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Remove the Sol Erda Cap


  • Member heehaw69
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    L change. won't be spending any more money on this game till this is reverted.
  • Member Elphabetz
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    The cap was extremely poorly thought out. Adding another 2 years' worth of dailies in order to max the skills of a character is simply ridiculous. One of the biggest updates to ever hit your game and you're finding a way to botch it.
  • Member DuskGuard
    Reactions: 1,465
    Posts: 52
    edited November 2023
    Elphabetz wrote: »
    The cap was extremely poorly thought out. Adding another 2 years' worth of dailies in order to max the skills of a character is simply ridiculous. One of the biggest updates to ever hit your game and you're finding a way to botch it.

    This change, even if it's a beta build that they were just testing out, just goes to show how disgusting Nexon's design philosophy is. They want this game to be tedious, they want you to be inconvenienced if it means you'll play longer.
  • Member, Private Tester IMMOrtal975
    Reactions: 700
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2023
    Nexon should highly reconsider these new age nerfs ASAP. I just got the news from other channels and was highly exited about new age of Maplestory. Now it feels like the game i have been grinding daily for past decade becomes more and more like daily guest simulator... If nexon wants new players to enter, then stop making this same so hard to approach.. There are things such as spawn boost totems which is something where nexon dug its own hole and now its impossible to climb out of.. these are neither in the game or removed from the game and replaced some how. We who have played this game over a decade know, that playing the farm game is next to impossible how much time you need to level up.. Blocking the discussion about these topics in the twitch stream was low blow and cowardly move.
    The upcoming new job is a welcome change, replacing oz ring source is welcome.. but for the love of god, i hope the extra hard boss box loot pool is a typo of lvl1-4 instead of 3-4. I know you guys want us to spent as much time with this game, but there is a limit how much community allows you to bend the rules in last possible notice.

    Kind regards the last remaining Finnish player in GMS Aurora.

  • Member LittleJeff
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    remove the cap or ill cry...
    no real point to play on Hyperion.... 2 years to max out 6th job sounds rough and that's just for ONE character... good bye making alts
  • Member firestar555
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Please don't implement this cap
  • Member MageGirl
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 14
    edited November 2023
    For players who like to grind, the Sol Erda cap is a horrible change. It gives them less reason to grind. For players who like to boss, the Oz ring change is awful because even if they do manage to get a white box drop, the likelihood they’ll get anything good is significantly lower. For players in regular servers, instanced maps, as far as we can tell, significantly nerfs our training because frenzy service will no longer exist. Not to mention how much our economy will be affected by the lack of frenzy to help us up our Meso gain, and less good Oz rings available with the Oz box change in general.

    Who do these changes benefit? Dailies players? Well even they tend to play more than 30 minutes. The new hyper burn in New Age is to 260, so even a dailies player could have multiple characters that need Sol Erda, but the cap is per world. So the changes are bad for dailies players as well.

    All players are affected by these changes, and they’re negative for all of us. For a company that has been trying to increase their foothold in the West, supposedly, you’re shooting yourselves in the foot. Flashy ads and free stuff can only get you so much. We as players will spread the news of how little Nexon cares, and Maplestory will continue to be the cute little MMORPG that very few outside of Korea have ever heard of. Sad, so much potential there wasted.
  • Member JohnWlkr
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Isn't Wonki directing GMS as well now?

    What are you doing brother? Please stop trying to overcomplicate things, you're not reinventing the wheel here man. Take a hint and don't fix what's not broken...
  • Member VikingGMS
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    this change is going to kill reg servers and make gms as a whole no longer a game where people can chose how they want to progress. it is going to force EVERY player to just do their dailies and weeklies and nothing else. one of the best things about maple in reg and reboot, WAS that you can progress how you want. You want to just do dalies and weeklies? thats fine hf. you want to grind for hours upon hours? go for it. now the people who love to grind in maple are getting screwed. thank you Nexon for ruining my personal favorite thing about Maplestory, a choice.
  • Member Shim
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    This is just straight nonsense, simply put. Spending my money somewhere else.
  • Member Toshironin
    Reactions: 310
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This is completely unacceptable.
  • Member 2ndHour
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I'm a more casual player and this change is crazy to me. Even if I don't do all dailies, i love getting on the weekend and grinding hard to catch up - eg. 8 hour node grind sesh's. This change completely destroys that and permanently puts me behind everyone else - PLEASE REVERT
  • Member FreeDan
    Reactions: 810
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2023
    someone please tell why we have to be TIME GATED on a JOB Update? Makes zero sense, I was going to swipe for MVP red for black friday but not anymore. This is ridiculous and the frenzy nerf, box drop nerf, I don't get why we have so many nerfs compared to KMS?
  • Member Graendal
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    How long will Nexon keep lying to us? We are suppossed to be moving to a more "KMS alligned" state of the game. Instead we are receiving huge nerfs to events, content, etc, while also ruining frenzy which has been keeping reg servers on life support and will probably be the death of them. This is honestly insulting to the playerbase.
  • Member FreeDan
    Reactions: 810
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2023
    To add to this, we do NOT WANT TO BE KMS. We are GMS we have a tiny player base compared to KMS so our markets are trash, they need more players and now they are losing even more players long term with these 6th job changes. Why can't they buff reg server, we have been losing people to reboot for years now we need reg server to be easier not harder than reboot.
  • Member Xryru
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I can't play daily and I won't force my gametime to not be left behind... let players play whenever they want it is not that hard
  • Member SidStill
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    if y'all really want nexon to listen you should try and meet some nexon investors and tell them what's about to happen to their big earner. logging off in boycott isn't going to hurt nexon's bottom line imo. if nexon stock tanks however they'll be a LOT more worried than anything else we can do to get their attention. js
  • Member ArtAngel
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    what's the point of buying a vac pet if we can only grind 20 minutes a day now? locking 6th job skill progression behind a daily cap and timegate is so dumb it literally ruins the game for so many players..
  • Member Yazzir
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    daily cap on sol erda is meaningless, to cap player's progression in this game by giving time-gated is a bad idea, this has already been proven on KMS, if same restriction is applied to KMS, then people are guaranteed get mad. GMS keep making game close to KMS but not making it properly. suck a bad move.
  • Member darik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited November 2023
    I was very hyped and motivated to check this new age update but after looking at the exp nerf, instanced maps screwing reg servers, sol erda cap and oz boxes nerf, i got so disappointed im not motivated anymore, one of the best hypes i have had since 5th job got released went down the drain and now it has become "another meh patch with more and more nerfs" . I was so hyped to play hours on end but after what I saw, Ill keep logging in for 30mins and log off, cuz whats the point in playing more, who cares about end game anymore, who cares about anything to be honest, I would rather spend my time on a game that treats me better.