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Flame System

Reactions: 710
Posts: 7
Member, Private Tester
edited November 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
What do you guys think about introducing flame system?


  • NobleEvanNobleEvan
    Reactions: 1,440
    Posts: 27
    edited November 2016
    Awesome and splendid idea :)
    makes looting stuff fun again, boosts economy and overall its nicer to start a new character
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,285
    Posts: 1,039
    edited November 2016
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited November 2016
    would like it to happen, but Nexon NA already Declined and said they have no plans on implementing the system several times.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,285
    Posts: 1,039
    edited November 2016
    U forgot current
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,285
    Posts: 1,039
    edited November 2016

    Thread number like 100 of the same thing,
    It's a no, they've said it already several times.


    We appreciate your suggestions, however, we have already stated in previous threads that there are no current plans to implement the Flames of Rebirth.
    Just because he said there are no current plans doesn't mean its a never. The only nos i hear are from other members after michael
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016


    Thread number like 100 of the same thing,
    It's a no, they've said it already several times.


    We appreciate your suggestions, however, we have already stated in previous threads that there are no current plans to implement the Flames of Rebirth.
    Just because he said there are no current plans doesn't mean its a never. The only nos i hear are from other members after michael
    OneLetter said:

    As promised, here are some answers for all of you based on your questions. Most of these questions I've copy/pasted from your original posts in this thread, just for easy readability.

    Q: How would EMS's Rebirth Flames and Additional Options be affected by the Migration?
    A: Rebirth Flames were removed. Additional Options will be kept on items that already have it. However the Additional Options system will not be implemented in GMS.

    Q: Will the EMS staff be working for GMS now or will they be put on other projects?
    A: The EMS staff will not be working on GMS.

    Q: Will GMS receive some world mergers in the near future? This is based on the conversation about Luna.
    A: There are no plans at this time, or in the immediate future, for this sort of world merger. We are not completely ruling it out, though.

    Q: Are any of the merged GMS servers located in the EU? Are there plans for this?
    A: Currently, there are no GMS servers located in the EU, which is why we notified all EMS players regarding joining the world closest to your current region. We are not completely ruling out the possibility of servers being in the EU in the future.

    Q: Will EMS old event items return, such as Dutch Kingsday or Piazza di Spagna, German beerfest ?
    A: There are no plans right now to bring them back. However, in our future content and event planning, we will look into these EMS specific events to see which ones we can bring back. In short, it’s not out of the question and we want to include more global/international events as part of our event planning.

    Q: Will there be a Reboot server in EU?
    A: There will not be an EU Reboot server on Day 1 after the migration, but we are planning to add an EU Reboot server in the near future. We do not have a specific date at this time, and will provide everyone an update once this date is known.

    Q: What happens to the rankings?
    A: Any In-game rankings will reset. We’re planning to display website rankings on the Global MapleStory website. Rankings may change from what they were previously since only migrated users will be on the rankings.

    Q: Adjustments to the language filter?
    A: We made adjustments to the language filter during GMS v177 update to be less restrictive during normal chatting. We plan to make more adjustments during the next game update.

    Q: Will we be adding other language sections to the forums?
    A: Potentially, based on population needs. We have non-English language sections on some of our other titles as well that have localized versions of their game.

    Just because you don't read other threads, does not mean only Michael has said no.

    Now kindly put it to rest already. We finally got one issue settled with certain people campaigning for certain things that are never going to happen, we don't need you starting that up again.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016


    Thread number like 100 of the same thing,
    It's a no, they've said it already several times.


    We appreciate your suggestions, however, we have already stated in previous threads that there are no current plans to implement the Flames of Rebirth.
    Just because he said there are no current plans doesn't mean its a never. The only nos i hear are from other members after michael
    And this is part of the reason Nexon never bothers to respond to our suggestions.

    If they implement them, they implement them.
    And if they decide not to, there's no point telling us so, because we'll just keep nagging. "Have you changed your mind yet?" "How about now?" "Think it over." "Now? Please?" "I just thought of a brilliant new reason why my suggestion must be implemented!"

    If the community can't take a clear "No" for an answer, why even bother saying it, or anything?
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:



    Thread number like 100 of the same thing,
    It's a no, they've said it already several times.


    We appreciate your suggestions, however, we have already stated in previous threads that there are no current plans to implement the Flames of Rebirth.
    Just because he said there are no current plans doesn't mean its a never. The only nos i hear are from other members after michael
    And this is part of the reason Nexon never bothers to respond to our suggestions.

    If they implement them, they implement them.
    And if they decide not to, there's no point telling us so, because we'll just keep nagging. "Have you changed your mind yet?" "How about now?" "Think it over." "Now? Please?" "I just thought of a brilliant new reason why my suggestion must be implemented!"

