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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Do Not Remove Sol Erda Cap,Change to Per Character
Sadly some players do actually need to be protected from themselves which means a daily Sol Erda cap is actually very good for the game two reasons:
1. Protect players from themselves.
2. Speeds up Sol Erda progression for everyone else in the game, the vast majourity of players will progress faster each day with a daily system.
What is really, really bad for the game however is having the daily cap once per day per world/account instead of once per day per character.
Please change this to once per day per character to not discourage and destroy multi-maining.
I even would take daily cap per day per character up to 3 characters per world/account or something is better than only 1 character is allowed to progress ever.
The other option is 1,000 sol erda energy from a daily per character with no world/account cap, remove the sol erda cap from farming monsters, but the farming rate is one-twentieth (or lower). Essentially it is only 1,000 sol erda energy per day still, but it makes players think they have uncapped daily progression.
The people who do not need to be protected are the ones that do not grind for hours per day and instead come on, do their dailies, and either stay around and chat with others or just log off and go to bed.
In which case, a daily and daily hard cap benefits everyone and protects players who cannot control themselves from themselves.
This caters to the vast majourity of players while also protecting the very small minourity from themselves.
Also, you outed yourself for being 12 year old little timmy.
Hard cap = GMS massively buffed the drop rate for sol erda energy, the hard cap is for game balance.
Uncap = they massively nerf the drop rate which means you spend multiple hours to achieve the same results.
3rd solution = Daily gives 1,000 sol erda energy. Sol erda energy is 1/100th of that of KMS for the drop rate from monsters, but farming sol erda energy is uncapped so it feels like it is an arcane/sacred orb rarity to find and does not actually impact 6th job progression at all.
Because the KMS way of just farm for it is pretty bad for the GMS version of the game since cultures, and thus players, are very different. Play data supports this aspect as well that having a fast way to get sol erda energy each day rather than farm for sol erda energy is better for GMS.
Daily and daily cap just should be per character and NOT per account so that players can progress multiple characters at the same time for those that like multi-maining. Per account daily cap sharing is really stupid and makes no sense, especially since this entire system is not account transferable, so progression on a character would only be for that character anyways.
Remove the sol erda cap.
I honestly don't know where to begin with your first point, but you have to realize how silly it is to want to protect players from themselves. As a company, you have a ToS that players agree to, and it's up to them to play the game responsibly. It's like saying they should remove reg server so that irresponsible players can't get themselves in debt trying to be the best. Does that make sense to you? If players lose the ability or motivation to grind in MapleStory, they might quit and go do it in a different game that is more rewarding for their time. Sweats are a necessary part of any game, and 99.9% of them don't need protection from themselves. So why make a change to benefit the 0.01%? Imagine the top richest 0.01% people in the world got a free pass on paying taxes. Ironically, it doesn't add up.
"2. Speeds up Sol Erda progression for everyone else in the game, the vast majourity of players will progress faster each day with a daily system."
How does having a cap speed up anything for anyone? Even if there isn't a cap, you can still just grind for x minutes per day to still receive 400 Erda Energy. Heck, you can make that your own personal daily goal, and this way it wouldn't interrupt or interfere with anyone else's progression while you would still be taking nearly 2 years to max your skill out. Removing the cap allows those who enjoy grinding for longer periods of time to progress further into 6th job at a faster rate (obviously). In which case I ask you, why shouldn't the players in a MMO be rewarded for their time? You said someone outed themselves for being "12 year old little timmy", but clearly what you're really worried about is being gapped.
You can't play as much as some other players, and that's okay. You don't need to compete and compare yourself and your own progression to the rest of the player base; because I'm certain that you aren't anywhere close to being number 1 in any server (given your take) anyway. Therefore, being on the same slow progression path of 6th job as others wouldn most likely not help you get any closer.
Even the second best player in the world is being gapped by the first best player. That's why he's second. Get over yourself and realize the bigger picture and how detrimental this cap can and will be in a game like MapleStory. Even if you still think you are right, look at what the vast majority of others are saying. Surely the people who actually play the game a lot should have the benefit of the doubt in this situation, no?
I'm curious, what is this data you're referring to?
1. What if the player only has one character at 260 and the are far from getting another character to the same point and they want to progress that 260 character rather than fund a second character? Example a new/ returning player using the hyper burn from new age. Chances are they only have that one character at 260 and if they got it to 260 they clearly like playing the class. Why limit their progression on their new hyper burn that they enjoy playing?
2. It has been shown that you will still see the drops but you wont be able pick them up, that is clearly going frustrate some players and might even cause confusion. It is like showing someone who is starving food that they can not eat. Obviously its not that serious but the comparison there is you are showing something that someone can not have no matter what and that is cruel.
3. This kind of change forces players to play the game a certain way. This is first and foremost a MMORPG. MMORPGS are games that allow the players to play however they want and lets them make the decision on how to play. This change takes away one of those choices. While the player could in theory continue to grind for exp and meso why is that unlimited while sol erda is capped?
