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A case for Jett, Please reconsider it's removal!


  • rlee13rlee13
    Reactions: 650
    Post: 1
    edited April 2023
    Why are we a non-kms exclusive class to begin with? Why is GMS only capable of importing content from other regions and not the other way around? We got some cool **** too!!

    Wouldn't it be better to take all the non-kms exclusive classes (Jett, Hayato, Kanna, Beast Tamer), combine their factions into one package(call it Stellar Detectives, Overseas, or w/e) and pitch it for a KMS launch with a complete revamp/remaster series, just like Explorers + Cygnus?
    Have their entire kit recoded from the ground up to fit the KMS design standard and provide them with a proper balance team?

    Sure this is an unrealistic unicorn fever dream but not only does this give KMS a whole new faction/event to play with, but it'll also give a HUGE sigh of relief for all existing non-kms classes that their classes and their immeasurable investment to their characters aren't a complete waste of time.

    These classes are unique, they play like no other, have one of the most hardcore fanbases, and have so much potential to live up to, it be an absolute waste to trash it all and sour your community even further.

    Deleting Jett will destroy, or is currently destroying, all the faith we have in our current exclusives. Can you believe that it’s an actual recommendation to not play ANY of the non-kms classes purely because the community has no faith in their future? What kind of MMO encourages this??

    Also, even if it's inevitable, it's insane that we have only one chance to like our transfers. Sure we have the rest of the year to decide, but some of us invested years' worth of dailies to build up a respective arcane force + sacred force. If it doesn't work then all that goes to waste. No point in maining a class you don't enjoy.
  • CorekCorek
    Reactions: 450
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    edited April 2023
    I am no Jett player, neither have a created one yet (im at 6.1k Legion, lvl 252 hero main).

    This topic is so unsettling, once again showing that Nexon doesnt really know / care whats important for the GMS playerbase. The class has been around for 11 years, and now they decided: We dont want to spend the time / work to fix the bugs, and instead of just leaving it where it is removing it alltogether.

    This is a clear signal to every other content which isnt in line with KMS. Be it AS0, Gollux, Commerci, NLC (and all of its lore) or any non KMS-class in general.

    I am very upset that they once again prove that they either cant communicate properly or simple (which is more likely) dont want feedback from the playerbase.
  • MugagagaMugagaga
    Reactions: 335
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    edited April 2023
    Jett is the pride of GMS, it won't be the same without it. Please respect your playerbase for a change and keep it.
  • ThreeTreesThreeTrees
    Reactions: 770
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    edited April 2023
    While I don't main a Jett myself, I personally know quite a few people who do, and am aware of how much investment they put into their characters' progression, time and effort-wise and some of them a decent amount of money as well, and how frustrating this announcement and situation has been for them.
    It's beyond me how a decision like this can be made and go through, it's truly irresponsible and no less than a spit in the face of loyal players whom, again, spent their time AND money investing in this specific job and wouldn't necessarily do so if it wasn't for the existence of this specific job they were keen of.
    I strongly encourage to reconsider this decision, realize the consequences it'll have on a solid amount of high end and end-game players and players in general who are invested and support the game, that never took into consideration the fact one random day their class would just get basically axed, as no one should be considering something like that, because it has never happened before, at least in our region.
    If you do decide to go through with it after-all, despite all the already existing community backlash and the tons of it I anticipate to come, I think the very least you can do to compensate the injustice you're doing to these players is firstly allow them to job change into ANYTHING they desire, not just limit them to the Explorer branch as many of them already have all Explorer variants as legion mules and/or boss mules. Not to mention, the decision to force job change them into Beginners if they weren't to choose a job from the Explorer branch during the so called transfer event, just casually so unnecessarily screws yet another community, the Perma Beginner community, which is yet another community who puts tons of effort and time into their characters for reasons that should be obvious.
    Secondly, I think you must take all of the possible feedback from Jett players, regarding their class-related spending, for example, the Jett Core Link skill that requires rolling for stats and paying for the time extension of it, both costing NX, and in general, before you determine the final compensation.
    You have to make sure the compensation would be as generous as possible to these players who chose to invest their time and money into a particular class, which you will be forcing them to change into something else, out of a narrow variety, what no other job is forced to do, for now, at least.
  • MastahiroMastahiro
    Reactions: 1,370
    Posts: 56
    edited April 2023
    The whole reasoning is a cop-out, just be transparent with players, we've seen the P&L Reporting in your IR Presentations, NA has managed to surpass Japan in losses Q4 2022 for the first time since I remember, we know you're looking to cut costs at whatever the expense might be. 18 504 360 dollar loss is quite a lot even for Nexon.

