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Full Nebulite revamp - Preparation for V


  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    Rezerba said:

    Is nerfing the boss actually the easier way? It would mean every end game boss post 5th job would have to be re-balanced just for one region.
    I really don't see that happening for endgame bosses.
    Cutting the HP on half a dozen bosses is way way way easier than even one bullet in OP's suggestion, yes.
  • Member, Private Tester Rezerba
    Reactions: 830
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    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    Rezerba said:

    Is nerfing the boss actually the easier way? It would mean every end game boss post 5th job would have to be re-balanced just for one region.
    I really don't see that happening for endgame bosses.
    Cutting the HP on half a dozen bosses is way way way easier than even one bullet in OP's suggestion, yes.
    I agree that trying to create these systems is almost impossible for GMS with their resources.
    But how much HP is NexonKR willing to let NA shave off from an endgame boss especially when KR is trying to stall for time.
  • Member DepressedAran
    Reactions: 640
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    edited November 2016
    Rezerba said:

    Is nerfing the boss actually the easier way? It would mean every end game boss post 5th job would have to be re-balanced just for one region.
    I really don't see that happening for endgame bosses.
    KMS and GMS are different. It makes no sense that GMS has to fight a boss that was designed with the power levels of the strongest KMS players. The most logical step would be to scale Lucid's HP down to suit GMS's standards.
  • Member DepressedAran
    Reactions: 640
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    edited November 2016
    Rezerba said:

    Is nerfing the boss actually the easier way? It would mean every end game boss post 5th job would have to be re-balanced just for one region.
    I really don't see that happening for endgame bosses.
    KMS and GMS are different. It makes no sense that GMS has to fight a boss that was designed with the power levels of the strongest KMS players. The most logical step would be to scale Lucid's HP down to suit GMS's standards.
  • Member, Private Tester ClawStaff
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    edited November 2016
    @gamechanger no disrespect or anything but I was on the old forums too. I'm sure you did suggest things too, but most of the time I saw you was when you rejected other people's ideas lol.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
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    edited November 2016

    Rezerba said:

    Is nerfing the boss actually the easier way? It would mean every end game boss post 5th job would have to be re-balanced just for one region.
    I really don't see that happening for endgame bosses.
    KMS and GMS are different. It makes no sense that GMS has to fight a boss that was designed with the power levels of the strongest KMS players. The most logical step would be to scale Lucid's HP down to suit GMS's standards.
    Lucid wasn't designed with the strongest KMS players in mind, it was designed with the same amount of thought Hard Lotus/Suu.
  • Nexon bumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited November 2016
    you're really over-complicating the changes needed for no reason, increase the chance of higher rank nebs from neb boxes, make neb boxes drop A LOT more often maybe even have them purchasable from some shops like the crusader coin shop. make fusing nebs NOT cost nx + make it so everything up to A rank Can't drop down a nebulite rank, bring back alien cubes. Implement S ranks however make it so they can't be alien cubed and if fused have a chance of dropping down to A rank. make it so bosses drop special neb boxes that will give a b rank or a rank neb.
  • Member, Private Tester RikNL
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    edited November 2016
    I agree that the current state of Nebulites aren't good hopefully they will do something about it.
  • Member DepressedAran
    Reactions: 640
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    edited November 2016

    Lucid wasn't designed with the strongest KMS players in mind, it was designed with the same amount of thought Hard Lotus/Suu.
    rofl they're more or less the same thing. Only the most funded of the funded has a chance to beat them and the main content creators are Nexon Korea.
  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited November 2016
    I actually like this...-holds up my pile of useless nebs-
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
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    edited November 2016


    Lucid wasn't designed with the strongest KMS players in mind, it was designed with the same amount of thought Hard Lotus/Suu.
    rofl they're more or less the same thing. Only the most funded of the funded has a chance to beat them and the main content creators are Nexon Korea.
    the difference being that when Hard Suu was added, no player no matter how funded could beat him, aand no player had beat hard Suu since release. and when Lucid was finally downed for the first time the most funded players, all in a party together, Barely beat her, because of time they couldn't collect the rewards.
  • Member Jorjax
    Reactions: 865
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    edited November 2016
    GMS is just basically livestock for KMS. We gotta spend a few more thousand bucks in order to become as strong as KMS.. who know right?
  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited November 2016
    Meanwhile...I like this idea and dont get why it went so off topic :P
  • Member Jorjax
    Reactions: 865
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    edited November 2016

