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On the DMT compensation for Reboot

Member iLikeRichClo
Reactions: 1,050
Posts: 32
edited July 2020 in General Chat
For context, I am speaking as a returning player who has saved up all their mesos for the failed DMT as well as the second failed DMT.
After saving 5bil for the first DMT, I entered on the first time slot and entered the cash shop, which proceeded to disconnect me and I wasn't able to cube.
During the second time slot, I could only cube once per ten minutes. I spammed additional cubes in the hopes of them going through; I lost mesos and ineffective cubes as well. I eventually resulted to changing channels after every successful cube; this was a ridiculous user experience.
I resorted to saving up my cubes as I believed Nexon would compensate us with a second DMT, which we ended up getting.
The Maple Memo stated that they had "code optimized" and had looked into the problem deeply.
We got the second DMT. It was better alright - you could cube once every 7 minutes now. Is this what I expect when I'm playing a game?
Cancelled after the first time slot as the team realized they messed up.
Now I'm sitting with months of prudence and forethought wasted, of saving wasted, essentially because Nexon could not deliver an event twice.
I was optimistic after the Memo came out on adequate compensation. Fellow players assured me I could not expect much. We got the second DMT. It was insultingly awful.
I held out hope for adequate compensation. Surely Nexon would listen to the torrents of complains on the forum and discord? People were expecting legendary scrolls. After all, gaining unique during a stable DMT averaged about per say 7 cubes? That's the equivalent of farming ursus 3 times on a single day - a total of 10 minutes.
Instead, I log on today and read this "compensation note" by "the maplestory team" by ColonelPanic. It mentions "they took the potential for server disruptions". That "you could not make the necessary improvements on such short notice", that "you apologize".
All these words are meaningless when you consider the compensation. You messed up once, promised a stable "second event", and messed up again. Rewarding us with inadequate, insultingly out-of-touch, bad compensation is a slap in the face to all players who have supported the company!
This event has made me realize how naive I was. Surely these people who talk negatively about Nexon are teenagers who criticize in an attempt to look cool? Wrong. It's because they've given up on the company. They've seen how Nexon doesn't listen about the players' problems. It's responses like these, filled with attempts at casting away blame and absolving all responsibilities that show what kind of "team" the Nexon folk are.
Please consider changing this "compensation".
It's the right thing to do, and your playerbase will commend you for it. Unique potentials mean nothing for players. Possible avenues of compensation could be 24 hour DMTs next weekend, or several legendary scrolls. An additional cube sale. All these ideas would be better than 2 unique potentials and a bunch of useless buffs that could be obtained in a day of any off-the-mill event.
After this compensation and the awful familiar revamp, the community's perception of Nexon will be at an all-time low. You can lift it. Please. It's the right way forward.
For other members, please post your thoughts. Your voices need to be heard and this forum is the best avenue to do so.
  1. Do you agree with my sentiments?9 votes
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       89% (8 votes)
    2. No
       11% (1 vote)


  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited July 2020
    Meanwhile, the Community Manager is conspicuously absent during all of this.

    VFMs are telling everyone to be polite and make comments about this on the forums or reddit where they can gather data. Exactly like what was done when it failed the first and second time. Clearly Nexon has no intention of dealing with this adequately and plans to just sweep it aside like all the rest of the suggestions that have been made.

    Lack of any semblance of meaningful two-way communication has not helped the situation.
    There are either too many trolls or just apathetic players in the Discord antagonizing Reboot players and making excuses for the poor response by Nexon. I am frustrated and tired.

    I'm tired.
  • Member iArrowZ
    Reactions: 1,710
    Posts: 159
    edited July 2020
    i was reading a bit. and you guys got 2 uni pot scolls as compensation? is that right?
  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited July 2020
    Special Bebe Box
    2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x15)
    2x Drop Rate Coupon (15 min) (x15)
    Special Medal of Honor (x5)
    Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x5)
    Trait Boost Potion

    Unique Potential Scroll 100% (x2)
  • Member iArrowZ
    Reactions: 1,710
    Posts: 159
    edited July 2020
    btw the view of them
    Argent wrote: »
    Special Bebe Box
    2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x15)
    2x Drop Rate Coupon (15 min) (x15)
    Special Medal of Honor (x5)
    Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x5)
    Trait Boost Potion

