anymore apparently I don't matter and that is wrong in so many levels.
    Just have the balls to admit y'all have something wrong with your "precious security system" and work with us! Is that too much to ask? If we weren't innocent we would not be trying to get our accounts back in the first place!
    Ugh! Yep...I sense a brick wall again.
    Hi old friend...what do you think about all this? *waits*.....yup I got nothing.
  • Member Nonsence
    Reactions: 620
    Posts: 4
    edited June 2020
    Smiles wrote: »
    World: Reboot
    Ign: Smeeles
    Level: 210

    I suppose I should contribute too with my first and probably last post.
    I was banned while afking for rise coins, so I sent a ticket after I got back. No surprise here but I received the same copypasta as y'all dudes and I'm just gon assume my dudes be legit too.
    But hey, I get it. They gotta look through tons of ban appeals so I wouldn't be surprised if they got a teensy bit lazy y'know.
    Anyway cheer up, chums. I'm sure y'all were all prepping for best character, Adele, just like me, but some boys 'n girls gotta give up the dream.

    Stay healthy people.
    Aight, peace!

    P.S. No disrespect...even if I seem flippant lol.

    XD, I was in the exactly same situation. Afk in the rise salon for coin almost entire day (except maintenance period), and got banned when I came back yesterday. I am so excited for the Adele that would be release in the coming week, then this happened. This is so frustrating. I hope they can investigate more carefully.

    This account is with me for 10 years, now all the effort and memory is completely vanished. This properly the time I need to move on.

    But, as last hope, I made this post here and hope they can get more attention about this.

    IGN: Yukinaz
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 200

  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    I don't really know what to say at this point. They just refuse to listen. I'm just disheartened by all this.
  • Member floating99
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 11
    edited June 2020
    I don't really know what to say at this point. They just refuse to listen. I'm just disheartened by all this.

    Finally a Senior Gm is taking over the case and started to investigate. And finally we have some progress that they are listening, which is a relief at some point.

    Thank you for contacting Nexon Player Support.

    I understand that you are once again appealing for the sanction to be lifted from your account. However, please know that the decision for this is final and irrevocable. As the previous GM said, our Investigation Team already conducted a series of reviews on this case and it has proven to violate the Terms of Service. You will get the same response from any GM.

    Senior GM *****

    So I guess that's it, My account just got banned for some mistake that happened by their "Ghost Buster".
    I do daily quests, daily bosses,pq and ursus. and then afk pixel kingdom/salon . and somehow the Investigation Team conduct I'm using Illegal program which I don't know about....
    Worst of all, their GM thinks the decision is final and irrevocable....
    I finally lost my hope on this.


    Here's a link that they did in the past to review false bans, But the way their GM talks, I don't see any hope.
    if I keep sending tickets, I might eventually be even Banned from sending tickets.
    Life sucks, GL maplers.
  • Member eniex
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 2
    edited June 2020
    World: Bera
    IGN: InstaBlade
    Level: 246

    Got the same thing yesterday too on June 18th. Was afk on Maplestory in the rise salon and got hit with the ban while playing another game Albion Online. Was afk in the rise salon as well after getting my 120 coins from the battlefield of honor. Also, I remember dying to the afk mob 5 minutes before because I alt tabbed for something in another game. Maybe that would have triggered something too. Sent in a ticket and got the same copy paste as you all did.
    GM Repelz
    9 hours ago
    Greetings and thank you for your patience during our review of this appeal.

    This is GM Repelz of Nexon Player Support speaking.

    Unfortunately, after reviewing the account, we're seeing that the violations found on this account are too severe to allow further access. Specifically speaking, this account's MapleStory access has been removed after illegal third-party programs specifically created to affect MapleStory gameplay were detected active and in use at the time the access restriction was executed.

    As such, it has been flagged for a permanent access restriction, so this appeal is going to be denied.

    We do apologize for the inconvenience this decision causes you.

    GM Repelz
    Nexon Player Support

    Security Tip: Please do not give your password to anyone for any reason. Nexon Player representatives will NEVER ask you for your password.

