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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
my favorite video game music
do any of you guys have any favorite music from video games here's some of mine
space station 13 THUNDERDOME
UNDERTALE Bergentrückung
Ragnarok Online - Ancient Groover
Ragnarok Online ~ Dreamer's Dream
Dreamer's Dream will make you totally forget your grinding
Granado Espada El Rosa Alba
Valkyrie Sky Sky Blue
Touhou 3 Strawberry Crisis
I was thinking about putting up 10 but it looks like that's a little too much for one page
Click Clock Wood (Spring) (Banjo Kazooie)
Jinjo Village (Banjo Tooie - also my ringtone on my phone)
Mr Patch's Theme (Banjo Tooie)
Rusty Bucket Bay (Banjo Kazooie)
Jolly Roger's Lagoon (Banjo Tooie)
AND YES I LIKE Spirit of Justice music!
NOTE:These games are fan made Megaman games, ONLY Megaman Unlimited was released, Time Tangent was cancelled (what a shame, the OST seemed good though!). Unlimited is pretty nice and seems to be one of the most "true to the original source" experience out of many Megaman-like games.
I enjoy most video game soundtracks, though. Mostly because they usually accompany a good game. Like the Abyss Watchers fight from Dark Souls 3. By itself, I don't think I'd really enjoy it, but listening to it while fighting off those bad-ass looking knights really strengthened the moment. I also remember it as being the fight that gave me the most trouble. The game seemed to get quite a bit easier after that boss. I think it took me ten tries? Whereas bosses after that I could usually figure out within 1-3 tries.
Oooh, and for some reason, I always loved the rival battle themes in Pokemon lol.
I also enjoy music from Kirby's Epic Yarn
For music rather uplifting...
or heavy in "the feels"...
To lose your thoughts in...
...a bitter clash of ideals
But personally I'm a fan of more upbeat/fast-paced stuff.
(in all honesty, Ink Me Up, Splattack, and Shellfie were my favorite themes in the game. Ink Me Up on Squid Beatz all day in between ranked matches).
But we can't just ignore the best song in the entire game.