    If the community can't take a clear "No" for an answer, why even bother saying it, or anything?
    It's not really the community, so much as a handful of people here and there.
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
    Posts: 355
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    edited November 2016
    It's not we can't take no for an answer. It's just we're trying to convince them to reconsider, or possibly just give more information on how flames could be useful.

    You say things like it's absolutely impossible for them to reconsider. Sometimes if a community wants something enough it could change someone's mind.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016
    ClawStaff said:

    It's not we can't take no for an answer. It's just we're trying to convince them to reconsider, or possibly just give more information on how flames could be useful.

    You say things like it's absolutely impossible for them to reconsider. Sometimes if a community wants something enough it could change someone's mind.
    But more often is the case where "a community" is really just one or two people who are vocal to an irritating degree.

    Other such cases are the matter of Nexon starting up some form of a legacy server.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,285
    Posts: 1,039
    edited November 2016
    Wait until europeans comment on the matter. I already found people in favor of ao.
  • xAiolosxAiolos
    Reactions: 710
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    I can't believe the way GMS players treat new players. At least those who comment on the forum have a closed mind and don't want to discuss the subject. Was my first publication and I take the worst of impressions.
  • JorjaxJorjax
    Reactions: 865
    Posts: 97
    edited November 2016
    To be honest, we just to see how Nexon going to response with all the suggestions and requests regarding about the flames implements for GMS. Not to mention that many EMS players already had flames on their gears...

    Off-topic about this... If we aren't following KMS schedule regarding about flame.. why should we all follow their schedule for removing Star Planet? It doesn't make a gosh-dang SENSE.
  • YoshumariYoshumari
    Reactions: 2,175
    Posts: 130
    edited November 2016
    I'm getting a VERY strong sense of Deja Vu here...

  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
    Posts: 355
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Yes the amount of people that actually talk on the forums is small, but that's not really anyone's fault.

    I didn't say everyone wants flames, but a good chunk of people who actually comment on the forums seem to want flames.
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited November 2016
    xAiolos said:

    I can't believe the way GMS players treat new players. At least those who comment on the forum have a closed mind and don't want to discuss the subject. Was my first publication and I take the worst of impressions.
    @xAiolos - The community is actually quite pleasant overall, you just have no idea the history surrounding this topic on these forums. I'll do my best to give you a brief history of why people seem so negative about this idea. Bear with me, because at first it won't be immediately apparent what the connection is.

    So last year sometime someone on our forums went around campaigning for Nexon to implement a preBB server. He had some support, much in the same way that Daxterbeer has some support for AO, but not enough to get anywhere. Nexon continued to ignore him, but he kept making more and more threads on the subject. Eventually it got to the point of being spam, which made people upset over seeing it so much and in so many threads (since it was sometimes interjected rather forcefully into unrelated threads). This made people mean, and it turned into a very toxic discussion topic. It kept getting worse until Nexon eventually had to make a new rule banning any discussion of legacy maplestory servers period. However threads kept getting created and tensions rose higher and higher to a breaking point, with many people being downright hostile. Ever since then he did stop spamming the threads by and large and overall its better on the forums because of it (in my opinion), but because of the extremely high tensions that occurred, people who have contributed to the GMS forums for a while have become very wary of any behavior that is similar to that, because we don't want to go through another fiasco like that again. Tensions were way too high, people were accusing and being accused all the time of completely ridiculous nonsens and overall it was not pleasant for anyone on the forums.

    Now, to tie this in to AO. Daxterbeer has been campaigning for AO to be brought to GMS for a while now, and he does have some (rather a lot from what I have seen) support for bringing it over. It started out as a single thread, then a few more, but entirely manageable on the old forums. It wasn't spam. Nexon kept quiet on the issue and he eventually let it almost die. More recently, he started bringing it up again, in more and more threads where he felt it was relevant. This kept going on until the CM, @KThxBaiNao told him that NexonNA had no current plans to bring AO to GMS. For a lot of people that was good enough, and they felt that the issue should be dropped. But Daxterbeer kept bringing it up again and again, creating multiple threads about the issue and somewhat forcefully throwing it into threads that weren't really related to AO at all (like the threads on nebulites) (sound familiar?), and people started to get annoyed as they saw the issue as being over. This kept going on and some people got more and more upset at seeing his comments about AO, until one of GMS's game directors, @OneLetter stepped in with a definitive NO for AO. He clearly stated that they will not be implemented in GMS (without giving a reason). That should have been enough, but Daxterbeer kept posting more and more about AO and trying to convince GMS to bring them over. Its mirroring pretty closely what happened on our old forums with the preBB legacy server discussions.

