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Closed I Got Scammed 100$
Hi, I know what I did was wrong, I even lost my 100$ but I just wanted to let everyone know this so it wouldn't happen to anyone else.
Do you remember those jett bots that spam sites that sell mesos? I just got scammed by them, I won't mention the location of the bot scammer but I just wanted to let everyone know this.
1 of our guild members also got scammed by them a couple days ago, blame nexon for not banning every single 1 of them, it's all nexon's fault.
there are many innonce maplers out there who don't know about these scammers and those scammers are taking advantage of the situation.
I personally blame nexon and nexon only.
Boy howdy that's a hot take. I don't know how to describe this post without simply calling it stupid, there are so many layers here that are just wrong. The first layer is that the names are always gibberish, as if the names were created via an alphanumeric string generator. The second is that the url in their messages is always broken up so as to avoid their messages being censored by the chat filter. The third is the occasionally-rotating yellow notice message in the chat box that states that buying mesos or items outside is against the terms of service.
If you get past all of these, thinking it's all on the up-and-up, buy the mesos anyway, and get screwed out of your money, then it's wholly on the individual.
Gotta agree with them. this game has owners and the owners are nexon, which means they're the "police" in our game and they're the ones that responsibility for everything such as taking care of scammers like these bots they've mentioned.
For example, say nexon would do their job and got rid of them, no one would have to lose their money from the first place...
Not everyone is as smart as you of not buying from those sites and dodging all troubles and such in games and life, we have 7 billion people in the world and we're all different and we can all make mistakes.
But I do believe that the blame falls on nexon though, due to the reason I just mentioned, nexon is responsibility for taking care of scammers and such.
First order of business, please read my edited post. Secondly, do you really believe they do nothing about the spamming bots? That all of these bans for advertising are just for show? I suppose next you're going to tell me platforms like youtube are at fault for the disgusting things some people try to upload.
You've got to be kidding me? there's a botter right here in front of me, and I remember I saw him right there for a few days now.... he has been spamming 24/7....
It's also so obvious to find him and get rid of him, it should take a GM less than 10 seconds, but no, they just will not do it for us....
"I left my car unlocked and the keys in the ignition, but it's totally the police's fault someone drove off with it."