Item Type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item Sets/Skin Coupon
Item Name (English/Korean): All pictures below have there names in English.
Please release these NX item sets and also please release the new skin coupons KMS got. (NOT Android Skin Coupons) Porcelain Lavender Skin Coupon/Red Tide Lavender Skin Coupon Porcelain Lavender Skin/Red Tide Lavender Skin Coupon
Another bump
Lavender skin coupon and petal skin coupon too.
KMS got lavender skin coupons in May last year so it only makes sense for us to get them around this time of year.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Voluminous Short Crescent Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item: (second hair from the left)
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX (Hat), NX (Overall)
Item name (English/Korean): Hand-knit Bunny Doll Hat/Overall
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): GMS: unreleased
Ink and Wash label and chat ring have been highly desired for quite a while and haven’t returned in ages! People go crazy for these rings!
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX (Ring)
Item name (English/Korean): Ink-and-Wash Thought Bubble Ring, Ink-and-Wash Painting Name Tag Ring
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
I would really love if we got the weekly permanent equips back. The sales where you guys chose some old equips and sold them as permanent versions for a week. I used to spend/would spend so much money on those.
Item type: NX item (outfit)
Item name: Lolita Butterfly Dress
Website link: n/a
Item last seen: when all cash items were still permanently available in the cash shop
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Sword of Destruction
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Black Friday 2020
Image of item
I know this was released somewhat recently but please consider releasing this sword again for those who couldnt get it.
We still do review these suggestions so please continue posting!
Accurate name, previous cash shop links, and images are definitely helpful for reference. Note: Cash Shop sales are planned months ahead of time so even if your suggestion is under consideration, you may not see them shortly after your posting.
Thank you
Item type : NX Accessory
Item name : War Paint
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Can't find it but there was a perm sale of this item in 2016.
Item type : NX Accessory
Item name : Cherry Bubblegum
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Only released as a 90-day cover inside CS store, I would like for it to be released as a perm nx item.
Item type : NX Hat
Item name : Blue Cap
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Blue Cap was released in MapleSEA in April 8th 2020 inside "Newtro Special Fashion Boxes"
Another bump
Lavender skin coupon and petal skin coupon too.
KMS got lavender skin coupons in May last year so it only makes sense for us to get them around this time of year.
Item Name (English/Korean): All pictures below have there names in English.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Nx Hair
Item name : Foggy glimmering ripple hair, cygnus hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
You can still obtain it. They are tradeable coupons..unless youre in reboot i guess..
I'm in reboot..
Item name (English/Korean): Guile Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item: (second hair from the left)
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): V Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item: (first hair on the left)
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Windy Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item: (second hair from the right)
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Voluminous Short Crescent Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item: (second hair from the left)
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Double Half-Up Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item: (first hair on the left)
Item name (English/Korean): Hand-knit Bunny Doll Hat/Overall
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): GMS: unreleased
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX (Ring)
Item name (English/Korean): Ink-and-Wash Thought Bubble Ring, Ink-and-Wash Painting Name Tag Ring
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Item name: Japanesque Dress
Website link:
Item last seen: Sept 2018
Item type: NX item (outfit)
Item name: Lolita Butterfly Dress
Website link: n/a
Item last seen: when all cash items were still permanently available in the cash shop
Item type: NX item (outfit)
Item name: Lady Black
Website link:
Item last seen: Feb 2018
Item type: face
Item name: Angel Glow
Website link: n/a
Item last seen: pre-VIP/REG coupon removal
Item type: hair
Item name: Short Twin Tails
Website link: n/a
Item last seen: pre-VIP/REG coupon removal
Item type: hair
Item name: Luscious Locks
Website link:
Item last seen: Jan 2020
Item name (English/Korean): Tousled Surfer Hair
Website link:
Item last seen: March 2020
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Lavender Hair
Website link:
Item last seen: July 2020
Item name (English/Korean): Sword of Destruction
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Black Friday 2020
Image of item
I know this was released somewhat recently but please consider releasing this sword again for those who couldnt get it.
Item name (English/Korean): Feathered Bed Head
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Constantly Curious Face
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
Please and thank you!
Accurate name, previous cash shop links, and images are definitely helpful for reference.
Note: Cash Shop sales are planned months ahead of time so even if your suggestion is under consideration, you may not see them shortly after your posting.
Thank you
we need this set! so many years since! please get it back to maplestory!!
I am desperately asking the Nexon team to bring the pet equipment from Pink Bean to the cash shop rotation!
Item Type: (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX items
Item name (English/Korean): Goggled Watermelon Hat, Mechanic Wings (Cape), and Pilot Suit (Overall)