    If Nexon thinks slowly phasing out non-KMS content will be better for the game rather than ripping te bandaid and letting people know what's to come, then they better get ready to keep hearing pushback throughout the whole duration.

    As someone who maintained an extensive list of jett bugs pre-rework, and would contact support every other month until they did eventually fix them, is the class even that issue-riddled and unplayable as it used to be?
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
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    edited April 2023
    Interesting development on this topic is the fact they removed an NPC of Hayato from the Hidden Ghost Shrine questline.

    Which may not sound like much, it's just an NPC version of Hayato, but does not sound good considering what's happening with Jett.
  • ChimichurroChimichurro
    Reactions: 1,420
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    edited April 2023
    Please reconsider, Nexon! :( there has to be some way we can keep jett around, please :(((
  • GINbulletGINbullet
    Reactions: 245
    Posts: 2
    edited April 2023
    I play GMS maplestory beacuse of jett class. Because you can not play such an awesome class in other server. Jett is the pride of GMS, so I am really confused that why nexon America want to delete it.
  • BelloPallyBelloPally
    Reactions: 1,905
    Posts: 99
    edited April 2023
    I couldn't agree more.

    Although Jett is among the least popular classes, there are people who genuinely love and enjoy playing this class, including myself.

    However unpopular it is, Jett has been with us for over a decade... and this is certainly NOT the treatment that Jett deserves.

    Please reconsider Jett removal, Nexon.
  • LokitricksggLokitricksgg
    Reactions: 465
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    edited April 2023
    This is such a dangerous precedent to set in GMS; Jett players who invested their valuable time, energy, and money into levelling/progressing their characters have to be treated better than this. It's unimaginably cruel to remove a class from dedicated players. I main Hayato and full disclosure, I am very worried about what this line of thinking (Jett bugged let's delete instead of fix) will hold for the future of other nonKMS classes. Not even that, where does it stop? Who decides where it stops because from the look of things the players' opinions and views don't matter even a little bit to Nexon. People chose to play Jett because they liked the character; that's it. No other reason should be needed for Nexon to say "they deserve better; let's figure out how to get this class staying in the game". Worst case Nexon should've left Jett as is and said "sorry we don't have resources or motivation or whatever excuse to keep Jett up to speed with newer content so while we will stop adjusting/changing Jett completely, we will leave the characters in game still for those who want to enjoy; should Jett players willingly want to change jobs after our decision to stop working on the class in the future, they'll have the opportunity to make the switch". But this last bit requires compassion/empathy for the players and an understanding of what these extreme decisions can do to them; something time and time again Nexon has failed to show any hints of.
  • BobbyWeaveBobbyWeave
    Reactions: 1,615
    Posts: 31
    edited May 2023
    It's really sad and embarrassing that Nexon is so stingy with their dev time. If the problem is that the class is terrible and the overseas team doesn't have the budget to maintain it then KMS needs to take responsibility for Jett and import it. There's absolutely no excuse for deleting a class in a game where people invest literally > 1k hours to reach endgame. It's not like the overseas team went rogue and randomly decided to create a new class. All the overseas content was/is created by Nexon Korea's employees. If Jett was a KMS class they would never in a million years consider deleting it, but because they treat overseas players like second class citizens and our content like second class content they think they can just sweep content deletion under the rug instead of fixing things properly.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited May 2023
    BelloPally wrote: »
    I couldn't agree more.

    Although Jett is among the least popular classes, there are people who genuinely love and enjoy playing this class, including myself.

    However unpopular it is, Jett has been with us for over a decade... and this is certainly NOT the treatment that Jett deserves.

    Please reconsider Jett removal, Nexon.