4. Another point to the sol erda not being capped is that while obtaining them is RNG overall this is a guaranteed way to progress unlike star forcing, scrolling, or potentials. You don't need to worry about losing progression due to booming your items or even just losing a star when tapping an item.
5. Capping sol erda is like capping nodes for fifth job, fifth job has a lot of boosts and skills node that you need to level and it takes time to farm all the node you need. (I play on reboot where I can't just buy nodes from someone else) Imagine being level 200+ and you want to level but you can't because you have capped on your nodes today and you skills nodes don't boost your damage enough that you can even kill the mobs. This can destroy a player's motivation to even play the game.
While you point has some valid arguments I don't think this change is better than just removing the cap all together. While it can help certain players you are also punishing others. Culturally, yes we are different from korean MS that does not mean everyone fits under that umbrella. There are people who like to grind and max things out as soon as possible. That is how they enjoy the game, why punish them for how they play the game.
One last counter point to your argument, how is this fair to players who can only play on the weekend? Let's say these players have commitments that make it so that they can't play everyday but they like to grind on the weekend and play lets say 12 hours over two days. Why should their progression be limited to a daily cap that they only do twice a week while someone who plays the same 12 hours over all 7 days is progressing faster just because they do the daily limit every day. How is that fair to the weekend player? They play the same amount of time but their progression is stunted due to a daily cap.
uncap is more fomo actually because you really want to be the first max out your skills, so now you will try to out grind the other grinders to be the first one there and ruin your fun and enjoyment in the game in the process
and besides, neither cap and uncap actually is fomo because both are permanent content
Fear of Missing Out happens when something is only available for a limited time, when the content is permanent, that fear is removed because you can always come back to it at a later time since it will still be there the next day or next week or next month, etc.
In this case, waiting will make things easier and faster. Doing 6th job progression immediately is the slowest and hardest point in the progression, it will only become faster and easier with future updates.
3rd job release: The advancement itself was literal hell to do. Improved over time.
4th job release: Finding and leveling skills was literal hell to do, the job advancement was hard to do too. Both improved over time several times.
5th job release: Absolute nightmare to level the V Matrix. Improved over time with several updates and improved again in New Age.
6th job release: Honestly, daily and weekly story is the easiest this stuff has ever been. Will improve the progression speed with future updates.
1. 6th job is not a finished system, so they want to stall you until more stuff is released for it and slowly speed up progression as that happens. Eventually it will become a very fast system that does not feel limiting at all like how 4th job and 5th job became. Their plan could also be just slowly raise the cap with future updates with the insanely high drop rate and when the 6th job system is finished, then they remove the daily cap and allow new players to progress as fast as they want years down the road.
Energy and fragments are locked to the character, so multi-daily progression is because you like playing more than 1 character, otherwise a player should never do that if they only like maining 1 character.
2. I don't know. Could be a test server bug too. Probably should disable it from dropping after daily cap unless there is something else we are missing to this system that patch notes will mention.
3. Uncap grind is even more forceful of playing one way only to progress in the game which is a lot worse.
Might be better to have it where sol erda daily gives you 1,000 sol erda energy straight up and then have a very rare sol erda energy be able to drop similar to the insanely low drop rate as arcane/sacred orb monster drops as the "uncap" bonus, but you are really still just progressing from the daily.
4. Uncapped farming for energy is RNG, Capped daily is guaranteed sol erda energy.
Uncapped you need to farm for hours to achieve the same results as sub 30minutes of capped sol erda energy for the day.
5. The system will be improved, adjusted, and sped up in future updates. 5th job when it came out was really bad and was really bad for a long time too. 6th job system is way better than that on release and will become better in future updates.
The cap is to prevent the sweaty people from maxing things out before new skills get added and to allow 99% of players to actually progress their 6th job. Again, this initial release is the not the finalized progression for 6th job, they will build up from here and it just starts slow intentionally at first to stall players while giving them something to progress towards in the meantime.
They could potentially raise the cap on the weekend, but at the same time 30minutes to do dailies is not such a huge time investment to where people who have little time can still fulfill this requirement through out the week. And the aim is to get people playing every day throughout the year than try to burst grind for 1 or 2 months and then quit because they burnt themselves on the game and end up hating it as a result.
1k energy daily with an extremely rare "uncap" fake dropping system might be the best feeling version they could do, but ultimately that is still 1k energy per day anyways.
Most people barely to never used their wild totems in a month, so the amount of time people actively grind in a month is very, very small.
Protecting people from themselves is a side benefit from having a cap, but ultimately this system is catering to the vast majourity of players and benefiting them.
The cap is good because it means they massively raised the drop rate on sol energy, without a cap then they have to massively nerf the sol energy drop rate.
Uncap meaning you grind for several hours per day for 2 years then you can max out hexa matrix with its current progression rate, everyone else however is taking 5+ years to max everything out.
With a cap, everyone is on that 2~ years to max out the current progression of the hexa matrix, so everyone benefits equally which is just better for the game. But they will speed up the progression with future updates to the point that eventually you can not only max out your hexa matrix within 6 months, but max it out with all of the added skills with a fully completed 6th job.