    Unique Potential Scroll 100% (x2)

    wow really only 2....
    i mean at least people have lots of cubes to potentially get legendary...
    silver linings? X_X

    is that all they got???
  • Member Miguel92
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    iArrowZ wrote: »
    btw the view of them
    Argent wrote: »
    Special Bebe Box
    2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x15)
    2x Drop Rate Coupon (15 min) (x15)
    Special Medal of Honor (x5)
    Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x5)
    Trait Boost Potion

    Unique Potential Scroll 100% (x2)

    wow really only 2....
    i mean at least people have lots of cubes to potentially get legendary...
    silver linings? X_X

    is that all they got???

    No. We also got an apology.
  • Member Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 246
    edited July 2020
    Miguel92 wrote: »
    No. We also got an apology.

    no comment....
  • Member NotSchitzo
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
    I must say, this is exactly why I left maple back in 2015. You have NO idea of what the gaming community is. When I heard about what DMT was, I took a week off work (paid vacation) as I was fairly new to being back to the game and brand new 1 month prior to Reboot. I farmed non-stop and made the necessary arrangements to free up time for all 3 sessions... and you think... that this pathetic excuse for compensation equally values all of that effort? HOW ABOUT doubling the amount of cubes we bought during that time?! Or refunding ALL the mesos spent on cubes during that time. You don't make any NX off our cube purchases so they don't effect your income AT ALL. This is simply a disgusting mistreatment of your largest player base. I've been back 2 months, have spent over $200, and am on my way to gaining MVP status... now I just feel like I've wasted my time and should quit again. This is so disheartening to know that Nexon, a company that profits gross in the hundreds of millions can't seem to keep players. Built a gaming rig JUST for this game, to find out that your code isn't optimized for multi-core performance... I'm overall just pissed as hell about all of this. If I could I would demand a refund for ALL of my NX.
  • Member Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 246
    edited July 2020
    with how packed Reboot always is, they should have done 24h DMT...might have been possible to do something if everyone wasn't getting on at the same time, trying to do the same thing
  • Member xKasper
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
  • Member Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 342
    edited July 2020
    It's pretty relatively ez to get $hit to unique just with some master craftmen's cube as well, which Reboot people can buy it straight from Henesy shop for cheaper price then red/black cubes. And yet, that's the compensation for failed dmt, which would've gotten people their gears to legendary easily, and on top of that, they're only getting 2 lmao. GG Reboot.
    Honestly reboot people should just move to reg server since meso rate and economy significantly improving day by day.
  • Member RainbowYiff
    Reactions: 985
    Posts: 14
    edited July 2020
    All I want is for nexon to treat rebooters with an iota of respect for the time, dedication and support that they pour into the game.

    the compensation is a joke
  • Member Coldcrush
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    The one thing you can't fault Nexon for is their consistency.

    They consistently shatter expectations by being so incompetent and they consistently disappoint people when they try to compensate for things they mess up. There have been people saving for months for DMT, and if you believe they were just shooting for uniques then you are a fool. They obviously were saving up to use to get Legendary as people's time is valuable and being able to effectively double the efficiency of what time you put into the game. They had months of feedback knowing the server was growing, and chose to do nothing to prepare it for the first DMT. Then, shockingly their "code optimizations" did next to nothing for the 2nd DMT runback and they cancelled the rest of them out of complete embarrassment.
  • Member Naxdyn
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    On July 17th, 2020 I spent 4 billion mesos which I have been saving up on 180 black cubes on my character NaxCharizard in preparation for Double Miracle Time on July 18th.
    I only managed to use about 30 of these cubes during the event due to stability problems, after which the rest of the event was cancelled and I was left with about 150 cubes still left in my inventory.
    I am tremendously disappointed in Nexon's announcement of 2 Unique Potential Scrolls as compensation today, July 24th, which will not be adequately reimbursing my purchase of cubes which were meant to bring my all my equipment to Legendary potential.
    Instead, I will be left with a bunch of cubes in my inventory which feel like a huge waste of mesos, time, and leave a bad taste in my mouth due to Nexon's repeated failure and lack of understanding and respect of their player base.
    As a player with limited time to play video games and has chosen to spend that time on Maplestory, please consider rethinking your compensation, or at least allow us to refund any purchased cubes.
    Thank you.
  • Member Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 246
    edited July 2020
    Coldcrush wrote: »
    The one thing you can't fault Nexon for is their consistency.

