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Remove the Sol Erda Cap


  • Member happycows
    Reactions: 1,140
    Posts: 73
    edited November 2023
    Nexon try to release a big anticipated update without hurting players and dropping surprise nerfs [challenge impossible]
  • Member skull1can
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Honestly if these changes go through, I am definitely quitting. Not because of the time gate, but mainly because of how disappointed I am in Nexon. You guys know EXACTLY what you’re doing, you’re well aware of ALL the problems in the game. You guys don’t give two
  • Member MrCasoria
    Reactions: 120
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    20+ year old game and they are still making decisions to push away players. Shame.
  • Member Chiclipse
    Reactions: 1,095
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
    Limiting Sol Erda energy even as a short-term fix for trying to control the player intake of 6th job resources was arguably one of the worst methods, and changes to the Oz Ring box drops are simply unnecessary.

    Rather than directly addressing objective reasoning behind the lack of communication of how Frenzy Totems and Familiars will be treated in the foreseeable future, banning the words in the livestream and limiting access to the community discord was also arguably poor damage control.

    The majority of players are interacting with the understanding that there cannot be full transparency and that CMs do not have immediate answers to most of these problems, but the choice to remove the right to even mention the topics was inevitable fuel to the fire.

    The fact that the 6th job advancement as a whole was delayed with no communication, and that the playerbase only learned of these changes in contents due to the content creators and not from any official source, is creating severe uneasiness and frustration within the community.

    I, alongside many others, will be waiting for an official response next week, and we hope that you do not take our sentiments lightly.
  • Member sewageplayer
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    pls no regular sever instanced maps.
  • Member Joeru
    Reactions: 1,140
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2023
    im a grinder and this is bad for me and for a lot of ppl
  • Member Rawbie
    Reactions: 850
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
    NO to a daily Soul Erda cap

    NO to nerfing ring boxes before they are even released

    NO to censoring community discussion on topics that the community is passionate about, like Familiar cards in grandis etc.

    Seeing Nexon blocking discourse makes it look like Nexon couldn't care less.
  • Member LucianaXAegina
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2023
    I'm a pretty casual player here with limited time to play everyday. I generally like the direction of Maplestory moving towards quick daily quests to progress over long periods of grinding. But this Sol Erda cap is way too low in my opinion. I understand that maybe Maplestory team is trying to combat botters from farming these Sol Erdas when 6th job arrives, but currently the cap is unreasonably low.

    They should either increase the cap where an average job that can farm about 12k mobs/hr 200% drop rate can reach the cap within 4-6hrs or remove the cap completely.

    To me it seems like the 400 cap can be completed within a short amount of time which is too low.
  • Member YourGrandy
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    As someone working in the gaming industry, I know this is your reverse marketing strategy, and your goal has been achieved. So reversion is inevitable, right? Don't let me down, forever love you Nexon.
  • Member AttaBoss
    Reactions: 700
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Please stop this sol erda cap and fix the ring box levels....
  • Member Fried_Rice
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2023
    I am here to support the fellow GMS maplers! Why do we have a limit when KMS does not? Please reconsider and remove the sol erda cap!
  • Member Jaepy
    Reactions: 420
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This is such a bad change that benefits nobody. What's the reasoning for this cap? Let the players grind as much as they want instead of limiting them to 20 minutes per day.
  • Member FreeTempo
    Reactions: 1,385
    Posts: 24
    edited November 2023
    Remove the cap. and fix DB while you're at it
  • Member ProjectWyvern
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
    Why is GMS the only server that has a cap? About 620 days to finish ONE character with the current number of skills? I understand wanting to make the game friendlier to new players or casual players but this is not fair to the people who want to grind. This change removes a player's choice on how they want to play the game in certain aspects. Also adding in that since the daily cap is once per account, that means that you are forcing your players to choose which character they want to use for 6th job which again is taking away a players choice in how to play the game and hurts players that have multiple characters at 260 and want to get 6th job for them.
    Edit: This is a big point I wanted to mention but, why are these changes being made silently? I understand not wanting to reveal everything to the players, but making big changes without explanation or notice and are only seen right before the patch causes distrust and resentment from the players. You have said you want to have clarity between development and the players, this would count as NOT transparent. Hidden changes such as the meso shop price increase, jett removal, and many others have sowed the seeds of mistrust. This sol erda, oz ring box change was not the first instance of this, it was just the catalyst that sparked the embers.
    Until these changes are address and reverted I can not play this game without the sense of dread and resentment. I love this game and have been playing it for over 15 years. Normally I don't voice my complaints however due to all these silent changes and the clear message that the communication between players and you is not transparent I could not stay silent any longer.
    I want to end this post saying I don't blame the CMs and I don't even blame some of the developers that just work on the game because they have limited power in the decisions that go on. I will say to the people who do make these decision, please I beg you to at the very least think about being more transparent in the reasoning about these changes and do not hide behind the line that you want GMS to align more with KMS, give actual unique reasons for the changes you make. Start to actually rebuild the trust with us, the players. Because I know that most of the people who work on the game want the game to do well and for everyone to enjoy the game.
  • Member BIGSTACKX
    Reactions: 220
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I was under the assumption that Nexon was trying to align the North American server to match the Korean servers; I mean isn't that why they removed Jett? But to create a daily cap on Sol Erdas, increase the variance of OZ ring drop boxes, and create meso-inflation on event items is ridiculous! Why do KMS players have the luxury to invest their time into progressing as fast as possible while GMS does not have the ability to do so? The audacity of Nexon to create these parameters and directly punish their most dedicated players/consumers is nefarious work. Do better Nexon.
  • Member Casshyrn
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This one of the first times I have ever truly felt like I needed to complain about a change. The cap to Sol Erda absolutely needs to be removed and the Oz boxes need to changed back to what they originally were. These changes have killed all sense of hype I and the majority of players had for the New Age update. It truly feels as though we as a community are constantly being disrespected by this company.
  • Member sthormes
    Reactions: 800
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    These are absurd and take away the interest of the players to continue, they are killing the game
  • Member TurtlesRock
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 96
    edited November 2023

    I am with you.
  • Member Destellos
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 15
    edited November 2023
    this is becoming Stone Age Update, or how some people is calling it, Sewage update, Nexon needs to start playing Maplestory, Remove Daily cap, doesn't matter if people don't grind all day everyday, but give us the option to do it if we decide to make it happen, DO NOT nerf boxes different from kms, nexon do update their game trying to get gms closer to kms but then they nerf it even worst, hopping community and their players say nothing about it, no wonder current CEO is stepping out of his postilion? its a question; we need ring boxes to have iqual chance to kms at least, or provide another way to aquire such boxes, that would make up for it. instance maps are a bad idea, cause that starts shifting the game into more of a solo 100% game, next time you know we wont be able to even do bosses with our friends, please nexon start playing your game Maplestory
    remove that daily cap where you can only get certain amount of sol erda as well
    also remove the code in the game where if you lose conection even for 1 second the game disconects you from it right away, which makes it frustrating since many people uses wifi, and also makes it for you to lose all your buffs, they already codes so we don't lose wealth acquisition potion, why cant you make it so you dont lose any buff?
  • Member Zoul
    Reactions: 310
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Disgusting change, takes away all the hype of the patch.