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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Increase Meso Drops for High Level Mobs
The game is suffering due to the huge increase in meso prices. People were reliant on buying mesos (nobody made them legit unless they were already huge fat whales and could kill the hardest bosses in the game each week)... now it seems Nexon has changed some things and there aren't really any hackers anymore since V213 or so. This is good for many reasons, however not for the market. Since people were so dependant on hackers to get their mesos, and now those hackers couldn't get mesos that way anymore as easily... the hackers raised their prices almost 10 times what they were (almost 20x from just a year or more ago).
People need more efficient ways to make mesos in the game. The game is all about grinding, adding larger mesos amounts for mobs that are harder to kill just makes sense. Being able to grind for mesos just makes sense in a game like Maplestory. If you notice, once you hit about level 100+ or something, the mobs all drop 1-2k mesos MAX... this is true for the remainder of the game, even if you were killing level 250+ mobs ( though I don't believe those drop ANY mesos...).
The community were in the hackers pockets... you can tell because the ENTIRE market shifted when the hackers raised their prices from 1 bil for a couple dollars to 1bil for twenty dollars or more.... the marketplace completely reflected that. It would be one thing if hackers raised their prices and the market DID NOT change... however, that was not the case... the evidence speaks for itself.
I vote we make mobs level 120-180 drop 5-10k mesos each and mobs 200+ drop anywhere from 10-50k each kill. I know it seems like A LOT OF MESARS at first. But come on, how else are people supposed to get them? Are we trying to play a game here or just make money? I can't tell anymore...
Suffice it to say, with the sheer amount of meso sinks already present in the game, I'd wager that "increase the base meso amount per drop" is far from their to-do list.
Minor hilarious footnote: mesos were almost worthless when the bots were around, to the point where I think bera's meso market rates were 1b for 10k or less maple points. I don't think it's that big a problem that mesos are slowly becoming more valuable again.
I think you missed his point. He's not saying he misses the bots infesting maps, hes saying the elimination of botters has caused an unstable increase in the cost of mesos. Which is true, the increase in value for mesos has not be 'slow'. It literally skyrocketed 1000% within a month or two. if a starforce attempt costs you 100m, the difference is 20cents before vs. >$2 now.
Obviously eliminating hackers is a good thing, the only reason their elimination led to mesos going up 1000% is because Nexon allowed the state of the game to rely on hackers.
But lets not twist what his point was.
You are always on this forum responding to a ton of threads getting triggered by everything all the time. Chill out.
OP never said he liked having bots around. Stop putting words in his mouth. You also completely missed the point. Meso sinks are the reason why people need more meso. Hackers provided the meso to starforce, and now that the hackers are gone (whether or not hackers being banned is a good thing), starforcing prices are unrealistically high, especially when compared to the amount of meso per drop (instead of the in-game economy).
As for your minor hilarious footnote which is so hilariously funny, I don't know about you, but 10k for 1b meso doesn't sound like the meso is "worthless." In fact, 10k maple points for 1b sounds rather expensive doesnt it?
Again, missed OP's point and mine as well.
If your going to reply to people on the forum, who are at least attempting to give nexon good feedback, the least you could do is reply to what he is actually saying, and have a real discussion about it.
I don't even play normal servers. So I'm not saying OP's suggestion is a good solution, but don't put words into his mouth and change his point.
What's more is he's apparently talking about the rates at which the gold-selling sites are selling their ill-gotten funds as if that should have any influence on things.
i completely agree to what OP and you said, something needs to be done so that the game becomes healthier and healthier with time.
Dude come on, learn to comprehend reading, he isnt saying anything related to missing hackers... dont try to invent stuff to make OPs good suggestion into a bad one for the sake of idk what reason ... , 2 people have already tried to explain you that OP doesnt mean what youre saying yet youve decided to ignore them and keep trying to twist his good idea, idk whyy do you have to be so toxic when OP is only trying to make the game healthier.
he does this all the time , its obnoxious af. i dont know why he does this, its been going on for years
It will happen soon. Soon 250+ areas will drop Esfera Droplets.
Then if you ask me ''what's soon''? Something like 6 months, I believe.
yeh ok, droplets but what about meso man? Its still the same meso from lv 225 mobs, isnt that a bit stupid and a bad game design?
Huge increase in value of meso made A LOT of things sooooo much better. Things on auction house, like CRA gears, are so much cheaper now, which greatly helps new players. And because the value of the meso went up, a lot of people are actually farming mesos with meso/item drop gears. That + increase in meso value brought nodestone cost down to ~2 million mesos (it's cheaper than KMS!!!!!). Cubes can actually be purchased with meso via meso market. Mesos obtained from boss crystals are actually worth getting. And on and on and on. Making mobs drop more mesos, especially with the presence of Wild/Frenzy totem, will end up reverting the current state to old god awful days when meso was worth jack $hit. As for starforce cost, it's balanced to match with kms star force cost. GMS meso value is ~$2/100mill and KMS meso value is ~$4/100mill, and the star force cost of GMS is around 1.6~2 times that of KMS, which matches with the meso values of each region. GMS just had it ez with starforce for years because meso was dirt @ss cheap. At the end of the day, people are just frustrated because people were veryyyyyyyyyyyy used to getting dirt cheap mesos from bots for years. People will just have to learn to adept to new better improved meso economy. Start figuring out how to maximize your meso gains with your playtime. Start doing daily bosses with you usually skipped with your main AND the mules. Start doing maple tour everyday. Make some of mules stronger to be able to do some of the weekly bosses like n cyg, h hilla, c zak and cras. Farm mesos for ~2 hours with wild totem when you have some time. And etc etc.
whilee it may be good for normal servers, it did nothing for reboot though.
lol ummmmm ok?? What does reboot have anything to do with the topic of conversation here? Reboot is reboot. Reboot meso has no "real money" value because it's "f2p" server. Yall went into reboot knowing how grindy af reboot server is gonna be. I know that Reboot's loss of byebye kanna meso farming is equivalent of regular server's loss of ez bot mesos, but the answer is still the same. People will just have to adept to the new economy.
Although, I'll say that they should change all reboot pets into vac pets. It will lower the stress of grinding more appropriately than increasing the base meso drops, and will get people to move their @ss out of arcana
as bossing is literally the meso generation for killing higher level stuff that you are asking for.
but I guess that's too much effort?
I mean I would rather grind bosses on 3 characters than grind alts for hours to make the same amount.
you got too used to the game being run by botters..
if you want a more realistic look at the market, look at KMS and its meso market. which has been more or less balanced much longer than gms
and on quite the contratry...
i love the fact that 100m is no longer worthless in game..
i can actually put money into the meso market and not feel like it was a waste of my effort.
something i generally did not do,
if you are someone who regularly puts money into the meso market then ya it may not be great for you
but you also now have the option to earn meso yourself as its worth more
besides increasing meso from mobs do you have other ideas?
i think a BASE increase of meso gains in ALL PQ's would incentivize more play. i feel pretty indifferent about only an increase from mobs, tho i guess it does also make sense since yes we do grind alot.
a reduction in costs would also help.
removing redundant meso costs like cubing ect.