    Hope to see everyone else here get unbanned, seems like we're all in the same boat. Something with their anticheat has to be messing up when we all are getting banned for just afking in the rise salon.
  • Member Thonany
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 15
    edited June 2020
    eniex wrote: »
    World: Bera
    IGN: InstaBlade
    Level: 246

    Got the same thing yesterday too on June 18th. Was afk on Maplestory in the rise salon and got hit with the ban while playing another game Albion Online. Was afk in the rise salon as well after getting my 120 coins from the battlefield of honor. Also, I remember dying to the afk mob 5 minutes before because I alt tabbed for something in another game. Maybe that would have triggered something too. Sent in a ticket and got the same copy paste as you all did.
    GM Repelz
    9 hours ago
    Greetings and thank you for your patience during our review of this appeal.

    This is GM Repelz of Nexon Player Support speaking.

    Unfortunately, after reviewing the account, we're seeing that the violations found on this account are too severe to allow further access. Specifically speaking, this account's MapleStory access has been removed after illegal third-party programs specifically created to affect MapleStory gameplay were detected active and in use at the time the access restriction was executed.

    As such, it has been flagged for a permanent access restriction, so this appeal is going to be denied.

    We do apologize for the inconvenience this decision causes you.

    GM Repelz
    Nexon Player Support

    Security Tip: Please do not give your password to anyone for any reason. Nexon Player representatives will NEVER ask you for your password.

    Hope to see everyone else here get unbanned, seems like we're all in the same boat. Something with their anticheat has to be messing up when we all are getting banned for just afking in the rise salon.

    that would be great to see everyone unbanned.
    now my question is where is the gm? why no one give us an answer here in the forum?
  • Member Algodona
    Reactions: 1,005
    Posts: 13
    edited June 2020
    World: Aurora
    IGN: CanonNyan
    Level: 231

    I am presenting the same problem, I do not understand why my account is being blocked, on my pc I do not have any illegal program because my account is old, I would never do something like that !!! I hope you see my message soon and give a solution to the problem.

    And the saddest thing is that I say that it is permanent when I am innocent of that accusation!! :(

  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    This is just an overall sad situation. I hope to goodness they figure out a solution. I would never ever hack because over the years this game has become a second home for me in a way. It holds alot of sentiment. Why would I ever want to do anything to put that in jeopardy?

    None of this makes any bit of sense. I even seen the names of my account in the ban list and saved a screenshot of the ones I found. I know I shouldn't have, but I guess it's all I have left of it now.

    We are concerned as well since we haven't got a real answer yet if it's safe for my husband to be playing too or will he get banned as well for the same error happening? I just wish so much they would look into this on our behalf and make a real effort at it.

    I still don't know how to feel, I'm just numb at this point and so confused. I been really stressed since this happened and I haven't slept much. My poor phone has been dying faster than I can charge it since I been checking up on this every so often.
    I met people on Facebook with the same problem, also more on another post in the general chat, and my husband said earlier people on reddit also linked this post and they are discussing it as well there.

    Something is very wrong if this many legits are being banned for no reason because of alleged "hacking" and isn't the fact we are all seeking an answer and a real chance to fix what's going on proof that we have no bad intentions and are innocent to begin with?

    I'm not sure where the GM's are here in the forums. I hope they are seeking out help and just haven't responded with our answer yet. One can only hope at this point.

    I wish you all continuing luck though. Let me know if anything changes. I think I'm going to try to rest before my daughter gets up again in a few hours.
  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    Here is the reddit post if you all would like to comment as well or read it

    Perhaps like they said the more people that tell them and make them aware of this problem the more of a chance we have to get them to find a solution and have our accounts returned.
  • Member dontwanttomakename
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 5
  • Member dontwanttomakename
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 5
    edited June 2020
    I am posting here because I am in need of customer support. I have attempted to have a conversation with Nexon CS via the ticket system multiple times already but am looking for a new pathway to seek support because the only responses I have gotten are unilateral announcements that doesn't even address the content of my tickets. Despite multiple tickets I have yet to receive a single response that actually answers any my inquiries, not even an answer saying they can't answer. I am looking for someone from Nexon who would be willing to have a conversation with me so figure out what is going on and work together toward a solution. I just hope...for..something... anything... I just don't want to lose my account that I love so much, for something I did not do. In this post, I will walk through everything that happened, my interactions with Nexon CS over the last few days, and illustrate why I am resorting to non-Nexon-Customer-Support pathways to seek customer support.

