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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Why is there no Pirate Hero class?
We have a warrior, archer, thief, and two mage hero classes but when will there be a Pirate Hero class?
If I were to invent this class I'd make him/her a
forgotten hero, with a tragic backstory as to why he wasn't mentioned in the Heroes storyline, but that's just my opinion.
I'd also give him/her some really sick nickname like Shadow or...
Shade is a pirate class.
you can check Shade is a PIRATE here:
Can't get this weird image to show up correctly... it had a good idea of what a pirate hero class would look like...
Tell me when there is a canon pirate hero. and not some made up character named shade what's next eunwol ?_?
Shade,,, a new Canada!
Of course we had one before, but it look like somebody switched it into one of the explorer job instead.
Shades aren't heroes, they're weird ghost thingamabobs that hang out in Kerning Subway. Stop trying to pin them as "heroes". They stole Shumi's purse or something like that.
Not very heroic if you ask me.