    They consistently shatter expectations by being so incompetent and they consistently disappoint people
    when they try to compensate for things they mess up. There have been people saving for months for DMT, and if you believe they were just shooting for uniques then you are a fool. They obviously were saving up to use to get Legendary as people's time is valuable and being able to effectively double the efficiency of what time you put into the game. They had months of feedback knowing the server was growing, and chose to do nothing to prepare it for the first DMT. Then, shockingly their "code optimizations" did next to nothing for the 2nd DMT runback and they cancelled the rest of them out of complete embarrassment.

  • Member xKasper
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
  • Member iLikeRichClo
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 32
    edited July 2020
    I feel for you Naxdyn. The Bebe box that's due today isn't even being able to be received.
    I really hope this means they're considering changing what's inside, but right now I am extremely cynical.
    It just bothers me so much that I try to be supportive and uplifting, but the belittlement and poor communication from Nexon has made me incredibly depressed.
    I don't know if I can trust them at their word anymore. First, it's DMT. What's next - how can any of us expect an event to go smoothly again?
    The best I can hope for is someone important at Nexon sees this, remembers to be a fair human being, and implements a fair compensation.
  • Member Clistenes
    Reactions: 625
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
    It's really painful how nexon treats reboot community. This compensation is an insult. I just start playing in reboot for 2 months and spend all my mesos in cubes expecting to have at least 1 or 2 legendary items.

    I really hope to nexon to change this compensation is not fair. As a latin player, I can't talk good about this game to my friends and i'm really thinking in just stop playing because this kind of event it's important to new players like me.

    Greetings from Peru
  • Member TitoKR
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 5
    edited July 2020
    I am a experienced player, since around 2011. But i started playing on reboot (returning after a 3 years break) on the first day of the Pixel Event, about 3 months ago. Did a daily routine every single day. Truly, i missed about 2-3 on the entire period.
    Saying this because i did my main at the most efficient rate cosidering my daily 3h available, including weekends.

    Main Pathfinder, lvl 230 with only lvl 2 mercedes link in 3 months, no kanna. All my gear is already unique+ with regular cubing. My dropgear rings and accs are already legendary and i'm just farming my gollux items - wich take a few months

    Then DMT pops, nice!
    Guess what, I saved almost 3b to cube my equips to legendary.

    (Fast Forward)

    Anyways, thanks for the 2 Unique pot scrolls. And i can't even save them for my gollux items because they are time limited for 2 weeks. Maybe i just throw em away?

    Since I've been able to do it - ok, maybe it's because of my class and all that, but still (consider a 5-7, even 10 months to do what I did, an average player could do it, right? And most players have been playing for a longer period of time) - shouldn't the devs know that this compensation is simply not usefull for the majority of players at all? I keep asking myseflf if they even play/played MapleStory once.

    This is not meant to be a rude post or anything, it's nothing but my reality. So what do i do with the scrolls?

    Thanks for the room to share my thoughts.

  • Member Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 246
    edited July 2020
    I feel for you Naxdyn. The Bebe box that's due today isn't even being able to be received.
    I really hope this means they're considering changing what's inside, but right now I am extremely cynical.
    It just bothers me so much that I try to be supportive and uplifting, but the belittlement and poor communication from Nexon has made me incredibly depressed.
    I don't know if I can trust them at their word anymore. First, it's DMT. What's next - how can any of us expect an event to go smoothly again?
    The best I can hope for is someone important at Nexon sees this, remembers to be a fair human being, and implements a fair compensation.

    Since when have we been able to trust Nexon?
  • Member TheAverageGamer
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 5
    It was really a disappoinment. I really didn't expected the answer to be a "petty gift box" with no real worth. I wouldn't have complaint if the second DMT lasted a day, so players could actually make something out of it, but this was just rude. Am I right to assume that you are just trying to let this mess slide off while we get the scrap? Have some respect for the people who went weeks/months saving up mesos, which obviously means a lot of our time in this game, for a DMT event. Please just DO fix this problem and do not make this even bigger than it already is. NA Reboot players want a DMT not that "compensation" box you are giving.
    I only expect that you get a grip and do your work with an actual consideration for the players and not your pockets.