    Ban/initial ticket/1st response

    I was wrongly banned for illegal 3rd party software/hacks on 06/06/2020 around 9PM UTC. I had played until an hour before my ban and went AFK in AFK room for about a couple hours. When I came back at around 10PM UTC my character had disconnected. When I tried to log back in I could not and saw I had been wrongly banned.

    Initially, considering I had been AFK in AFK room at the time of my ban, I figured for some reason an auto ban was triggered and that a simple ticket will fix things. Sadly, I sent in a ticket explaining I had been AFK in AFK room at the time of my ban and asked if they knew what I was doing at the time of my ban. They simply replied that at the time of the ban I was using "3rd party programs specfically created to affect Maplestory game play."

    2nd ticket/response

    I submitted another ticket re-affirming this was a false positive and that I did not do what they said I did. I said I think this is a false positive triggered by an automated system. I asked what programs they detected. I asked since they know what I was doing at the time of the ban, if they could see where I was. I mentioned that if I were indeed botting/hacking that the last thing I would do is AFK in AFK room and that such behavior is exactly what a legit player would do to make gains (even if the gains are very minor and thus meaningless to botters) while AFK. I raised these points (and even mentioned why I did in the ticket) because I hoped it would at least raise enough concern to warrant an actual investigation toward a potential false positive. I ended my ticket by saying that something is wrong with the system and that I needed them to care for this account as much as I did.

    Unfortunately, the response I got was not an answer to any of my questions nor attempt to work with me toward a solution but rather a unilateral announcement ignoring all of my questions. They declared their game team had "thoroughly investigated" the issue and that they "arrived at the same conclusion." That's it. That was literally all I got. Well actually that's not true. They also gave me an invaluable security tip: I'm not supposed to give out my password to anyone for any reason.

    Why I can't believe in Nexon CS/why I'm looking for help from other venues

    Nexon CS has deeply hurt me not because they haven't been able to solve the problem yet, nor because their responses didn't result in an immediate recession of my wrongful ban but because their responses seem negligent at best, and downright apathetic at worst. Both of their responses to me could be copy-pasted into any ticket categorized as "ban appeal" and sort of make sense. None of their responses included an answer to any of my questions specific to my ticket, not even an answer saying they can't answer a certain question. What hurt me was their utter rejection to engage with me, work with me, and provide me with information so that we can move the conversation forward toward a solution. Despite Nexon CS's actions (or rather lackthereof), I love my account and care for all the time over the years I spent on it, so I kept going to customer support because I know that there are people at Nexon who can can dig through Nexon's auto ban system and prove that this is an error somewhere - a feat I cannot do on my own. I asked them for their support but I have yet to receive any. This is why I am losing hope in finding a solution through the ban appeal system via tickets. And this is why I am posting this message on reddit. Please send me a message on reddit or @ me on the comments and I will be overjoyed to provide you with my contact information.

    3rd ticket

    I have low hopes in Nexon CS but in the mean time I will continue to try to reason with customer service because that is the only thing I can do. I have just now sent my 3rd ticket noting that either this is a false positive or that I am a liar. I said the only information I have received was that their system said I was a hacker/botter even though I initally submitted a ban appeal BECAUSE something went wrong with their system. I said I know there is someone at Nexon who can work with me to figure out what is going on and that if that is beyond your powers as a CS worker to please escalate the matter to someone who can.