    Meanwhile...I like this idea and dont get why it went so off topic :P
    So that us players doesn't getting into another shvtstorm just like last time how they did with nerf Kinshin... <_< if y'all know what i mean.
  • Member forumsareannoying
    Reactions: 2,815
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    edited November 2016
    Supporting this and any Nebulite revamp 100%. Everyone share your support so Nexon can see our interest in this.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited November 2016

    Is the flame for nebulite a better trade off
    From what I've recently quoted, we don't have much of a choice. Since Nexon America isn't looking towards the direction of Flames of Rebirth/Additional Options, we might as well suggest what we have right now for improvement.
    TheHoA said:

    I've always wondered why S rank nebs were in the game code, but not actually available.
    Currently [S] Nebulites are not needed for the damage cap 50 million and might have made it way too easy. I guess you can say it was a form of "balance".

    But now it seems that they're reconsidering.
    AKradian said:

    Rezerba said:

    Is nerfing the boss actually the easier way? It would mean every end game boss post 5th job would have to be re-balanced just for one region.
    I really don't see that happening for endgame bosses.
    Cutting the HP on half a dozen bosses is way way way easier than even one bullet in OP's suggestion, yes.
    The chances of that happening is slim, and keeping those changes are even more slim. Refer back to Lion King's Castle, Stronghold, Warrior Grounds, Unleashed, etc. I know some of those examples had good reasons being changed, but it shows that GMS is unlikely of being different of what KMS has.

    Changes like Magnus where you take damage outside of his aura, Luminous are recent examples of being kept aligned with KMS.

    But we haven't received content such as Additional Options, Hekaton, Auction House, Mesos Market... the list goes on and on.

    If we reduce the HP of bosses it'll leave the end-game players with less of a challenge, it'll be completely overkill after the damage cap raise. It won't change the fact that the access to Nebulites and Bonus Potential is almost non-existent when staying away from market and trade.

    The only way you can get Nebulites/Bonus Potential besides the market is NX. That's the main issue that should be highlighted. It's like Main/Primary Potential all over again.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016

    If we reduce the HP of bosses it'll leave the end-game players with less of a challenge, it'll be completely overkill after the damage cap raise. It won't change the fact that the access to Nebulites and Bonus Potential is almost non-existent when staying away from market and trade.

    The only way you can get Nebulites/Bonus Potential besides the market is NX. That's the main issue that should be highlighted. It's like Main/Primary Potential all over again.
    If our most funded can defeat the top bosses with their KMS HP, then the issue this thread is trying to address does not exist.
    The top bosses are intended to only be defeatable by the 0.01% most funded players, both in KMS and here.

    The premise of the thread seems to be that with nebs as they are now, even the most funded would not be able to compete with the kinds of ranges KMS'ers can get with their AO and extra stars, and would not be able to defeat the new bosses. That's why he's suggesting releasing S nebs and allowing multiple nebs per piece of equipment.

    Other revamps have been suggested for making nebulites more available and useful to players at all levels of funding, but this one's main drive isn't that.
  • Member gamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
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    edited November 2016
    S nebs will never be a solution, and they are way too overpowered (especially the drop rate and meso rate nebs). They would only further increase the gap between funded and unfunded players in a bad way.
  • Member Ivangold
    Reactions: 2,985
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    edited November 2016
    Well, if you make them more acessible like flames are in KMS, it wouldn't be such a gap, unfunded could also get rang by that instead just beying a nx freature like A nebs mostly are..... increasing drop rate or change how you get nebs in the game, i mean, in KMS they have flames and 25stars which have more gap, yet it's not like they would remove(or kms players complained much about it).

    I guess flames aren't too pay2win since they have the extra status one eqps,(and flames are still acessible there, there are multiple ways besides bosses and fm).
  • Member Daxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
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    edited November 2016
    nexon did decline ao but that doesnt mean like we will never. Assuming they change their mind about additional options after V and European merge, i am confident a majority of players would benefit. The limitations of ao would conflict with godly players due to difficulty it is to upgrade when using high level gears unless the community collaborates and craft flames. Assuming the community is idle about crafting, abso and sw users wouldnt benefit since items above 150 need crafted flames. In my eyes, the best results from flames which are on par with A nebs come from high level crating rather than nx.

    Making another thread in a week or so since my internet is being upgrading and i cannot type on an iPhone