    As people got more and more upset with seeing these threads, Daxterbeer started posting less and less about anything else, until the bulk of his comments and threads are about bringing over AO to GMS. This causes some people to associate seeing his forum name with a topic that should have been laid to rest a while ago, and they automatically let their tensions and emotions rise.

    I'm simplifying a bit, but the rather hostile reaction you experienced in this thread is just people who are being wary about having the forums locked down with incredibly high tension and anger about a subject that should be left to die.For some people they are so tired of seeing this come up that they don't even stop to think that the poster might be an EMS player and will have no idea of why its getting so annoying over here. We are sorry that you had a negative experience, but please try to understand that there was quite a bit of history behind these reactions.
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited November 2016

    xAiolos said:

    I can't believe the way GMS players treat new players. At least those who comment on the forum have a closed mind and don't want to discuss the subject. Was my first publication and I take the worst of impressions.
    @xAiolos - The community is actually quite pleasant overall, you just have no idea the history surrounding this topic on these forums. I'll do my best to give you a brief history of why people seem so negative about this idea. Bear with me, because at first it won't be immediately apparent what the connection is.

    So last year sometime someone on our forums went around campaigning for Nexon to implement a preBB server. He had some support, much in the same way that Daxterbeer has some support for AO, but not enough to get anywhere. Nexon continued to ignore him, but he kept making more and more threads on the subject. Eventually it got to the point of being spam, which made people upset over seeing it so much and in so many threads (since it was sometimes interjected rather forcefully into unrelated threads). This made people mean, and it turned into a very toxic discussion topic. It kept getting worse until Nexon eventually had to make a new rule banning any discussion of legacy maplestory servers period. However threads kept getting created and tensions rose higher and higher to a breaking point, with many people being downright hostile. Ever since then he did stop spamming the threads by and large and overall its better on the forums because of it (in my opinion), but because of the extremely high tensions that occurred, people who have contributed to the GMS forums for a while have become very wary of any behavior that is similar to that, because we don't want to go through another fiasco like that again. Tensions were way too high, people were accusing and being accused all the time of completely ridiculous nonsens and overall it was not pleasant for anyone on the forums.

    Now, to tie this in to AO. Daxterbeer has been campaigning for AO to be brought to GMS for a while now, and he does have some (rather a lot from what I have seen) support for bringing it over. It started out as a single thread, then a few more, but entirely manageable on the old forums. It wasn't spam. Nexon kept quiet on the issue and he eventually let it almost die. More recently, he started bringing it up again, in more and more threads where he felt it was relevant. This kept going on until the CM, @KThxBaiNao told him that NexonNA had no current plans to bring AO to GMS. For a lot of people that was good enough, and they felt that the issue should be dropped. But Daxterbeer kept bringing it up again and again, creating multiple threads about the issue and somewhat forcefully throwing it into threads that weren't really related to AO at all (like the threads on nebulites) (sound familiar?), and people started to get annoyed as they saw the issue as being over. This kept going on and some people got more and more upset at seeing his comments about AO, until one of GMS's game directors, @OneLetter stepped in with a definitive NO for AO. He clearly stated that they will not be implemented in GMS (without giving a reason). That should have been enough, but Daxterbeer kept posting more and more about AO and trying to convince GMS to bring them over. Its mirroring pretty closely what happened on our old forums with the preBB legacy server discussions.

    As people got more and more upset with seeing these threads, Daxterbeer started posting less and less about anything else, until the bulk of his comments and threads are about bringing over AO to GMS. This causes some people to associate seeing his forum name with a topic that should have been laid to rest a while ago, and they automatically let their tensions and emotions rise.

    I'm simplifying a bit, but the rather hostile reaction you experienced in this thread is just people who are being wary about having the forums locked down with incredibly high tension and anger about a subject that should be left to die.For some people they are so tired of seeing this come up that they don't even stop to think that the poster might be an EMS player and will have no idea of why its getting so annoying over here. We are sorry that you had a negative experience, but please try to understand that there was quite a bit of history behind these reactions.
    you forgot to add the part where he was campaigning for AO and flames in the MLC as well, and I'm fairly certain he got some kind of response, with the way our previous CM, Artasi spoke.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016


    xAiolos said:

    I can't believe the way GMS players treat new players. At least those who comment on the forum have a closed mind and don't want to discuss the subject. Was my first publication and I take the worst of impressions.
    you for got to add the part where he was campaigning for AO and flames in the MLC as well, and I'm fairly certain he got some kind of response, with the way our previous CM, Artasi spoke.
    According to Zelkova's site, prior to it's kicking the bucket, Flames/AO did get a response during the MLC's time. Nexon said no.

    Keep in mind that's nearly a year hence at this point.
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    flames are like nebs, but better... : [[[ . i feel bad for EMS players