    I asked exactly what illicit activity their "thorough investigation" revealed. I pointed out If I am just a liar and actually did use 3rd party software or hacks, that there should be a point in time when I started to do so. I pointed out that this point should correspond to a pretty obvious quickening in progression whether it be in experience or mesos unless I had been botting hacking for years since the very beginning. I implored them to please look through my login history and that they will see I have been connecting from the same location for the last 5 years when I was logged in. I further emplored them to look through my experience/meso gains over the last month or so, to see that on the days I gained any significant amount of exp, the amount gained is roughly equivalent to what a player would gain from 2 hours of play (fury totem anyone?). I asked them to notice the lack of suspicious activity and the lack of a point in time that corresponds with an unreasonable quickening of pace in progression. I said that I hope such lack of suspicious activity raises enough questions to suggest that maybe this is a false positive. I ended my ticket saying all I wanted was for us to work together toward a solution and that I needed them to work with me rather than against me for that to work.
  • Member Yacy
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 128
    edited June 2020
  • Member wollus
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 8
    edited June 2020
    World: Luna
    IGN: GenialO
    Level: 200

    I played normal on the 18th before the patch and after that minor patch was over I see that my account was banned, when I did nothing illegal, I see that there are more people who happened to this fake ban.

    Hopefully they take away that unfair ban, the days pass and we miss the event
  • Member floating99
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 11
    edited June 2020
    Just when I lost all the hope, I submitted the last ticket explaining what happened peacefully,

    A silver lining showed up.

    This case is finally being taking serious and having people who are looking at it.

    Lead GM ********
    Hello Mapler,

    Thank you for contacting Nexon Player Support.

    This issue is currently being investigated for a potential resolution. As multiple teams are involved with this process, it may take time for a proper resolution to be determined. Also, please know that we have closed your other ticket#******. Please refrain from submitting multiple tickets to avoid confusion when receiving responses coming from us.

    For now, this ticket will be placed on-hold while the investigation continues. An update will be provided in your ticket if any additional information is required from you, or if any updates to the investigation are available.

    We ask for your patience while this is being investigated.

    If you have a separate issue or concern, please submit a new ticket letting us know.

    Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

    Lead GM ********
    Nexon Player Support
    This is first ticket I have received from the incident, and It's a relief to see they are making some progress.
    Thank you GM ******* and those who are working on this investigation.

    and for those true Maplers that are still suffering from the situation, I wanna say don't lose hope, and stay strong and together, then they would have realise there's a group of true maplers who love this game deeply have been mistreated.

  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    Wow that's just amazing! Maybe we are getting somewhere. My husband logged a ticket on my behalf yesterday and got to talk to a Senior GM. He wanted us to log a ticket from mine after being threatened that if I made anymore tickets I couldn't get support and the account linked to the website would also be blocked. I was a bit apprehensive but hopeful, I guess. Anything helps at this point. I got a response from a regular gm they are escalating it, so here is to hoping he got it and they are really wanting to fix whatever error is coming up to cause all this nonsense.
    And yes, I am saddened also by the fact I am missing the rise event and losing coins. I have no real time now to train because of caring for our 5 month old daughter. So the only way I can level is that potion you get after wasting 3000 coins in the fountain. Expensive but so worth it!
    I don't know maybe if we are super super lucky they will give us the coins we have missed. At this point all I want is my account back. I would be ever so grateful for that.
    If there really is a team looking into this, bless you all for your time and your help! May you all find the answers we seek so desperately.
  • Member brenyiting
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    I got mine banned today as well, I was training my Kanna around lv70 at drake. I fell asleep while training and woke up with a big fat ban wth Nexon???
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
    Posts: 596
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2020
    First time ever being falsely banned i think...

    So i was afk in the event map gathering free exp i disconnect.. and it says dced due to hacking for some reason.. (I think nothing of this as it randomly happens for no reason)

    I log in today and find out my account is blocked for hacking but how is being afk in a map hacking? I've never hacked on this game. I don't use any third party programs or anything .. The character i was logged into was Walkeros.

    Also in Elysium
  • Member Keîra
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    World: Bera
    IGN: Keîra
    Level: 200

    I also got banned without doing anything violate or using illegal third-party programs. I submitted the ticket and got the reply same as everyone here. I was just afking and watching movie. I hope they will review our case again and lift the ban.
    P.S. I submitted the 2nd ticket to ask them to clarify about it and currently waiting for the reply.