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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Double Miracle Time Cube Package Limitation
Looking at today's cash shop update, I've noticed that there is a limit on how many packs of cubes you can buy from the upcoming Double Miracle Time sale. However, if you look at similar sales from previous years, there wasn't any of these imposed limitations..
In March 2019 these were the packages that were offered for Double Miracle Time - Adventurers Cube Packs, 30-Cube Packs, 12-Cube Packs, and they had no limits on how many you could buy:
In the Double Miracle Time sale in July 2019, you can see the cube packages also don't have a limitation:
And looking back at the cube sale for the last Double Miracle Time, you can see that although the cube packs being offered here are only the 30-packs, there was no limitations on them either:
None of these sales last year had any restrictions on how many cube packs were able to be bought. If you look at the cube sales from the years before as well, they are also similar in where you have no limits on how many cube packs you can buy.
So why is it now that there are these limitations? I would like at least an explanation. There shouldn't be limits on the cube packages.
What is your deal, Anna?
and 1 other.
Ghiblee's responses on discord were as disappointed and disconnected as you might expect.
And her response to someone doing a quick google search to provide context on what a normal DMT sale is like.
Can't say I'm surprised by any of this though. Nexon seems like they want to further slow progression down, despite lowering Exp requirements. Hoping this all backfires on them and whoever is making these asinine decisions gets a reality check, but in all likelihood, players are desperate and will buy off sale.
I feel like they are honestly just trying to kill the game at this point in anyway possible and the sad part is it's working the nx updates are good don't get me wrong but all these other things need to be cut it's too much some of us have work and stuff and don't have the free time like this to farm mesos all day just to be able to star force maybe i will finish a gear piece 5 years from now games just not new user friendly anymore.
Please remove the 3 package limit for this Double Miracle Time, and do not bring it back in future events.
but non-reboot... thats surprise for me sure must be mistake about non-reboot right ? lol
whales cant do their 1k $ cube pack sessions videos now who is going to fund the servers now ?:(or maybe just force them to buy more off sale ? hmmmmmm .....
patch-game updates and cs updates competes with eachother who can do worse to the game lol
cant wait to see familiars fisaco notice
feels so bad to just watch lately all this but oh well.... i will just continue with my hiatus on the way to 3rd weekend (in before something makes me log for a moment and break the streak )
This is the previous DMT event that happened in December last year (Since we didn't get one in March for some reason). As you can see there's no mention of any kind of limit.
Neither was it listed of any type of limit in the previous July DMT .
So it seems very odd for there all of a sudden to be a package limit during this DMT, when previously in the last year the only time we saw limits was from random cube sales that weren't followed by DMT announcement shortly after.
IN BEFORE REMOVAL OF MESO MARKET, no more easy maple points for you lol!
There have also been some 'whales' who have been vocal in saying that they will not be partaking in this DMT since the cube packages are limited. They are going to lose money from this as opposed to other DMTs in the past. I've been seeing a lot of people saying that Nexon doesn't care about GMS because it's where their least amount of profits come from...but wouldn't you still, as a company, want to maximize your profits from GMS even if it is making less than KMS? People save loads of money just in anticipation for DMT, so to come at the player base the week of DMT to tell us that cube packages will be limited is going to make those people who saved very angry; they will feel alienated and potentially leave the game. They're going to lose a lot of money from this year's DMT because of this. But it doesn't stop at DMT...this same communication strategy (or lack thereof) will continue to make players want to leave.
There needs to be some compromise. If you are going to make a drastic change for a major event lik