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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Full Nebulite revamp - Preparation for V
But how much HP is NexonKR willing to let NA shave off from an endgame boss especially when KR is trying to stall for time.
But now it seems that they're reconsidering. The chances of that happening is slim, and keeping those changes are even more slim. Refer back to Lion King's Castle, Stronghold, Warrior Grounds, Unleashed, etc. I know some of those examples had good reasons being changed, but it shows that GMS is unlikely of being different of what KMS has.
Changes like Magnus where you take damage outside of his aura, Luminous are recent examples of being kept aligned with KMS.
But we haven't received content such as Additional Options, Hekaton, Auction House, Mesos Market... the list goes on and on.
If we reduce the HP of bosses it'll leave the end-game players with less of a challenge, it'll be completely overkill after the damage cap raise. It won't change the fact that the access to Nebulites and Bonus Potential is almost non-existent when staying away from market and trade.
The only way you can get Nebulites/Bonus Potential besides the market is NX. That's the main issue that should be highlighted. It's like Main/Primary Potential all over again.
The top bosses are intended to only be defeatable by the 0.01% most funded players, both in KMS and here.
The premise of the thread seems to be that with nebs as they are now, even the most funded would not be able to compete with the kinds of ranges KMS'ers can get with their AO and extra stars, and would not be able to defeat the new bosses. That's why he's suggesting releasing S nebs and allowing multiple nebs per piece of equipment.
Other revamps have been suggested for making nebulites more available and useful to players at all levels of funding, but this one's main drive isn't that.
Well, if you make them more acessible like flames are in KMS, it wouldn't be such a gap, unfunded could also get rang by that instead just beying a nx freature like A nebs mostly are..... increasing drop rate or change how you get nebs in the game, i mean, in KMS they have flames and 25stars which have more gap, yet it's not like they would remove(or kms players complained much about it).
I guess flames aren't too pay2win since they have the extra status one eqps,(and flames are still acessible there, there are multiple ways besides bosses and fm).
Making another thread in a week or so since my internet is being upgrading and i cannot type on an iPhone