    Jett is more popular than Blaze Wizard. When are we removing that class?
    I like Blaze Wizard.
  • happycowshappycows
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 70
    edited May 2023
    In the last year GMS will have lost Jett class, Alien Visitor, Monad, Wild Totems, spawn-Kishin, old Dalair medals, 2x cash drop coupons, etc. Seems like we are definitely in some sort of consolidation period. What's next to be removed? "Bigger" content like Masteria? Commerci? Perhaps "smaller" removals like Maple Tour?

    Witnessing all of this in the last year or so has really lowered my expectations of this company. My confidence in this game has also gone down.

    Patch notes and upcoming events should be exciting and optimistic. Instead, these days i find myself dreading the next significant nerf thrown onto a list of "bug fixes" [commerci flame transposing] or content removal...

    RIP Jett.
  • choozchooz
    Reactions: 1,815
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    edited May 2023
    Nexon Stop Deleting Or Ignoring Problems So You Don't Have To Fix Them Challenge (Impossible)

    Quite honestly, every time I feel bad about quitting MS, they go and do something that makes me feel good about it again.
  • LagTooMuchLagTooMuch
    Reactions: 1,985
    Posts: 122
    edited May 2023
    Although my main is not Jett or never thought of maining Jett, I have so many great memories with my Jett.
    It's sad to see Nexon has made such a decision. GMS is becoming more like KMS, and many contents already have been removed from GMS due to their laziness.
    Global Nexon Team should reconsider the decision to revoke the removal of Jett from GMS
  • DecateiDecatei
    Reactions: 420
    Post: 1
    As someone who knows a handful of Jett mains and as someone that very recently was considering side maining Jett as a future bossing mule, this is heartbreaking.

    Nexon, please stop saying you're going to do better and communicate with your players in the future and never following up on it. Just actually communicate properly and let us know your end goals or give us some kind of heads-up that isn't quite literally while the game is down to let your players know that Jett creation is no more.

    It's heartless and the past year of decisions y'all have been making just hurts and soils the image of this game further with each passing update. With things like Commerci transposing, Silent Crusade, totems (you even got caught using totems in your PB/Yeti promotional video recently before you silently reuploaded it and cropped it out weirdly), and now Jett being removed, to potential future ones that people fear such as attack speed 0, and Gollux. We know it's an inevitability at this rate and no community wants to be that pessimistic and left feeling pure hopelessness for the game that they love.

    I refuse to spend money on this game anymore until we get proper answers and communication that isn't same-day. Patch notes used to be up a day or two in advance of a major update and now we don't even get that anymore.

    I do not blame the translators or the CMs for any of these faults, and neither should anyone else. This falls squarely on Nexon to do better.
  • Just4JettJust4Jett
    Reactions: 320
    Post: 1
    edited May 2023
    Came here just to post my distaste about removing the Jett class. It's my favorite class and my go to whenever I get an itch to play. I've tried other classes, but they arent the same. If at all possible, dont remove the class, or if the class needs to be sunsetted, then let existing Jetts exist even if new ones can't be created.
  • YamajacYamajac
    Reactions: 350
    Posts: 4
    Jett was my first class to 250, the first time I really found myself enjoying Maplestory and getting into the bossing and experiencing what the game really had to offer. Deleting Jett is just wiping out a huge part of what makes Maplestory enjoyable for me. And the most insulting part is the terrible selection of jobs. If we could pick any job, maybe maybe I'd be okay. But to be stuck with just explorer jobs because it's so much effort? Do you know how much effort you're erasing by deleting Jet
  • VirginatorVirginator
    Reactions: 120
    Post: 1
    Not only are you deleting the class I main ,for the most shameful reason imaginable on Nexons part. Which I have also spent hours of hours to progress on. But you are also forcing me to choose to transfer all my progress between a limited branch of classes (explorers), which I have no interest in playing. At least give me access to all jobs, so I can main a job I'd actually be interested to invest time in to...

    I really like Jett
  • EnzieEnzie
    Reactions: 120
    Post: 1
    Jett is a class that has always had so much soul. It's so standout from the other classes and despite it's rocky history it's a class that is genuinely fun to play and has an EXTREMELY dedicated group of players. Removing an entire CLASS from the game that people have spent YEARS playing is insane to me.