The current time to max out the current skills is irrelevant, the entire goal is meant to be long enough for players to NOT max out their skills before the new skills arrive and when new skills arrive they slowly speed up progression each time and eventually will become very fast to max out hexa matrix.
I don't want to grind for hours to progress my 6th job. I rather grind for less than 30 minutes per day to do what would be hours otherwise.
What are you actually looking for?
Uncap = hours of farming per day to achieve the same 1k sol erda energy of the daily hard cap.
Both situations is kill mobs and get sol erda energy.
So where is the gameplay difference here? What are you even saying? What are you even trying fight for?
Uncap and Cap is the same gameplay. One is you spend a lot more time on the game, the other is very time efficient, and 99% of players cannot grind for more than 1 hour.
So letting people do what they want is in favour of a daily cap that is very time efficient, you get your sol erda energy, get your fragments from bosses, and now you can do whatever you want to do after that point - do a quest line - guild castle - commerci voyage - play another game for the rest of the night - do chores around the home - watch a movie - or you can just mindlessly grind/farm for mesos and netflix still on MapleStory.
You are literally more free to do whatever you want with a cap because of how time efficient it is.
1. Yes 6th job is an unfinished system but there are already time limits in the game with arcane force and sacred power. And they are changing them consistently to help with the people who are progressing quickly to make it easier to obtain and have less of a time gate. Its a backwards mentality to make obtaining arcane force and sacred power easier but make the sixth job content have an even longer time gate initially. You say eventually it will become fast but the issue is when is that eventually going to happen? You can't guarantee that it will just like how I can't guarantee that it won't. Nor can we say when this will happen, sixth months? a year? the next patch? Who knows. Add in to the fact that with this daily cap you are saying to the beast tamer mains yeah you are always going to be months behind. Where is the justice for them having to wait til at least January for their sixth jobs due to no fault of their own? Have nexon compensate them for the time difference and give them the amount for the number of dailies they missed? How can you stop people form abusing a compensation like that and just make get a beast tamer to 260 before their sixth job is dropped and be get free sol erda for doing nothing but getting the beast tamer to 260. Or how can you track who actually would have done those dailies? Force them to do a daily with no rewards besides the promise of one? I don't think a lot of people would do that. They might but who knows.
2. This point can be brought back once patch notes are avaible, if it is intended or not.
3. How is uncapped grind more forceful way of playing? No one forces you to have to grind more than the daily. You say have a low drop rate item that adds to it that is the uncap bonus, that is what people are asking for. The daily cap is a cap on those drops. To borrow from your example the issue with the cap is the same as if you capped the number of droplets you can get from mobs. So unless I am misunderstanding you which if I please let me know. You have said that having low drop rate sol erda that is not capped is an option just make it a low drop rate. Is that not what the no cap people want? Being able to farm for the low drop rate sol erda?
4.I am not saying get rid of the daily. Keep the daily quests but get rid of the cap on drops. They are two separate things. Why can't we do the same thing as Maple SEA where you can have the dailies AND be able to farm the sol erda if you so choose to.
5. Again the question is when will these improvements be made? Why are we GMS the only server being pushed to take the content slow. As I have said Maple SEA has the daily quest for sol erda and NO daily drop cap as far as we know. KMS has no daily drop cap but no daily so if they nerf the drop rate that while undesirable at least would make sense because the daily quest would compensate a little bit for the low drop rate.
Why does it matter that sweaty players are maxing out their sixth jobs? They are putting in the time to grind it out so they should be rewarded for their time. What you are asking for, at least to me, is like saying you and a sweaty player work the same job. You work for an hour while the sweaty player works for 12 but you want to be paid the same amount of money. That is completely unfair to the person putting in 12 hours to be paid the same thing that you do for an hour. To put it simply its like the person who put in 12 hours only gets paid for 1 which if you said that to someone working a job they would quit. That's 11 hours of unpaid time.
I get the point of starting slow but making the INTIAL time line be 625 days minimum assuming you can do all weeklies up to kalos is horrendous. How many new or returning players would want to see that? Or are willing to wait that long for the possibility of it become faster?
Your point of oh its only 30 mins to do dailies why not just log in for 30 mins, is one of those your trying to fit everyone into the same box. People might not have those 30 mins with real life commitments, what if they work 2 jobs or have a 12 hour work schedule. I understand wanting more people to become daily active users and not burning themselves out but this is not the way to go about it by imposing a cap and basically saying if you don't log in for a day you are already behind.
This does not even the playing field between daily users and sweaty players if anything it can cause an even bigger gap between users. What if something comes up and you can't play for a few days or you go on vacation for a week and you don't play maplestory. That's progression lost that could easily be caught up by just grinding the game normally if there is no cap.
You end with saying yes have a uncapped drop system that is what people want. The daily cap is a cap on that rare drop. Unless I am completely misunderstanding you why are you for the cap but also not for the cap.